Insulation specialist Actis joined dozens of Jewson staff from branches across the North of England this month as they walked 130 miles from Widnes to Hull – and raised £30,000 for charity.
It was one of a number of Jewson suppliers which provided activities and information along the route.
Actis regional sales director Jemma Harris and area sales managers Karolina Taylor and Louise South manned stands on three of the five days on which the event took place, inviting the Jewson team, their customers and passers by to try their hands at installing Hybris into a mock timber frame in exchange for an Actis branded T-shirt.
The event saw staff from 13 branches and seven business units take part, with the proceeds being shared between two charities.
Long-estabished Barnardo’s cares for vulnerable children, while Band of Builders helps members of the construction industry when times get tough, through projects, advice and support.
Andy Sunter, Jewson business unit director for Region N7, tried his hand at installing Actis Hybris in a mock-up timber frame wall along the route of a 130-mile Monster Walk which saw Jewson staff raise £30,000 for charity.