Construction has commenced on a £300m expansion project at HMP Highpoint in Suffolk, set to deliver 741 new category C prison places as part of the government’s wider plan to create 14,000 additional spaces by 2031.
The development will introduce three four-storey houseblocks alongside key facilities, including a healthcare building, workshop, teaching spaces, and additional kitchen capacity. Several existing structures, such as the gym and gatehouse, will also undergo upgrades.
A key focus of the project is social value, with initiatives to provide apprenticeships, employment for former prisoners, and training programmes aimed at upskilling inmates.
Modern construction methods are being utilised to improve efficiency, reduce carbon emissions, and accelerate project delivery. Standardised designs are being implemented to ensure the highest standards of quality, security, and sustainability. The scheme also aims to achieve a 10% Biodiversity Net Gain.
Major stakeholders involved in the project include Mace, Pick Everard, Baker Hicks, Gleeds, and Prism Offsite Manufacturing, with key trade contractors such as Moortown, Gallagher, Trident Electrical, Munnelley, Green Shield, and HSH contributing to the build.
The new prison wings are expected to be completed by summer 2027, with prisoners set to move in shortly after.
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