Carter Jonas Secures Planning Permission for London Square Developments and NHS Property Services Ltd in Kingston upon Thames

Carter Jonas Secures Planning Permission for London Square Developments and NHS Property Services Ltd in Kingston upon Thames

National property consultancy Carter Jonas has secured planning permission on behalf of London Square Developments and NHS Property Services Ltd for the development of 125 new apartments, commercial and community uses in the London Borough of Kingston upon Thames. The scheme will provide flexible commercial and community uses at ground

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Willmott Dixon starts construction on healthcare facilities

Willmott Dixon starts construction on healthcare facilities

Willmott Dixon has announced the start of construction work on two new state-of-the-art specialist healthcare facilities, developed by Prime plc in partnership with University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust (UHS). Situated on plot 2 of the Adanac Health and Innovation Campus in Southampton, the new multi-use facility, which is being

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Pick Everard appointed to NHS framework

Pick Everard appointed to NHS framework

Multi-disciplinary consultancy Pick Everard has been appointed to the £1.6 billion NHS Shared Business Services framework agreement. Operating across a four-year term, the move will see the firm deliver each of its core services and more across ten lots of the NHS Shared Business Services (NHS SBS) Healthcare Planning, Construction

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More than half of NHS Scotland buildings contain asbestos

Eight of the 14 health boards in Scotland have asbestos in over 50% of their buildings. The figure rises as high as 92% of buildings for the NHS Lothian health board. Asbestos takes around 5,000 lives every year in the UK, with around 20 tradesmen dying each week from past exposure.

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New name for major new NHS £105million investment in Manchester

On the NHS’ 74th Anniversary (5 July), Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust (GMMH), has announced the name of its major new In-patient mental health unit to be constructed at North Manchester General Hospital: ‘North View’. Marking the NHS’ Birthday by unveiling the official name for the £105.9 million adult

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Construction work starts on new £20 Million Chryston community hub

Work on a new £20million community hub in Chryston has begun, with a turf-cutting event to mark the start of construction taking place on Monday 28 February. North Lanarkshire Council is working in partnership with NHS Lanarkshire on the project that will deliver a 21st-century learning environment along with state-of-the-art

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Midlands contractor appointed to major NHS SBS construction framework

G F Tomlinson has been successfully selected as an approved partner for the NHS Shared Business Services PS-Works: Public Sector Construction Works Framework, which launched on 17 December 2020. The framework will provide a compliant procurement route to market for all NHS and wider public sector construction works requirements across

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IronmongeryDirect reports record sales figures

IronmongeryDirect has reported its most successful month in history, with June seeing record figures for both order numbers and revenue. With many people turning to DIY during lockdown, the UK’s largest supplier of ironmongery experienced an 80% year-on-year (YoY) increase in web traffic in June. This increase led to a 75%

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Latest Issue
Issue 326 : Mar 2025


Carter Jonas Secures Planning Permission for London Square Developments and NHS Property Services Ltd in Kingston upon Thames

Carter Jonas Secures Planning Permission for London Square Developments and NHS Property Services Ltd in Kingston upon Thames

National property consultancy Carter Jonas has secured planning permission on behalf of London Square Developments and NHS Property Services Ltd for the development of 125 new apartments, commercial and community uses in the London Borough of Kingston upon Thames. The scheme will provide flexible commercial and community uses at ground floor level and 125 apartments above. The apartments will be provided in a variety of sizes including 1, 2 and 3 bedroom options and 50% will be on-site, tenure blind, affordable units. Private and communal amenity space is also included. The design of the two buildings is intended to respond to the mixed character of the surrounding area, which has low rise buildings to the north and west and emerging high-rise development to the east associated with the regeneration of the Cambridge Road Estate. The approved design is car-free with four blue badge holder spaces and London Plan compliant cycle parking facilities. The scheme is located on the site of the former Hawks Road Clinic, which had become surplus to the NHS’s requirements and was vacated in 2020. It entails the reuse of brownfield land whilst making a meaningful contribution of 63 dwellings to the Borough’s affordable housing stock. All jobs and services associated with the previous clinic use have been relocated within the Borough. Jessica McSweeney, Partner, Planning and Development, Carter Jonas commented: “We are extremely pleased to have achieved this planning permission, which follows 18 months of work alongside the Council’s planning officers, the Greater London Authority, neighbouring landowners, the community, the Design Review Panel and other statutory consultees. The scheme will bring much needed housing, including a substantial proportion of affordable housing, to the Borough.” In achieving planning success, Carter Jonas worked alongside Fuse Architects. Building, Design & Construction Magazine | The Choice of Industry Professionals 

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Willmott Dixon starts construction on healthcare facilities

Willmott Dixon starts construction on healthcare facilities

Willmott Dixon has announced the start of construction work on two new state-of-the-art specialist healthcare facilities, developed by Prime plc in partnership with University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust (UHS). Situated on plot 2 of the Adanac Health and Innovation Campus in Southampton, the new multi-use facility, which is being funded by Macquarie Asset Management on behalf of the retirement specialist, Just Group plc, will comprise an Aseptic Pharmacy and Sterile Services Department (SSD), with further flexible expansion space. The Aseptic Pharmacy will act as an MHRA-licensed pharmacy, with sterile medicines manufactured for UHS and other NHS providers in the region. Meanwhile, the SSD will sterilise surgical tools and equipment for use by UHS; these services will be delivered at the new location by strategic provider IHSS. UHS is one of the largest acute teaching trusts in England and experiences a very high demand on its geographically constrained site. By working with Prime, through the Southampton Commercial Estates Development Partnership (CEDP), the Trust has been able to unlock a number of complex estate challenges. These new facilities will be the latest in a series of developments designed to create more space for the Trust to expand. Previous development on the hospital site has produced a new entrance, retail space and staff car park. The partners then worked together to create Adanac Health and Innovation Campus, providing additional expansion space with good proximity to the hospital and easy access to the motorway network. To date, a multi-storey park and ride car park serving the hospital and Costa Coffee have been delivered at the new campus, and a remaining 3 plots are still to be developed. This is the latest scheme between Willmott Dixon and Prime. In 2022, the two delivered a 600+ space multi-storey car park at Dorset County Hospital, creating valuable parking provision for the Trust’s staff, patients and visitors, while also freeing up space so the Trust can extend its Emergency Department and Critical Care unit. It also further underlines Willmott Dixon’s role as one of the UK’s largest constructors of healthcare space. Notable projects include Bolton College of Medical Sciences, a ‘first of its kind’ facility that’s a blueprint for training NHS staff across the country, plus the Pears Building – Institute of Immunity and Transplantation, a world-leading research centre at the Royal Free Hospital. Building, Design & Construction Magazine | The Choice of Industry Professionals

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Pick Everard appointed to NHS framework

Pick Everard appointed to NHS framework

Multi-disciplinary consultancy Pick Everard has been appointed to the £1.6 billion NHS Shared Business Services framework agreement. Operating across a four-year term, the move will see the firm deliver each of its core services and more across ten lots of the NHS Shared Business Services (NHS SBS) Healthcare Planning, Construction Consultancy & Ancillary Services Framework Agreement, spanning architectural and project management services to net zero environmental consultancy. Open to local authorities, emergency services, higher education, NHS and the wider public sector, the new agreement builds on the previous NHS SBS Framework Agreement and a nine-year working relationship Pick Everard has held with the organisation on the NHS SBS framework agreement. Alex Hamilton-Jordan, associate director at Pick Everard, said: “This agreement provides an efficient route to market to procure our services, and offers flexibility for organisations to adapt to meet their requirements. “Collaboratively, we aim to deliver better, together. Nothing can be achieved in isolation, and key to our continued success on this framework will be to engage and work with a full range of partners throughout the supply chain, including local SMEs that can offer valued, local insight. “We’re excited and open to the opportunities this will bring to appoint our professional services, engaging public bodies through the framework agreement.” Pick Everard has successfully delivered a wide range of projects through the existing NHS SBS framework agreement, including the relocation of congenital heart services for the Leicester Children’s Hospital in 2021 – which had been threatened with closure until campaigning efforts ensured the centre received part of a £450m pot of government funding. The firm also designed and managed a £250m+ schools expansion programme for the London Borough of Hounslow, which delivered more than 1,000 new school places. Alastair Hamilton, partner at Pick Everard, said: “Our strength as a business is being able to create a positive impact for local communities, that scale regionally and nationally. We’ve made huge strides in growing our operation over the past five years, and part of this owes to our framework appointments, which have a real focus on quality, a broad range of service delivery and technical excellence. “We’re hugely proud to be able to continue our journey with NHS SBS and the success the framework agreement delivers – ensuring the best possible outcomes for clients and end-users.” Building, Design & Construction Magazine | The Choice of Industry Professionals

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Integra delivers wellbeing facilities for NHS staff in Southampton after Banksy artwork sale

Integra delivers wellbeing facilities for NHS staff in Southampton after Banksy artwork sale

Modular building specialist Integra has created new wellbeing facilities for NHS staff in Southampton, in a project made possible with proceeds from the auction of Banksy’s artwork Game Changer. The Banksy artwork was gifted to Southampton Hospitals Charity in May 2020 during the height of the Covid pandemic. Following its £16.7m sale at auction – a record for a Banksy artwork – Integra was awarded a contract to deliver a wellbeing hub for NHS staff working at University Hospital Southampton (UHS), one of a number of projects funded by Game Changer. The bespoke building features an open plan gymnasium, relaxation lounge, kitchen, changing and shower facilities as well as multi-purpose rooms where groups can come together to rest or take part in team building activities, which are all free for staff to use. Staff can also utilise a cycle parking area, promoting a key initiative in the Trust’s sustainability work and commitment to reduce its carbon footprint. Gary Parker, CEO at Integra, said: “The pandemic shone a very bright light on the invaluable work NHS staff across the country do every single day, saving lives and keeping us healthy. “To be awarded this contract was a huge privilege, and we’ve enjoyed working with UHS to provide staff with a relaxing environment to enjoy breaks from their hectic and challenging work. “We have a strong track record of delivering high-quality modular buildings for the health sector, and have also recently supplied an 80-plus bay hospital building for Newham University Hospital. “Our NHS staff dedicate their lives to caring for patients in their time of need, so to be able to give something small back to them feels very fitting.” Banksy’s Game Changer shows a child choosing to play with a caped toy nurse instead of more traditional superhero figures. Proceeds from its £16.7m sale were distributed to more than 40 healthcare organisations and charities across the UK, funding projects which an emphasis on mental health and wellbeing. One of those projects was the new wellbeing facility at University Hospital Southampton. Ellis Banfield, Southampton Hospital’s Charity Director, said: “We’re enormously grateful for the donation received to build a space that will enable our NHS staff to have an area to rest, recharge and reflect. “The building itself has been designed with our people in mind and will provide a lasting legacy that all of us at UHS are enormously proud of.” The new wellbeing facility was officially opened on Wednesday 5 July, as part of national celebrations for the 75th anniversary of the NHS. Throughout its 25-year history, East Yorkshire-based Integra has developed a nationwide reputation for excellence in the design, construction and fit-out of modular buildings for a wide range of uses, including education, sport, leisure, healthcare and commercial operations. Building, Design & Construction Magazine | The Choice of Industry Professionals 

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More than half of NHS Scotland buildings contain asbestos

Eight of the 14 health boards in Scotland have asbestos in over 50% of their buildings. The figure rises as high as 92% of buildings for the NHS Lothian health board. Asbestos takes around 5,000 lives every year in the UK, with around 20 tradesmen dying each week from past exposure. Tim Turney, Global Marketing Manager at industrial hygiene and workplace hazard monitoring expert, Casella, comments “Despite being banned in the UK, asbestos can still be found in older homes and properties, posing a threat to anyone who disturbs the dangerous material.  Left alone, the material is not harmful, but once disturbed or disintegrating, it can release asbestos fibres that infiltrate and progressively damage the lungs. The damage results in multiple health defects, such as the lung disease mesothelioma — a cancer that can take up to 20 years to develop, often proving fatal within five years or less.   Whenever asbestos is removed, it is a legal requirement to use licenced contractors and to ensure strict regulations and guidance are followed to limit the potential release of dangerous, airborne fibres. The guidance, depending on national practice, typically includes personal air sampling and/or static air sampling, to ensure that there is no exposure during remediation work or during the cleaning and clearance processes at a removal site.   In the UK, a four-stage clearance process is used, involving a preliminary check of the site condition and job completeness, a thorough visual inspection inside the enclosure or work area, air monitoring and a final assessment of the post-enclosure or work area following dismantling. Licenced contractors may also take air samples before work is undertaken to establish a background level measurement. Conducting a test before disturbing any materials could save thousands of pounds on decontamination and environmental cleaning fees and help to avoid exposure. Additionally, trained professionals may take air samples during work on or near asbestos to confirm that there is no leakage from the enclosure.    Using air sampling pumps with remote connectivity, such as Bluetooth and a mobile ‘phone app, can help while gathering the necessary measurements. For example, the Casella Airwave App works with the ‘Pro’ version of its Vortex3 high flow pump to enable users to remotely start, pause or stop a measurement run, monitor battery life and memory capacity and check measurement progress direct from a mobile device.   Ultimately, asbestos monitoring has the power to save lives, and innovations in technology can make this process easier and faster than ever before.” 

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New name for major new NHS £105million investment in Manchester

On the NHS’ 74th Anniversary (5 July), Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust (GMMH), has announced the name of its major new In-patient mental health unit to be constructed at North Manchester General Hospital: ‘North View’. Marking the NHS’ Birthday by unveiling the official name for the £105.9 million adult inpatient unit is a significant milestone demonstrating how the NHS has innovated and adapted to meet the changing needs of each successive generation. Work on the new building is expected to start in August, with the new unit anticipated to be built and operational by 2024. The name follows engagement with staff, service users and stakeholders, which saw hundreds of suggestions. Commenting on the announcement, Neil Thwaite, Chief Executive of Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust, said: “In deciding on a name for the new development we wanted to choose something that would stand the test of time and celebrate our location in North Manchester. The name provides a strong sense of place and was inspired by the Lemn Sissay poem “Anthem of the North”, whose imagery resonates with our ethos of care, resilience, hope and growth.​ “We are very much looking forward to our move into the new North View development. Not only does a modern, therapeutic environment help us to improve the quality of specialist inpatient mental health care, but the design of the unit has been carefully thought through to enhance what we do. The 150 bed spaces are in single rooms with en-suite bedrooms. There are indoor and outdoor amenity and activity areas with multiple outside garden spaces, space for artwork, meeting spaces and a café for everyone to enjoy.” Marc Reed, Associate Director of Capital, Estates and Facilities for Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust, said: “Today’s announcement is a significant milestone as we move towards construction of the new mental health inpatient unit. We’ll now be undertaking work to develop branding to support the North View building name and provide a specific identity for the project. We have all waited a very long time for this fit for purpose, mental health inpatient unit and we are truly excited for what this transformation will mean for adults with mental health problems in Manchester.” The new building will open in Autumn 2024 and forms part of the new hospital programme and transformation of a new sustainable health campus at North Manchester General Hospital (NMGH). The new development is a major part of the vision to improve health and wellbeing for local people over the next 10 to 15 years. In November 2021, the UK government formally approved the Full Business Case for the brand new mental health unit for adults in Manchester. This is part of the Prime Minister’s commitment to upgrade 20 hospitals, backed by £850m, to update facilities and equipment, helping improve patient care and ultimately save more lives. The £105.9 million state-of the-art unit will replace the current Park House mental health inpatient unit. £91.3 million will be funded by central government, with the remaining £14.6 million funded by GMMH. Find out more at https://www.gmmh.nhs.uk/improving-north-manchester

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Construction work starts on new £20 Million Chryston community hub

Work on a new £20million community hub in Chryston has begun, with a turf-cutting event to mark the start of construction taking place on Monday 28 February. North Lanarkshire Council is working in partnership with NHS Lanarkshire on the project that will deliver a 21st-century learning environment along with state-of-the-art health and wellbeing facilities. The new community hub is being delivered by hub South West, the development partner of North Lanarkshire Council with construction partner Robertson Construction and will replace the existing Chryston Primary School as well as provide a new Community Health Clinic. Councillor Frank McNally, Convener of Education and Families, broke ground on the site by cutting the first turf. He said: “Today’s event is another clear example of the council’s vision for its local communities to provide first class learning environments for pupils and teaching staff and deliver excellent facilities for the wider community to benefit from. “The new facility will provide the children and residents of Chryston and surrounding areas with superb facilities. “Our integrated town hubs and the smaller community hubs are modernising the entire school estate and offer multiple services from the council and our partners. “We’re delivering significant investment across North Lanarkshire that will benefit people of all ages now and for generations to come.” Plans for the hub include high-quality outdoor and indoor sports facilities; an extensive landscaped playground for the school; healthcare gardens for clinic patients and staff; and community greenspaces and paths designed to enhance connections across the site and encourage active travel. The new learning facility will see up to 509 pupils learn in naturally lit, flexible spaces and be flexible to accommodate a wide range of learning requirements. One of the exciting features developed by Ryder is the landscape design which creates seamless transitions between indoor and outdoor environments with all class bases benefiting from direct access to the playground. And pupils will be able to take part in daily mile walks with a route which is indicated with footprints around the site. Outdoor play equipment also includes bug hotels, allotment beds, and a fire pit surrounded by log seating, all provide different teaching and learning opportunities for the school.  Plans for the clinic include the provision of seven treatment/clinical rooms and a group room to support the delivery of local health services in state of the art health and wellbeing facilities including garden areas. The new community health clinic will provide a larger, more modern facility than the existing Muirhead Clinic, which only allows a small range of community health services to be provided locally due to its size and lack of any dedicated car parking. It will continue to operate its existing services while the new clinic is built. Maggs Thomson, Head of Health, Health & Social Care North Lanarkshire, said: “This is a major milestone towards delivering a new state-of-the-art health clinic for Chryston and the surrounding area. “It will be a purpose-built clinic providing clinical services close to where people live and ensure local people no longer need to travel to Glasgow for certain services. “Through detailed engagement with local service users and stakeholders we will develop a modern facility meeting the needs of people in the area. “This partnership working also means services will continue to run at the existing health clinic during construction, and then transfer to the new facility once completed, meaning there should be minimal disruption for patients and service users.” Michael Ross, Chief Executive, hub South West, said: “It is fantastic to celebrate the start of this exciting project and continue our close working relationship with North Lanarkshire Council in delivering its programme of works. “Our unique partnering approach and focus on the benefits to both the local community and local economy, coupled with our focus on quality and continuous improvement, will ensure this facility is enjoyed for generations to come.” Andy McLinden, Robertson Construction Central West, said: “Our experience in the education and healthcare sectors will allow us to deliver a state-of-the-art facility that not only supports the Council’s vision but that the whole community can be proud of. “Chryston Community Hub is the first project we will deliver on behalf of hub South West since securing Tier 1 status last year and we look forward to engaging with the people of Chryston as the build progresses.” Children and young people, staff, parents and the local community all played a significant role in developing the design for the campus. We worked closely with them to ensure the design reflected our aspirations while taking into account the local community’s requirements and the area’s natural heritage and architecture. The new facility is expected to be operational by August 2023.

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Midlands contractor appointed to major NHS SBS construction framework

G F Tomlinson has been successfully selected as an approved partner for the NHS Shared Business Services PS-Works: Public Sector Construction Works Framework, which launched on 17 December 2020. The framework will provide a compliant procurement route to market for all NHS and wider public sector construction works requirements across the UK, and G F Tomlinson has been appointed to deliver projects up to the value of £5million across the East Midlands, West Midlands, Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire regions. Bidding for the framework, which lines up trusted construction partners for the next seven years, started in February 2020, with 82 UK contractors vying for limited places of up to 10 for each regional lot. 41 contractors in total have been selected to work on projects up to the value of £5million across the UK including G F Tomlinson, and projects to be delivered will include healthcare, education, housing, social care, leisure, libraries, blue light, transport, recycling and waste, industrial and commercial facilities, as well as mixed use regeneration projects. As part of the complex bidding process, G F Tomlinson was required to prove innovation and sustainability in its delivery, as well as consistency of engagement with stakeholders. Following its successful appointment to the framework, the contractor must embrace and commit to eight core framework objectives when delivering projects, which include: value for money, collaboration, approved organisation satisfaction, quality, sustainable procurement, social value, modern methods of construction and an integrated supply chain. Additionally, contractors must provide the NHS and wider public sector authorities with pre-approved supply chains with suitable levels of training, experience and compliance for master planning, integrated design and construction works. Providing social value to local communities is a key framework driver, which includes the use of local supply chains to focus on SME impacts and sustainable local outputs, whilst being actively managed to ensure efficiencies and innovation are being delivered. G F Tomlinson has a strong focus on social value, and its policy and processes focus on four key investment areas including: 1. Employment, training and skills 2. Sustainable procurement 3. Environmental protection and enhancement and 4. Community support. In the last three years, the contractor has generated £22.5million of social value, investing £1million in terms of corporate time, expertise and funding to local community projects and charities. 59% of local labour is sourced within a 20-mile radius of recent projects and 89% within 40 miles of sites. The contractor also diverts 97% of all waste from its projects away from landfill. Chris Flint, director at G F Tomlinson, said: “We are very pleased to have been appointed to this major NHS Public Sector Construction Works Framework, which is streamlining the procurement route to market of all NHS and wider public sector construction work requirements across the country. We look forward to delivering significant healthcare and public sector projects for the next seven years. “G F Tomlinson has already delivered in excess of £640million projects through public sector frameworks to date and as a hardworking and tenacious team, we fully embrace the opportunities this provides in extending our reach across the UK, leaving a positive legacy in the regions in which we operate. “With our experienced management team, commitment to high-quality project delivery, collaborative working, together with the provision of social, economic, environmental and sustainable benefits for local communities, we are ideally positioned to deliver projects up to the value of £5million, as part of this NHS Framework.”

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IronmongeryDirect reports record sales figures

IronmongeryDirect has reported its most successful month in history, with June seeing record figures for both order numbers and revenue. With many people turning to DIY during lockdown, the UK’s largest supplier of ironmongery experienced an 80% year-on-year (YoY) increase in web traffic in June. This increase led to a 75% uplift in transactions, taking the total number of orders to unprecedented levels. The surge of interest in home improvements saw a slight shift in IronmongeryDirect’s usual consumer base, away from its usual trade focus and more into the domestic market. In fact, while online traffic from existing customers rose by 29%, the number of first-time visitors more than trebled (208% YoY). Categories that performed particularly well in June included: ●     Locks and latches ●     Door and cabinet furniture (front door furniture, handles and knobs) ●     Screws and fixings ●     Gate, fence and shed hardware ●     Shelving and storage Charlie Carlton, Head of Digital at IronmongeryDirect and ElectricalDirect, said: “In recent months, many people have used their extra time at home to do DIY and this trend is clearly evident in our sales data. “We’re delighted to have been able to provide for the nation during lockdown, whilst still supplying critical products to the NHS and schools in this difficult time. With restrictions starting to ease off, we expect to see a return to our normal trade patterns and will continue to serve the country’s construction industry as it recovers from the pandemic.” For more information about IronmongeryDirect, visit: www.ironmongerydirect.co.uk/

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VINCI Facilities diverts teams to support the NHS and its key workers

VINCI Facilities, a major provider of FM to the NHS, has announced it is diverting volunteers from its mobile repair teams (MRTs) to support existing facilities management services across several hospitals in the North West, Midlands and South East. As well as supporting with the ongoing repair and maintenance of hospital wards and essential services to keep wards going and back up clinical staff, VINCI Facilities engineers and teams are going to be working to help with reconfiguration of other wards in the hospitals to re-purpose them to support the effort against COVID-19. Its teams will be bolstered by the engineers that usually work in the retail sector supporting charity and large chain store contracts bringing with them much needed extra help in maintaining electrical services and systems, air conditioning, heating and ventilation as well as building repairs and joinery work. The MRTs will be providing cover for staff who are unable to attend work through illness or self-isolation as well as add depth to the existing numbers of engineering staff giving further, much needed support.

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