The Importance Of Green Areas In Housing Developments 

Property development companies are always keen to extract as much space from a development plot as possible. This will inevitably mean covering as much of the area in housing as they can. The reason for this is fairly obvious; the more houses available, the more they can sell. Thus, the more money is made from the housing development. 

However, it is vitally important that green areas aren’t neglected when developing new housing estates. While the intention could be to provide as many new homes as possible, it is often better to sacrifice some plots for green patches of land instead. From here, these green areas can be turned into a communal park or garden for residents to enjoy. Developers can even give the new residents a few options or ask for suggestions as to what to do with it. Even something as simple as a green open field to walk dogs or play sports will be beneficial for the wider community. 

In fact, green areas in property developments are becoming more and more important to implement. Why? Let’s find out.

Entice families to the development

The majority of people purchasing homes in a new housing development will be families. People are looking for a new place to live and settle down with their children. Or, they have kids on the way and foresee this new housing estate as a great place to watch them grow up. 

Consequently, having green areas can attract families to your property development. You are showing that there are places within this housing estate for kids to go outside and play. For parents, this is so important as it means they can properly imagine their children living here, playing with neighbours, etc. 

Not only that, but nearby green areas can also attract families with pets, giving them a close place to take dogs for a walk. It is simply a more attractive proposition to live somewhere with a few wide open spaces than it is to live in a housing development full of other buildings and nothing else. 

It’s good for the environment

Property developers need to think about the consequences of building new houses and the impact this has on the environment. Therefore, implementing some green spaces can be beneficial for the planet. It reduces the amount of building materials used, cutting the carbon footprint of the whole operation. 

Of course, the key is to use eco-friendly materials when nurturing these green spaces – such as chicken manure to help the soil become healthy and grow luscious green grass. Planting trees and other plants in the green areas can also be a way to combat a lot of the timber than might be used to build the houses. 

Effectively, these green spaces can be a way to give back to the environment and minimise thenegative impact your property development has had. 

Whichever way you look at it, green areas are becoming a crucial element of housing developments. No longer can property developers fill the land with buildings and more buildings. Space needs to be left for green places to flourish!

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Issue 325 : Feb 2025