Eight quick changes to improve warehouse security

Warehouses can be a common target for criminals – if they are not properly secured, they represent an opportunity for someone to get in and steal stock, equipment, or even sensitive data such as financial information. Thankfully, however, with warehouse security there are many small changes that you can make

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Preventing Employee Theft on Construction Sites

Within the UK, the construction sector loses £400 million per year on average due to theft of site equipment and other crimes. According to research into construction site crime held by the Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB), around 92% of site managers report facing issues with theft on a weekly,

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Steps to take when a victim of fly-tipping

Fly-tipping incidents are causing people headaches throughout the UK, with those with farm land facing problems in particular as those breaking the law see the space as an opportunity to illegally dump waste instead of seeking out authorised methods. Are you a victim of fly-tipping? Lycetts, a specialist farm insurance

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Latest Issue
Issue 325 : Feb 2025


Eight quick changes to improve warehouse security

Warehouses can be a common target for criminals – if they are not properly secured, they represent an opportunity for someone to get in and steal stock, equipment, or even sensitive data such as financial information. Thankfully, however, with warehouse security there are many small changes that you can make that will constitute a huge difference. With a secure warehouse staff will feel safer, and you can have the peace of mind that your property has many deterrents against crime. Here we take a look at eight changes you can make to improve security at your warehouse. Install CCTV There is no doubt that CCTV is one of the most effective security measures for warehouses. Not only does having CCTV cameras ensure that you have a visual record of what happens in and around your premises in the event of a crime taking place. It also acts as a brilliant visual deterrent against vandalism, theft, and antisocial behaviour. Make sure that when you have your CCTV installed you also put up plenty of signs, alerting people to their presence. Use out-of-hours security patrols Of course, it is often the case that warehouses are most at risk when there are no staff on duty. This provides the opportunity for criminals to observe the property without being noticed by anyone, and means they can gain access to premises unopposed. This is why it can be a great idea to work with an external security provider to have out-of-hours security patrols. Add motion detecting lights Motion sensing lights might not sound like much of a boost to your warehouse security, but you might be surprised at the difference that they can make. Often it is more than enough for criminals skulking around your property to see a light come on – it stops them from being able to work in the dark. Additionally, these motion detectors can provide alerts to security personnel so that they can investigate the situation. Get security feedback from your team Perhaps one of the most important things that every warehouse owner could do to improve security is to get feedback from the people who are working there all day. It is your staff who will understand best the security challenges that the organisation faces, and areas of risk and vulnerability. It is a great idea to regularly speak to staff or even give them the opportunity to submit written ideas on what could be done to improve security at your warehouse. Limit access with fencing Sometimes it is the obvious things that make a difference to security. Fencing is visually striking and shows any member of the public where they are permitted to go and where they are not. This is another example of a security that acts a simple deterrent in the fact that it tells any potential criminal that your warehouse takes its security seriously. Fencing can be installed at obvious parts of your property to make it appear inaccessible to individuals. Introduce RFID-enabled ID badges Many warehouses utilise RFID (radio frequency identification) in order to track goods and items – and just as RFID can be used to track stock as it moves through your ware house, it can also be used to track staff. This can be a very effective way to maintain security at all times, as well as preventing theft and ensuring best practice. IDs also help you to understand if someone is in a part of the building that they shouldn’t be. Promote cyber security Remember that security is not just a physical matter. It is also important for your business to be secure from a cyber perspective. This means taking care of passwords, and providing staff with training on how to be secure when using internet-enabled devices in your warehouse. Hire a security specialist Of course, if you have specific concerns over security of you have experience a number of incidents, then it can actually be best to work with an external security specialist. They will be able to recommend a customised security operation that is suited to the exact needs of your business. This can be the way to ensure that your business premises are as secure as possible.

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Preventing Employee Theft on Construction Sites

Within the UK, the construction sector loses £400 million per year on average due to theft of site equipment and other crimes. According to research into construction site crime held by the Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB), around 92% of site managers report facing issues with theft on a weekly, monthly or yearly basis. Theft within construction is, therefore, a continuing problem, and smart site managers should be trying their best to address the issues and put the correct preventative measures in place to protect high-value plant and equipment. More often than not, theft is an opportunistic crime, which is why it is frequently carried out by onsite staff. Here, Millennium Security discusses several ways in which employee theft on construction sites can be minimised. Check certifications thoroughly Certified staff should be the only people able to work on a construction site, both for health and safety and security purposes. Carrying out frequent, full background checks will help ensure that every member of staff, contractor and supplier entering the premises has the correct accreditations to do so. Issuing smart CSCS cards guarantees that access is granted only to certified employees, and is an industry-recognised certification scheme within the construction sector. For added security purposes, many site managers choose to hire manned guards to watch over the site 24/7. If doing so, it is important to ensure they are correctly certified by the industry-known Security Industry Authority (SIA), which means they have been through proper training and can guard a site to the necessary standard. Report crimes promptly If a theft has taken place, it must be reported to the authorities as soon as possible, since the likelihood of finding stolen goods is higher when reported quickly. Moreover, reporting a theft is usually an obligatory step in the insurance claims process. Mark high-value plant and equipment Unsurprisingly, the recovery stats for stolen equipment are particularly low, and this is especially true where equipment is not easily identifiable. Characteristic values, therefore, enable police to better identify stolen goods. Marking equipment, noting down serial numbers and creating an on-site inventory, are all sensible ways to help identify and account for valuable tools and machinery. Moreover, there is now a central database which is run by the Construction Equipment and Registration Scheme (CESAR) and encourages site managers to tag all equipment and add it to the database, allowing for easier recovery when goods are stolen. By having identifiable features on all high-value equipment, you may also dissuade light-fingered employees from attempting to steal goods, as they may fear being caught. Restrict and monitor access Monitoring who is physically entering a construction site at all hours of the day is important, as it safeguards against unauthorised people gaining access. Manual checks can be time consuming and are often inefficient, particularly on large sites with a significant number of people coming in and out. As such, many site owners have now started investing in modern access control systems, which ensure that only the people who have authority to enter a site can do so. These systems are very advanced and also log how long a member of staff has remained on site, as well as whether a person is using an expired or fake CSCS card to try to enter. Other security systems which can be used to monitor staff access are CCTV and wireless video detection, both of which help maximise security and can assist in identifying crimes rapidly.

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Steps to take when a victim of fly-tipping

Fly-tipping incidents are causing people headaches throughout the UK, with those with farm land facing problems in particular as those breaking the law see the space as an opportunity to illegally dump waste instead of seeking out authorised methods. Are you a victim of fly-tipping? Lycetts, a specialist farm insurance provider, aims to assist as they have put together this comprehensive guide about what to do when someone has fly-tipped on your land… Understanding what is meant by fly-tipping Fly-tipping is when large items or rubbish is dumped onto land illegally as it is not licensed to receive them. There are many items which can be defined under the banner of fly-tipping, including a bin bag filled with rubbish, tyres, waste which has come from construction activities, mattresses, beds and garden waste. Allison Ogden-Newton, the chief executive at Keep Britain Tidy, has gone as far as to claim that fly-tipping has reached “crisis levels” across the UK. However, this much is indeed evident when analysing the results of a freedom of information request that was submitted by ITV News and reported on by The Daily Telegraph. In some of the nation’s council regions, the FOI request has found that the number of fly-tipping incidents has risen by more than a fifth year-on-year. For example, almost 40,000 reported incidents were recorded in the North London district of Haringey between November 2015 and December 2016, with more than 30,000 incidents also reported in Manchester over the same period. There are some council regions where fly-tipping cases have actually decreased. Unfortunately, the problem is nowhere near being completely solved in any UK region though. In Birmingham, for instance, the number of fly-tipping cases are down by 13 per cent between November 2015 and December 2016. However, the figure during this period was still recorded at 21,000 offences. “Fly-tipping is an epidemic, it’s reached crisis levels and something needs to be done about it,” points out Ms Ogden-Newton. “Local authorities are overwhelmed with instances of criminal fly-tipping and we need to address this urgently.” Scotland in particular is facing many problems with fly-tipping, adds James Cuthbertson, an account executive at Lycetts. Near to 61,000 fly-tipping incidents are recorded in this country every single year, Mr Cuthbertson has found. He commented: “The culprits tend to think of this practice as a victimless crime; but estimates put the cost to Scottish tax payers at £8.9 million a year to clear and dispose of tipped rubbish from council land. Farmers and other countryside custodians must meet the cost of clearing rubbish from private land themselves, at an average of £1,000 a time.” The punishment for fly-tipping Attempts have been made to try and stop those committing fly~tipping incidents from going ahead with the crime. According to figures obtained from the BBC, a total of 1,602 prosecutions for fly-tipping were carried out across England between 2016 and 2017. What’s more, 98 per cent of prosecutions made resulted in a conviction. During the same time period, councils across England served 56,000 fixed penalty notices in regards to cases of fly-tipping. The maximum penalty for fly-tipping is up to five years imprisonment and an unlimited penalty. It is also important to note that those who permit fly-tipping to take place on their land or any land that they rent will also be committing a fly~tipping offence. Mr Cuthbertson was keen to note though: “Fines of up to £40,000 can be imposed but, given budgetary constraints, the pursuit of fly tippers is well down the list of priorities of councils and the police. Furthermore, it is hard to gather evidence to bring a successful prosecution.” The approach to take when a fly-tipping victim First things first — you are responsible for cleaning up any rubbish which appears on your private property, with this being the case whether the items are from a fly-tipping incident or otherwise. Be cautious when handling waste that has appeared due to someone fly~tipping on your land though, as it might be hazardous. Therefore, bags and drums should not be opened and piles of soil should be a cause for alarm bells as the material could be contaminated or hiding dangerous material. Instead, aim to make a record of every detail you can about the waste you’ve discovered. This includes where you located the waste, as well as taking photographs if possible. After all details have been recorded, report the case of fly-tipping to your local authority: Those in England and Wales should head to this GOV.UK page and report fly-tipping by first entering the postcode where the waste has been discovered. Those in Scotland should report fly-tipping waste by either filling in a simple online form on or contacting Stopline directly by calling 0845 2 30 40 90. Those in Northern Ireland should head to and find details for their local council, who will be able to advise on the waste disposal sites and recycling centres based nearby for the safe and legal recycling or disposal of unwanted items. Secure all waste in a manner where it cannot be interfered with or added to once reported. There are some steps to take when the waste is taken away too. First and foremost, do not take the waste to a licensed site yourself unless you’re registered as a waste carrier. If hazardous waste has been identified, it should only be carried and then disposed of by someone who is licensed to deal with hazardous waste. Using someone else to remove the fly~tipping waste? Be sure to get appropriate documentation — it should include details about the waste and those who are taking it away — and keep all information about clearance and disposal costs safe, as these can be recovered in the event a successful prosecution is made against the crime committed. Mr Cuthbertson also advised: “In the event you wake one morning to find the midnight cowboys have paid you a visit, if the problem is severe, it is worth consulting with your

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