Polypipe Building Services helps transform former London bus depot
Polypipe Building Services helps transform former London bus depot

Polypipe Building Services secured an order for more than 4,000 prefabricated drainage stacks to help transform an historic London site which is being redeveloped by Telford Homes. 

Mechanical and electrical contractor I-MEX (M&E) Ltd selected Terrain FUZE Stax for the Alperton Bus Depot site, a mixed-use development in Brent comprising of three high-rise blocks of commercial, residential, and affordable housing providing 461 homes. The development is due to be completed by June 2025.

Terrain FUZE Stax significantly reduces installation times in large-scale drainage stack projects. This is because as a prefabricated solution covering the most common configurations of kitchens, bathrooms, and utility rooms, it removes the time spent on repetitive cutting and welding jobs or assembling loose components.

Being available to order through distributors meant I-MEX (M&E) Ltd were able to order product and have it delivered within a month of them starting work on site.

Terrain FUZE Stax onsite

Robert Bruce, Polypipe Building Services Technical Sales Manager for London, said: “I-MEX (M&E) Ltd were looking for a versatile drainage stack, and liked the fact that Terrain FUZE Stax offers two four-way bosses on the same stack and can be used in multiple situations. 

“The fast turnaround needed to keep up with the build program made Terrain FUZE Stax an ideal choice because we keep these in stock with our distributors so there’s a short lead time. 

“We also worked out a complete delivery schedule with them which means their installation team can call down so many floors for delivery to site at a time through their distributor as they need them. 

“The fact Stax come in two parts makes them easy to install, especially where fire collars are already fitted into the slab. Previously I-MEX (M&E) Ltd had been cutting stacks in two to fit them then fabricate them back together. 

“Now they are installing Stax so quickly at a level per day that we’ve had to speed up their delivery schedule. Our Advantage team has also helped adapt the Terrain FUZE Stax being used in the bathrooms because I-MEX (M&E) Ltd needed a ring seal fitting to one of the outlets.”

To give the installation team complete peace of mind Polypipe Building Services were able to conduct a site visit to check the standard of the drainage product installation and produce a report for I-MEX (M&E) Ltd to present to Telford Homes. This is increasingly being requested by responsible contractors from construction product manufacturers following the implementation of the Building Safety Act.

Dan Smailes, Commercial Director Prefabrication at I-MEX (M&E) Ltd, said: “Prefabrication is at the forefront of what I-MEX (M&E) Ltd have been doing over the last seven years, and the introduction of Polypipe FUZE Stax came at the perfect time for us to be able to utilise it on this project.

“We have previously worked alongside Polypipe Building Services to complete traditional prefabrication pieces on other projects using their standard drainage stacks and had adjusted them to make installation easier, but moving forward we will continue to use the two-part FUZE Stax on all our sites.”

For more information about the commercial drainage products and prefabrication service at Polypipe Building Services go to www.polypipe.com/this-is-our-terrain 

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Issue 327 : Apr 2025