How to nail your next real estate job interview

Job interviews are loved by some and loathed by others but whichever category you fall into, a few tips to help you along the way never hurt. When it comes to real estate job interviews, it’s especially important that you do your best to communicate as effectively as possible, as this is going to be such a big part of the role if you do get it. Here we are going to explore some ways for you to nail your next real estate job interview.

Fail to Prepare, Prepare to Fail…

Preparation is absolutely key for most job interviews, but particularly so with real estate ones. The market is saturated so you’re likely to be up against a lot of other candidates. So, you’re going to want to understand the company that you’re having an interview with and how they work – for example, check out how Compass real estate makes money here. Oftentimes, you will be asked what you already know about the business and why you want to work for them, so make sure to have thorough answers prepared for this type of question.

This leads us on to practice questions. Create a list of questions you could be asked and write down strong answers. There are so many resources online that can help you with possible questions and good answers to go with them. However, you do need to ensure you’re not just copying and pasting – make your answers personalized to you. You also need to consider the skills needed for the role, as specified in the job advertisement. Study this and ensure that you highlight how well you match up to the skills needed when prompted in the interview.

Try Your Best to Relax

Although it’s easier said than done, in a real estate interview you are essentially selling yourself, which is an integral part of the role you’re applying for – real estate roles usually revolve around sales. So, a few tips on how to feel as relaxed and comfortable in your interview are as follows:

●      Take long, deep breaths in through the mouth and out through the nose. This should lower your heart rate.

●      Take your time and think over your answers – this will show you’re taking care and consideration over your words.

●      Get a good night of sleep beforehand so that you wake up fresh and ready. Make sure to get a good breakfast in too so that you’re not distracted by a rumbling stomach.

●      Give yourself plenty of time to get to the interview (if it’s in person) so that you’re not rushed and stressed unnecessarily. Being punctual is also a desirable quality you want to be able to show off to your prospective employer.

●      Fake it until you make it – if you are nervous, try to channel that into excitement. Tell yourself how much you’re looking forward to the interview to try to trick your brain. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself, if you don’t get it, it’s all good experience and you can learn something from it.

Interviews get easier the more you have, so don’t be disheartened if it doesn’t work out straight away. You will improve and you will find a job that is right for you. Fingers crossed!

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Issue 325 : Feb 2025