Two property and energy experts have today launched Hertford Birch, a specialist energy commercialisation consultancy.
Co-founded by Richard Price and Ben Smith, the firm aims to provide strategic advice and brokerage services to help landlords and operators commercialise power across their assets.
Operating across the UK, Hertford Birch will act as a delivery partner for electric vehicle (EV) charging projects and energy deals, looking to capture the unrealised potential for income generation from energy in commercial spaces.
The group will also act as a strategic advisor to landlords, offering advice on supply challenges with the aim of minimising risks for new and existing sites across the country.
Backed by investment firm Spire Ventures, the founding team have over 20 years of collective experience serving major institutions and landlords across retail, leisure, and commercial assets. The pair also have first hand operational experience of working with UK-based EV charging operators, including Ospreys, Connected Kerb, and most recently, Syzygy.
Richard Price said: “Demand for EV and energy infrastructure is far outpacing supply and this is true across all commercial asset types, presenting a prime opportunity for landlords and asset managers to secure attractive, long-term revenue streams from power. The market potential is huge, and we’re seeing unprecedented demand from landlords to help them navigate the complexities of pricing, process and operational challenges to integrate energy assets into their portfolios on deals that deliver stable, risk-mitigated income
“In real estate terms, the energy deals that we’re able to secure today for unrentalised car parking bays can provide rental income consistent with, if not outperforming, that of a traditional F&B deal on the same site – and with significantly less risk and minimal capital contribution.”
Ben Smith added: “Landlords face hugely complex challenges in managing their energy assets and minimising connectivity or capacity risks. The energy supply gap is growing steadily as record numbers of organisations are engaging with the grid to secure power connections; struggling to keep up with demand for energisation projects across the UK, the grid connection queue can mean a 10 year wait.
“Securing reliable capacity with clarity on connection dates is today as critical to project timelines and feasibility as any other part of the construction or asset management programme. Working with private networks is an opportunity to significantly reduce operational cost and carbon footprint, as our clients look to us to help expedite the energisation of assets and optimise their energy infrastructure.”
Hertford Birch is currently instructed on EV Charging and Private Networks commercialisation projects on behalf of institutional landlords, REITs, occupiers and private capital investors across retail parks, shopping centres and leisure assets, MSPs and industrial, logistics, and commercial workspace sites UK-wide.
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