Leading groundworks and drainage supply specialist Civils Store is the latest infrastructure materials distributor to recognise the advantages of StormTech, the world leading stormwater management system from Advanced Drainage Systems Inc. (ADS). StormTech will now be available ex-stock from Civils Store.
With Schedule 3 of the Flood & Water Management Act 2010, requiring developers to seek adoption of all their Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS), expected to be implemented next year, the importance and accessibility of effective stormwater storage and attenuation systems is only set to increase. With Civils Store now stocking StormTech, a versatile and effective alternative to crates, ADS’s globally popular products can now be more readily sourced throughout Civil Store’s UK branch network.
Combining arch-shaped chambers with an innovative, integrated water quality treatment system, StormTech has been used successfully in over 50,000 projects worldwide employing in excess of 3m units.
Featuring a range of chamber sizes and its unique Isolator Row, providing ‘first flush’ cleansing and treatment of storm water run-off, StormTech is especially suited to applications requiring minimum cover, installation under trafficked areas and fast construction. As units are stackable, minimal space is required for storage and transport.
StormTech fully complies with the recently updated Design and Construction Guidance for foul and surface water sewers (DCG), meaning that water companies in England can accept StormTech when offered for adoption by developers under Section 104 Agreements in accordance with the Water Industry Act 1991.
Additionally, structural modelling to Eurocodes has demonstrated that StormTech SuDS attenuation chambers can be installed to the minimum and maximum cover depths detailed within the standard ADS installation guidelines, originally based on US standards.
Kevin Hancock, Civils Store Managing Director, says of the new partnership with ADS, “We have enjoyed great success with StormTech on a buy-to-order basis, and with the huge increase in interest in StormTech and with Schedule 3 just round the corner, it makes perfect sense for us to bring StormTech into stock at our depots. Our first shipment is to Kent, then into Somerset, with other branches to follow.”
For details of Civil Store branches, and to get a quotation, please visit bit.ly/civilsstore.
For more information on Advanced Drainage Systems’ StormTech, including a handy Design Tool and Installation App or to book a CPD, go to www.adspipe.co.uk.

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