Rising Humidity prompts warning for construction sites
Rising Humidity prompts warning for construction sites

Rising humidity averages could have the potential to cause disruption to projects across UK construction cities, power and temperature control solutions company, Aggreko  has warned.

Statistics from World Weather Online [1]show that humidity averages have increased in major UK cities such as London[2] and Birmingham compared to last year’s figures following a rise in rainfall over summer.

This has led to humidity numbers sitting well above the recommended levels of between 40-60% on a construction site, with Birmingham having an average of 75% and London having an average of 63%.

Aggreko says this is concerning as the UK heads towards the end of the year, where typically humidity tends to rise even higher, causing costly damage and delays on construction sites if not properly mitigated.

As humidity rises, concern often falls on building materials and structures onsite suffering moisture damage, particularly for luxury residential developments and historical buildings. Compounding this issue, Tom Adlington – UK Sector Sales Manager for Building Services and Construction, is warning that further preventable damage and cost could be coming from incorrect drying and moisture control procedures on sites.

Tom explains: “With the UK’s recent unpredictable weather, it is more important than ever to be on top of humidity. Moisture in buildings and on construction sites is inevitable, which makes correctly removing it an incredibly important part of the process.

“However, many companies aren’t making the correct decisions when it comes to moisture and are not making the necessary considerations to remove it entirely. This can cause irreparable damage and huge costs for all stakeholders; alongside the potential harm it can do to reputations within the industry.”

To support construction site managers and contractors as the UK enters the humid months, Aggreko is reinforcing information on overcoming moisture challenges in the report entitled ‘The Hidden Cost of Humidity on Site’. The guide details issues surrounding temperature and moisture control and looks at how sites can prevent problems arising from the increased humidity and the damage from any improper drying procedures.

The report also reveals misconceptions over the most cost-effective solutions to drying a site in a controlled way. Construction companies often opt for an electrical heater on hire over a dehumidifier, even though it might not be as cost-effective. With further damage to the building and materials at stake – along with fines for any delays in the balance – the report provides a best practice framework for construction managers to deal with humidity and moisture on site.

Tom continues: “What may seem the quickest and easiest solution at the time could cause changes to the composition of materials within a building, resulting in longer term damage and large delays for repair work. As humidity is set to rise over the coming months, it may be practical for construction managers and contractors to have strategies in place to deal with moisture on sites in a controlled way. Partnering with temperature control specialists like Aggreko can also ensure the correct equipment level is in place on site and moisture is dealt with in a controlled and monitored manner.”

For more information and to download the report, visit: www.aggreko.com/humidity

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