Industry comes together to develop first national occupational standard for hydrogen
Industry comes together to develop first national occupational standard for hydrogen

Standard will help maintain safety and performance amid shift to net-zero

Stakeholders from across industry have collaborated to develop the UK’s first-ever national occupational standard (NOS) for the production, storage and transportation of hydrogen.

As industry strives towards ambitious net-zero targets, hydrogen is set to play a crucial role in decreasing carbon emissions and the transition to greener, more sustainable forms of energy.

In its role as leading skills specialist for the science and technology sector, Cogent Skills has supported employers by facilitating the development of the NOS. The steering group which developed the standard was chaired by the Tank Storage Association and included representatives from Cadent Gas, XPO Logistics, Downstream Oil Distribution Forum and Progressive Energy.

The NOS has potential applications in a range of professions in industries including – but not limited to – the energy sector. It can form the foundation for qualifications used in apprenticeship frameworks, job descriptions for new roles, training and appraisals for existing staff – and help prospective staff when searching for jobs which match their skills and experience, among other uses.

The hydrogen NOS has been approved by relevant authorities across the UK and will be developed further into qualification and apprenticeships.

Executive Director of the Tank Storage Association, Peter Davidson, said: “Hydrogen will play a critical role in helping the UK achieve its net-zero ambitions by 2050. New infrastructure – from production and storage to import and processing facilities for hydrogen carriers – will be required to meet the future predicted demand.

“A competent workforce will be key to the successful and safe operation of these facilities. The Tank Storage Association fully supports the development of National Occupational Standards in this area to ensure that those competency demands are met.”

Chief Executive of Cogent Skills, Justine Fosh, said:Cogent Skills is proud to have played its part in developing this important new standard. The hydrogen NOS will support new apprenticeships across the UK in a field which is set to becoming increasingly important as we all work together to reduce our carbon emissions and tackle the climate crisis.”

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 | The Choice of Industry Professionals

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Issue 325 : Feb 2025