BDC Magazine


Why Injection Molding is Useful in Medical Industry

Generally, injection molding is a crucial method for producing different parts and products. Whenever mass production of parts is needed, injection molding has stood the test of time to be the only process viable. Injection molding is applicable in many industry areas. And probably one of the renowned uses is

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7 Things To Consider When Sourcing A Belt Conveyer System

Conveyor belt systems tend not to get a lot of credit, but choosing the wrong system could damage your productivity, cut your competitive edge and leave you with a large bill to pay to put your mistake right. Here are seven things that you should consider when sourcing a belt

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DealTrak Returns to Leeds Dock Base

DealTrak, the automotive techology specialist, is set to return to its Leeds Dock base later this year, as the AutoProtect Group business commits to keeping its city centre building. The technology platform, which connects automotive dealers’ finance, insurance and compliance processes, will return to the city centre tech, media and

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Helpful Tips for Buying Your First Milling Machine

A milling machine is a tool that forms strong metal items by deliberately removing material from a bigger part of the metal. They can be utilized to cut a variety of metals, and they can perform various applications to make a range of metal tools and parts. Milling machines are

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How CNC Milling Is Improving The Manufacturing Industry

Manufacturing businesses are always looking to increase efficiency and reduce waste. The modern manufacturing unit mostly comprises machinery, robotics, computers, and humans who all work in tandem to deliver the final product. The machines are primarily used to reduce the element of human involvement in the manufacturing process to increase

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The Differences Between Casting and Forging for Aerospace Construction

The aerospace and aviation industry is continuously changing, while the importance of creating reliable, safe parts remains essential to the industry’s advancement. New advancements in aviation directly affect how our military’s implement strategies, our commercial flights, and deliveries. Without high quality, expertly engineered parts, none of this would be possible.

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How Laser Cutting Works

There are endless methods in which someone can use to cut material. There are even multiple types of laser cutting that can be applied to a job. Lasers are not used solely for cutting. They can be used for drilling, marking, or engraving as well. What is Cutting with a

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High Precision Water Jet Cutting Applications At A Glance

Did you know that water jet cutting applications are one of today’s fastest growing precision machine processes? In an era of increased global competition and rapidly advancing industrial technology, companies need to embrace innovative new processes if they’re going to survive and thrive. Water jet technology boasts fast turnaround times,

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Tube Connectors: What Are They & What Do They Do?

Adding Strength And Sturdiness To Your Tubular Design Ensure your product design is entirely robust by using tube connectors to add the finishing touch. Tube connectors are the final part of a tubular design that acts to bind the finished product together. So, take for example a school chair made

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Roll Converting Equipment and Its Benefits

Since the beginning of time, humankind needed tools. They used tools to hunt, forage, make fire, and survive. It made everything so much easier, even in those early days. Since then, humans used tools and invented machines to help them in everyday activities and hard work. Exhausting physical labor has

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BDC 319 : Aug 2024


Why Injection Molding is Useful in Medical Industry

Generally, injection molding is a crucial method for producing different parts and products. Whenever mass production of parts is needed, injection molding has stood the test of time to be the only process viable. Injection molding is applicable in many industry areas. And probably one of the renowned uses is in the production of plastic parts for various services. In the medical industry, injection molding is one of the preferred techniques in production. The process sees the production of medical-grade plastics used in the medical devices, laboratory, and other facility equipment. But why is injection molding the best method in delivering these parts? The benefits associated with injection molding for medical parts are vast and depend on varied needs. Over time, medical supplies and other experts have concluded that medical injection molding for medical parts, devices, and components is highly effective in quality and specifications. Alongside those, this process also ensures the cost-effective and efficient production of these items.  Another concern someone may have is the exact application of medical injection molding. The truth is that they are many and include the production of beakers, test tubes, containers, implantable components, surgical equipment, and orthopedics.  Regardless of the specific area of application, these medical injection molding has always ensured the delivery of quality items.  Probably one of the issues that can be challenging is the considerations to have in mind when choosing medical plastic injection molding parts. Medical Injection Molding Considerations While it is true that medical injection molding is efficient in its class, the possibility of errors is always high. This is especially true whenever there aren’t any thorough plans in the production or whenever the expert handling the whole process is not experienced enough. It is also crucial to note that plastic injection molding for medical components is an essential process with very high failure chances. That is why users must consider several factors and issues in the planning, designing, and manufacturing of the parts. They include: FDA Regulations FDA regulations for cleanliness and sterility are very crucial for medical components. That is in the production process and the parts produced at the end of it all. Therefore, whenever anyone is looking to choose any item made through this process, it is an excellent idea to select a material that meets the set standards. That is not enough; it is also highly advisable for the seller or producer to showcase the documents supporting this.  ISO Certification and Compliance When it comes to ISO regulations, not a company or sector is left outside. In fact, if there were one industry that could never miss this, is the medical industry. At the lowest level, a facility specializing in medical components production must ensure compliance with ISO standards. These may include adherence to the different classes depending on the products being manufactured. The client and the manufacturing partner should be aware of the component’s standards in question and the intended application.  Material Properties The material in any device will inform much of its durability and strength. That is why when choosing a medical device or equipment, it is highly recommended that buyers go for products with specific physical properties to suit the applications. The materials can range from silicone, polycarbonate, polycarbonate, polyethylene, and polypropylene. Silicone is one of the best for the production of parts where flexibility is a crucial concern. This material is exceptional with its durability and biocompatibility. Nevertheless, some of the additional material properties to check on include but are not limited to the following.  Ability to Be Sterilized Every component of a medical injection molding must meet this requirement. The materials must be resistant to contamination and be sterilized to prevent harm to any human interaction. Everyone knows the level of infection a medical device can bring to people and so it makes perfect sense to ensure it can sterilize to reduce this. Suitability to Extreme Environment Another critical consideration the devices should meet is the ability to survive extreme conditions. For instance, the bio-implants must handle the challenging state of the human body, including durability when exposed to heat, corrosives, movements, and reliable operation. The good news, albeit, is that most medical injection molding parts meet this requirement. But that does not eliminate the possibility that there may be substandard products that don’t meet this class. Durability  Durability is another material property never to overlook. Easily breakable materials are not suitable for the medical industry. As such, it is highly recommended that someone goes for material with shatter and breakage resistance necessary in medical applications. 

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7 Things To Consider When Sourcing A Belt Conveyer System

Conveyor belt systems tend not to get a lot of credit, but choosing the wrong system could damage your productivity, cut your competitive edge and leave you with a large bill to pay to put your mistake right. Here are seven things that you should consider when sourcing a belt conveyor system for your business.  Your specification requirements  Whether you are shopping for a large or small conveyor belt, you need to take into consideration the length, width, height and weight of the product that your conveyer belt will be handling. In particular, the weight of your product will determine the motor sizing that you need and may also influence the curvature of the belt.  2. The production rate The production rate of most conveyor belts is measured per minute or per hour. Depending on the production rate that you need for your products, you may need to look at conveyor systems with a specific speed capability. Running your conveyer too slow could harm your productivity, but running it too fast could cause damage to your product and endanger your employees.  3. Process impact Part orientation is a significant concern in manufacturing and can dictate which conveyor belt you need or if you are going to require additional equipment to complete your material handling. A precision index converter is a good option to consider if part orientation is a key factor in your transportation process. If you are shifting pallets, then don’t forget to look into pallet conveyors that are outfitted with additional fixtures to help maintain a balanced orientation at all times.  4. The environment  Not all conveyor belt systems are suitable for all manufacturing environments. For example, some belts may malfunction if they encounter metal shavings from metal parts. To avoid costly repairs and downtime, be sure to take the environmental conditions of your operation into consideration when choosing your conveyer belt system.  5. The layout you need The layout of your belt system will also impact the material of the belt used and could rule out certain types of systems. If you are operating your conveyor belt on an incline or a decline, then often you will need to choose a stronger belt material to accommodate the extra force. If your belt system includes a lot of corners, then again, you will need to consider corner sections and additional features to ensure that your products remain on the right course and in the right orientation.  6. Safety  As with all equipment, another very important factor to consider is the safety of your belt system. Some belts come with built-in safety features, whereas others do not. To keep your employees safe, it is essential that you thoroughly research the relevant safety precautions and put safety measures in place to prevent accidents or injury.  7. Durability  Last, but not least, having found the perfect belt system for your product, you need to ensure that it is durable and maintainable in the long term. There may be cheaper belt options out there, but these will ultimately cost you more in the long run to replace, so do not be afraid of spending more at the outset to source a belt that is strong and easy to maintain.  So there you have it – seven things to consider when sourcing a belt conveyor system for your warehouse – do you have anything else to add? 

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DealTrak Returns to Leeds Dock Base

DealTrak, the automotive techology specialist, is set to return to its Leeds Dock base later this year, as the AutoProtect Group business commits to keeping its city centre building. The technology platform, which connects automotive dealers’ finance, insurance and compliance processes, will return to the city centre tech, media and creative cluster following the easing of lockdown measures, as it expects a surge in car sales post-Covid-19. “The role of the workplace has changed, it is no longer a space in which we are glued to our desks for eight hours a day, it is a place for collaboration, inspiration and socialising,” commented Allied London chief executive Michael Ingall. “Leeds Dock enables all of this, and is a destination which adds true value to a business and its working week. We’re thrilled to see the AutoProtect Group and DealTrak commit its future to Leeds Dock, and return to the workplace, when some businesses are abandoning the workplace – something which is in my opinion shortsighted, and detrimental in the long run.” DealTrak currently occupies a 5,300 sq ft space over two floors, with a balcony overlooking the waterfront, which is part of the Leeds Dock cluster, owned by Allied London. The property developer has created a water taxi service, in partnership with DealTrak, who created its TaxiTrak app. Allied London has welcomed back all of its Leeds Dock tenants and has assisted in the introduction of on-site safety measures, including screens, two-metre distance markers, additional cleaning, and hand sanitiser stations, as it helps the business cluster get back on track. “Leeds Dock is very much our technology hub and we are committed to retaining the building and supporting Allied London in the continued development of this great part of the city centre,” Matthew Briggs, chief executive at Autoprotect Group, added. “We have always had a flexible working policy at our Leeds office, and this will continue after lockdown restrictions are lifted. Offering our employees the choice of working from home or coming into our fantastic open plan office, allows us to honour our commitment to employee wellbeing.”

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Helpful Tips for Buying Your First Milling Machine

A milling machine is a tool that forms strong metal items by deliberately removing material from a bigger part of the metal. They can be utilized to cut a variety of metals, and they can perform various applications to make a range of metal tools and parts. Milling machines are likewise utilized for forming steel blocks that are utilized for tasks like coining and molding plastics. Milling machines come in various sizes from little to that requiring warehouse space to work. Milling machines have been around for quite a while, and they have consistently had the option to make exact and precise and cuts, however with the beginning of computer numeric control, they turned out to be considerably useful. They can drill holes, include strings for bolts, or make exact shapes out of any strong material. Today, vertical milling machines are utilized in many types of industries for a wide scope of purposes. Subsequently, it has become a significant and advanced machine among the maker. Regulating cutters at a different range of speed to form a shape recognizes as a deep subject that matters to the individuals who serve as a producer in the market. What Kind Of Milling Machine Do You Need? Before we dive into the details of what design of milling machine you’ll in all likelihood need to purchase, let us first point out that we’re just going to discuss manual milling machines in this article. CNC mills are an entirely other beast, and they will get a guide all to themselves. So, we’re simply covering manual machines in this post. Modern milling machines are partitioned into two essential sorts: horizontal and vertical. This decides if the machine’s axle pivot runs up and down, or side to side. The two sorts of machines will regularly have heads, segments, and tables that tilt or turn, which implies the two sorts, can be utilized for a lot of similar tasks. However, certain jobs will be simpler on one machine than the other. The distinction between the machines, practically speaking, is more articulated than just what direction they’re oriented. A vertical machine will have the table mounted perpendicular to the axle’s zero-tilt position; while a flat machine will have the spindle mounted parallel to the plane of the table. This presents a principal distinction in what sorts of jobs are practical on each kind of machine. Advantages of Milling Machines • The construction of the milling machine gives great help to deal with the huge and heavier machine without harming itself. • It gives adaptable computer control alternatives to cutting purposes. • It decreases the odds of human errors. • It guarantees precise cuts. • Availability of customization. • Use of various cutters. • It can do various cuts at the same time. Size Matters Little desktop milling machines can be enticing, yet it’s ideal to avoid them in case you’re intending to mill metal. Consider the last time you needed to drill a hole in steel or needed to remove a piece with a hacksaw. It’s hard to work and takes a ton of power. Your milling machine should have the option to apply that sort of force without flexing at all — even a little of flex with ruin any odds of milling a section with good resilience. Hence, the frame of the mill should be as substantial and inflexible as could reasonably be expected. A small desktop machine will in all likelihood be not able to process anything harder than aluminum, and that being said it’ll be uncertain. The good decision, if you need even moderate exactness, is to purchase a mill that is as huge as you have space for. How does a Vertical Milling Machine work? When used to describe milling machines, the terms “horizontal” and “vertical” usually refer to the direction of the shaft or cutting device. A spindle, otherwise called a cutting head, is arranged vertically on a vertical milling machine. Since the cutting head is fixed in its vertical direction, there are different parts of the machine that move along one or more axes to move the material so it’s in the correct area to be milled accurately. There are two essential kinds of vertical mills: turret and bed. They work slightly inversely and give exceptional advantages: • Turret Mill: In a turret mill, the spindle remains in a fixed area, and the bed bit of the machine that holds the material moves on a level plane or vertically. With the ability to control the situation of the material in both directions, a turret mill is very adaptable. • Bed Mill: A bed mill can just move the material beside the horizontal axis. In this sort of milling machine, the spindle is limited to the vertical axis yet can go all over varying. The movement of the shaft joined with the even development of the bed permits milling of a wide assortment of shapes and depths. Depending on the kind of metal that a milling machine needs to cut, they can adjust their cutting pace. Generally, gentler materials are cut at higher paces and hard materials are normally cut at a slower pace. The firmness of material additionally impacts how much material can be processed at once, so harder metals ordinarily take much longer to process than delicate metals. Manufacture Your Part on Our Milling Machines At CNC Masters, we realize that the best equipment and first-rate manufacturing workforce completing a project quicker. Our in-house designing team can work with you to grow incredibly exact models. Then, we utilize custom tool heads and cutters to finish your activities in the most precise and time-proficient way possible. Dealers who offer onsite adjustment can help to confirm the detailed operation of equipment. Some milling machines have a user interface with digital information. Others have an arena that houses the workspace. Vertical milling being simple mounted is common than horizontal milling. Our high-quality; precise milling machines use helpful modern innovation, including CNC. We can

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How CNC Milling Is Improving The Manufacturing Industry

Manufacturing businesses are always looking to increase efficiency and reduce waste. The modern manufacturing unit mostly comprises machinery, robotics, computers, and humans who all work in tandem to deliver the final product. The machines are primarily used to reduce the element of human involvement in the manufacturing process to increase its efficiency. But despite that, when it comes to making crucial decisions while operating these devices, the human mind is used, and that can lead to potential errors. This is where Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machines come in. CNC machines eliminate the need for human intervention, are incredibly accurate, and help avoid accidents. CNC machines have a high demand in the manufacturing industry, and the market of CNC machining is expected to reach USD 100.86 billion by 2025. What are CNC machines and what is CNC milling CNC stands for Computer Numerical Control, and as the name suggests, a CNC machine is controlled through a numerical computer program. A 3-D design of the desired product is created with the help of a Computer-aided design. This design is then converted into a manufactured physical product with the help of computer-aided manufacturing. These two processes complete the CNC machining. There are various types of CNC machines, including winding machines, lathe machines, welding machines, milling machines, grinding units, and lasers. The market shows an increasing trend of opting for CNC machines that are compact sized, come with automatic tool changers, and possess multi-axis machining technology. CNC milling falls into this multi-functional machine category, and right now is the second biggest segment, behind lathe machines. The division of CNC milling machine is further expected to grow, as it provides the benefit of reducing the operational costs. Applications of CNC parts CNC parts machining has gained popularity globally because of their higher tolerances and unmatched repeatability. This rise in popularity is because, unlike a human operator, the performance and precision of a CNC machine do not drop with time due to external factors, and more parts are produced in the same time frame. This makes rapid prototyping very easy and eliminates the need for breaks so that the plant can keep operating round the clock. CNC parts are used in many sectors ranging from prototypes to industrial products. Because of their ability to create extremely complex geometries, and their high precision, CNC parts are prevalent in industries like the aerospace industry. Advantages of CNC Automation, and how they are improving the manufacturing industry CNC milling presents a large number of benefits when compared to the traditional human operator reliant machines. Some of these advantages are listed below: Increased efficiency CNC machines can significantly reduce the wastage per piece due to their high precision. When the material wastage from production is reduced, the cost of production is also reduced. This reduction increases the efficiency of the manufacturing plant. CNC milling also increases efficiency because these machines significantly reduce human error. Since CNC milling does not require direct human intervention, it means that they can work at any time of the day, without stopping or taking breaks, especially round the clock. This way, CNC milling allows the manufacturing unit to remain open and function round the clock.  Increased safety When the instructions for the production of parts are programmed into the machine, it then acts on its own without the need of an operator or individual intervention. This property of CNC milling makes these machines ideal for the manufacturing processes that involve substances that are toxic or corrosive, including incredibly high temperatures or any other factors that can pose potentially dangerous scenarios for the workers. In a way, CNC milling increases the safety of the workers in the manufacturing industry. Increased consistency and capacity CNC automation means that the machines will run 24/7 and 365 days if you want to with the end product that is the same, piece after piece. The only time the machine will stop is when it needs maintenance or repairs. This is possible because no human intervention is required, and the precision stays the same, so does the consistency. Since the machines run for more extended periods and can handle more parts, this increases the capacity of the manufacturing plant. Sustainability CNC milling reduces the carbon footprint of the manufacturing plant, thus playing their role in making the earth a more sustainable planet. This is achieved as a result of various factors. Firstly, CNC milling reduces the wastage in the manufacturing process. Secondly, since these machines are more efficient, and there are fewer chances of errors in production, fewer materials are thrown away. Thirdly, these machines do not require additional parts like sanders or drills, as the main body of the device includes everything. Prototype machining Prototyping in manufacturing can prove to be very expensive and time-consuming. Thus many businesses skip this part, although it is essential as it helps to minimize mistakes and help understand the product in a better way. CNC milling makes prototyping less expensive, more accessible and affordable to attain. To have a better idea of the steps to come in the process, the manufacturers can create mock-ups through CNC milling at an affordable price. CNC milling and the new technologies associated with it also allow the manufacturers to develop designs that are more complex and comprehensive. Reduced labor costs The actual hard and complicated work relating to the manufacturing is done solely by the machines that include drilling, cutting, or stamping. A single human operator that does not necessarily have to be high-skilled can operate several CNC machines. Thus labor costs are significantly reduced. Conclusion CNC milling provides high efficiency, excellent precision, tolerance, and quick processing. CNC parts can be made out of metal, wood, and various other materials, and this makes CNC milling the perfect option for sectors that require customized components. Therefore, regardless of whether you are currently using manual machines and looking to upgrade or looking to use the process of machining for the first time, CNC milling is the perfect tool that

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The Differences Between Casting and Forging for Aerospace Construction

The aerospace and aviation industry is continuously changing, while the importance of creating reliable, safe parts remains essential to the industry’s advancement. New advancements in aviation directly affect how our military’s implement strategies, our commercial flights, and deliveries. Without high quality, expertly engineered parts, none of this would be possible. Where to Find Parts for Aerospace/Aviation Manufacturing When looking to find the best aerospace and aviation parts, quality is of the utmost importance. Finding the right aerospace forging companies will make a big difference in the quality of products you receive. From actuators, runway light covers, and specialty parts, you want to make sure you find a manufacturer who is experienced and qualified to produce the parts. Finding an experienced manufacturer in crafting these specialty parts is crucial to ensuring you get the very best options that are safe and reliable.  Forging vs. Casting When shopping for aerospace and aviation parts, there are two conventional methods of manufacturing many of these specialized parts. Depending on the stress these parts are going to be under, and what type of material they are made of, they may be forged or cast. Forging is the process of heating the material being used to create the part until its just hot enough to shape with a hammer or forced within a die. This process produces durable and robust components that can handle a lot of stress. Casting is a process of melting the metal material and pouring it into a die. Once the part has cooled off, the metalworker then continues to finish the small details of the piece. This process is excellent for more intricate part shapes, as the mold can be made to handle more complicated designs. Both forging and casting come with their own set of pros and cons, each playing an essential role in the aerospace and aviation industry. What is Aerospace Part Forging? The process of forging components for aerospace parts is done by taking a billet (metal material) and compressing that metal into the shape desired. This is done using extreme compression and force, and the result of these efforts are parts with incredible strength. When making parts that are going to be under high levels of shock or stress, such as gears, wheel spindles, or pistons, forging them gives them that extra strength to perform well. There are a few ways of forging parts for aerospace and aviation. Two common types are open-die and closed-die. The open-die process is the preferred method for working with larger aluminum components. This process is done using flat-faced dies without any precut profiles. This process of forging is often preferred as it allows the metal worker to make larger, more unique designs. Closed-die forging is a similar process where the metal is restricted as its put within the die. This process makes very detailed designs to exact specifications. Using the closed-die method works best for smaller parts, requiring great attention to detail. What is Aerospace Part Casting? Casting is the process of creating parts by pouring or injecting molten metal into a preshaped mold. To cast aerospace parts you need to bring the metal to a high enough temperature that it will melt, when the molten metal hardens in the frame, the metalworker can then touch up the component and work it until it meets the specifications needed. Compared to forging parts, casting parts cant take the same levels of stress. These parts are best for lightweight applications. The benefits of casting parts is that it can be formed in a large variety of sizes and shapes, They require less work in the secondary machining process, and casting parts tend to be lighter than if they were forged. Knowing What Part to Choose When choosing how a part is made, it’s necessary to understand what type of application it will be used for. Casting offers a great way to produce valves, swirl nozzles, engine rings and blades, and most light-duty metal parts. When looking for high strength parts for high-stress situations, its best to choose forged parts. Each process of creating parts serves the aerospace and aviation industry with great benefits according to what job needs to be performed. By having this information on the processes used to create parts, ordering the right ones should come easily. The important thing is to choose a professional manufacturer who understands how your parts are going to be used.

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How Laser Cutting Works

There are endless methods in which someone can use to cut material. There are even multiple types of laser cutting that can be applied to a job. Lasers are not used solely for cutting. They can be used for drilling, marking, or engraving as well. What is Cutting with a Laser? In the simplest of terms, it is defined as the cutting of various materials using a laser beam. A high-intensity light is made up of a single infra-red wavelength. This light structure is contained within the constructs of a CNC housing mechanism, becoming a directed and controlled beam of light. In the technical sense of the phrase, the process is actually an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Why Use It? Cutting material with a laser beam provides a cleaner, more precise cut on the finished product. The use of a laser beam cuts a smaller, much thinner line, creating less wasted material. The process directs the heat needed to create a direct and focused point of contact, a safer method of precision cutting. By applying more direct pressure using a smaller area of contact, the cut becomes that much more precise than alternative cutting measures, such as torch or plasma cutting. Other benefits over its counter options include its non-contact process, leaving the material with less damage surrounding the first cut. How Does it Work? Laser cutting starts in a CNC machine. Inside the machine, multiple mirrors hang in specific positions that allow the beam to bounce off. The beam travels from the resonator through the machine and into a copper tip located inside the CNC housing. Before beginning the cut, the copper tip travels down to the material, determines the resistance between itself and the material to be cut. The tip then self-adjusts to the desired cut height set up in programing and accounts for variations in the material. From there, the beam can focus on the piece of material prepared for cutting. What Can Lasers Cut? This process of cutting is such a precise and technical method; it is used for almost any type of material desired. Many think it can only be used for hard materials such as metals, steel, and titanium and even gemstones. While they are correct in a sense, CNC programmed lasers can also cut nonmetallic material such as woods, silicone, glass, and plastics. Not only are the materials virtually limitless when cutting, but the laser can also cut intricate corners, shapes, and holes out of selected materials. Cutting with a laser creates highly accurate and repeatable cuts every time. What are the Methods of Laser Cutting? Cutting through the material may require different methods, depending on the desired outcome. One option is a continuous wave cut, which closely resembles more melting away the material than cutting. The second option is using a pulsed beam. The pulsed method directs less consistent heat over the material and instead triggers a pulsing tactic to apply repeat cutting to one location, for example, to cut a deep hole through thick material. These methods require the combined use of a gas such as nitrogen or oxygen to assist with the direct heat. Along with continuous and pulsed type cutting, machinists also have the option of using CO2, crystal, and fiber laser cutting methods. Each cutting method has its benefits and power. The overall process includes the use of a high-intensity light beam, invisible to the human eye, to stream the heat and light onto a piece of material and create a cut into it. It is precision at its best.

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High Precision Water Jet Cutting Applications At A Glance

Did you know that water jet cutting applications are one of today’s fastest growing precision machine processes? In an era of increased global competition and rapidly advancing industrial technology, companies need to embrace innovative new processes if they’re going to survive and thrive. Water jet technology boasts fast turnaround times, high precision cutting, minimal environmental impact and the ability to cut virtually any material. This means that a wide variety of industries have been able to utilise it to gain an advantage in the following key areas: Efficiency Productivity Cost effectiveness Environmental sustainability. Contrary to what a lot of people think, water doesn’t actually perform the cutting on abrasive water jet machines. Instead, it acts as a vehicle for minute garnet abrasive particles which are accelerated to supersonic speeds to provide highly efficient cutting via erosion. To give you a bit more of an idea of the versatility of water jet cutting applications, we’ve put together an overview of the ways in which it is utilised in three very different industries. Medical Component Manufacturing When it comes to manufacturing medical components, water jet cutting applications offer substantially higher cutting speeds than traditional metal-cutting processes. The set-up process is also much less time-consuming. The ability to cut a broad range of materials is also highly beneficial to many medical manufacturers. Other than informing the controller of changes in material, there are no other programming or equipment steps required to accommodate cutting composites, ceramics, metals or other materials. When it comes to other cutting processes, both laser and electrical discharge machining (EDM) technologies create heat-affected zones in the material being cut. This can alter its chemical properties and cause surface hardening. As a cold cutting process, water jet cutting prevents both of these unwanted side effects. In addition to this, water jet cutting exerts a very small amount of force on the workpiece being cut. This allows the cutting of delicate features that would otherwise be impossible – or too costly – to produce. The Aerospace Industry The aerospace industry is responsible for producing everything from aircraft engines to military hardware (such as guided missiles) and space vehicles. As such, it demands complex technological solutions and complete precision. Because it has no margin for error, the aerospace industry industry utilises the accuracy and versatility of water jet cutting to create a wide range of different components. Working with a range of high-strength and exotic materials means that machining parts for the aerospace industry is much more complex than making other consumer goods. Water jet cutting has become favoured because of its versatility and precision. As is the case with medical component manufacturing, the cool-cutting process helps to eradicate any heat-affected zones that could lead to structural weakness in components. Not only can abrasive water jets be adjusted to the specific needs of any given part, they can also be standardised for uniform and precise production on a large-scale basis. They’re also able to work alongside control and automation technologies that make production processes more standardised and straightforward. Considering the precision and scale required in aerospace manufacturing, this has proven to be a huge benefit. Crafting Ornamental Glass While it is undoubtedly very useful for heavy industry, water jet cutting does have some more artistic applications as well. This includes the crafting of ornamental glass. Because of its versatility, water jet cutting simplifies the cutting and penetrating of all kids of glass, whether it be thin and delicate or thick and laminated. It makes cutting glass to various profiles and shapes a lot more easy and affordable than it used to be. This is because, due to its brittle nature, cut glass is similar to stone and tile cutting. It has a tendency to crack, which means that perforation needs to start at a low pressure and gradually increase to the final cutting speed. Water jet cutting applications are able to prevent damage by automatically adjusting and restoring the pressure when cutting precision materials like ornamental glass. This means that not only is it faster and more reliable, but it can also perform cut geometry that is beyond the capability of common machining.

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Tube Connectors: What Are They & What Do They Do?

Adding Strength And Sturdiness To Your Tubular Design Ensure your product design is entirely robust by using tube connectors to add the finishing touch. Tube connectors are the final part of a tubular design that acts to bind the finished product together. So, take for example a school chair made with metal tubes as the legs and feet. To connect each of the tubular legs to the bridge which sits beneath the plastic seat, you’ll need to use tube connectors to create a sturdy design. By doing so, you can be assured that the chair won’t buckle and break a leg off when a child sits on it. The tube connectors bind each of the individual tube legs together to create the finished product. Of course, this is just one example where a tube connector might be used. But in any tubular design, you’ll need to bear the following factors in mind. Plan Your Tube Configuration When considering the number and type of tube connectors you might require, begin by making a plan of your final design, including the number of tubes you have and where exactly you’ll need them to join together. From here, you can work backwards to determine the role of tube connectors in your plans. Tube connectors are incredibly versatile and can join together 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 tubes where required. Ensuring A Perfect Fit The connectors simply sit within your hollow tubing but must be the same shape as your tubes to provide a great fit. Typically, tube designs are made from either round or square tubes, so you’ll need your connector to match. If you require a particularly solid structure, as with your school chair, then you’ll likely require a connector with a solid steel core. Fitness equipment including treadmills and weight machines will undoubtedly require this type of connector due to the requirement for them to be robust. But lighter designs such as children’s toys can make do with a plastic moulding that consists of two clip parts. Considering The Purpose Of Your Connectors When looking at the configuration of your tubular design, consider the purpose of your connectors and how you’ll need them to be positioned. Some connector designs allow for rotation which is useful if you need your tubes to be able to be manipulated at various angles. Connectors are available that provide rotations of 0-190 degrees, 45-195 degrees, 60-300 degrees and 45-200 degrees, and some can move in small increments for better control. Aesthetics Tube connectors aren’t usually meant to be a core aesthetic focus of your design and in many cases you’ll either want to opt for a regular black colour, or match them more closely to the shade of your other tubes. So, with this in mind, you’ll need to choose connectors that come in the same material as your existing tubular components. If you’ve been wondering how to pull the various components of your tubular design together to create a robust product, then tube connectors are an essential item to have on your shopping list. Remember to take note of the internal diameter of your existing tubes to ensure you select a set of connectors that add the perfect finishing touch to your design. 

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Roll Converting Equipment and Its Benefits

Since the beginning of time, humankind needed tools. They used tools to hunt, forage, make fire, and survive. It made everything so much easier, even in those early days. Since then, humans used tools and invented machines to help them in everyday activities and hard work. Exhausting physical labor has been changed with machines. So, people don’t have to lift a finger to do anything. Nowadays, there is a machine for every single thing. You just have to push some buttons, and it is all taken care of. There is absolutely no need for you to do anything demanding and draining. When it comes down to choosing the proper machine for your need, you need to ask yourself one question. That question is what you need from that machine. What problem you need solving. Some people require roll converting machinery. If you are unfamiliar with this term, these machines are a part of the converting industry that transforms rolls of various materials into final products. It is not that easy as it sounds. The product goes through multiple phases until it reaches its final form. Some businesses are in desperate need of these machines. So, it is good to have some information about them before purchasing them. Cost   The first thing anyone wants to know before buying something is how much it will cost them. It is not easy investing in something if you are not so sure it will pay off in the end. First, it is essential to have some money saved up because they are quite pricey. This is not that surprising since all kinds of tools and machines cost a fortune. However, they make our life so much easier, so you get to complain that much. Then, after the first step is taken care of, you can look for the perfect tool for your needs. You have so many options to choose from. It all depends on you. When asking around how much these things cost, do not be shocked when you hear that their prices vary between 8,000 to 10,000 USD. It is a lot to pay for at once, that is for sure. However, a lot of Roll Converting Equipment owners are quite satisfied with them.  The manufacturers of these machines provide excellent quality for that cost. The most crucial thing is to be aware and read more about how each device contributes to your needs. There are so many different types to choose from. So, be sure to do extensive research and read more about them online. Productivity After paying for any type of product, machine, or tool, you want to know how much you will use it and how much it will change your life. You want to it to pay off till the last penny. So, do not worry about this. You are guaranteed to get about 40% productivity when you compare it with having to do this all manually. That is why we invented machines, isn’t it? To change manual labor with machines. The technology and software that comes with this converting equipment are made with cut optimizers. That way, they arrange things to increase in productivity. Additionally, the software comes with its precise cuts. They result in less waste, which is very good to hear. That way, you get the most out of your materials. Also, you make your contribution to making the environment less damaged and waste-free. That is a great relief, especially to larger companies. Moreover, these precise cuts end up with fewer rejections and fewer complaints from customers. That way, everyone is happy. New Technology In these last few decades, there have been thousands of new inventions and technological advancements. So, it is no wonder to hear that these types of machinery work with a brand new technical system. It is known as computer numerical control or CNC. This helps slitting and cut planning, as well as control over the master rolls and goods. It does bar code label printing. Also, it does an excellent job at job management. With its precise cuts, you do not have to worry about waste and pollution. Learn more about CNC here: Various Types of Materials It is essential to know that these roll converting machines can process different types of materials. Ranging from wallpapers, papers, and photo papers to heat transfer materials and digital magnetic papers, it can prepare them all and convert them into a final product. It is a great relief to the potential buyers to hear about this. However, not all machines can process every type of material. So, it is vital to get more information before investing in something like this. Importing and Processing of Orders Another benefit to purchasing a roll converting equipment is that its software makes importing a lot easier. It grants importing as well as order data processing from your systems. All this makes your order processing faster and more efficient. You do not have to worry about anything of the sort. Customizable Every buyer will be pleased to learn that most manufacturers can customize their equipment. All products may be suited to most of the customer’s needs and specifications. That way, the machinery can accommodate and satisfy any needs. All you have to do as a buyer is to mention your wishes and requirements to your manufacturer. Hopefully, your wish will be granted.

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