£750m Professional Services framework renewal unveiled by Pagabo

£750m Professional Services framework renewal unveiled by Pagabo

THE UK’s leading national procurement organisation Pagabo has issued a prior information notice (PIN) for the renewal of one of its biggest construction frameworks, the Professional Services framework. Valued at £750m, this will be the third iteration of the Professional Services framework, which is one of Pagabo’s most popular and

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£545m M&E framework announced by Pagabo

Pagabo launches dedicated M&E solutions framework to market

LEADING national framework provider Pagabo has issued a prior information notice (PIN) for its latest framework – the brand-new Mechanical & Electrical Solutions Framework. Valued at £545 million, the framework has been designed as a solutions-based offering to complement Pagabo’s existing suite of frameworks. A range of specialist M&E subcontractors

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Pagabo appoints G F Tomlinson for £1billion national framework

Pagabo appoints G F Tomlinson for £1billion national framework

Midlands-based contractor, G F Tomlinson, has been announced as a successful partner for the Pagabo National Framework for Medium Works, which launched this month. Running from January 2023 until January 2027, the next-generation framework is one of Pagabo’s most popular and active construction procurement routes for clients, with 148 projects

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LEADING national framework provider Pagabo has today, 08 June, issued a prior information notice (PIN) for the second generation of its popular Medium Works framework, which will be valued at £1 billion. The current Medium Works framework is one of Pagabo’s most popular and active construction offerings for clients, with

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Latest Issue
Issue 326 : Mar 2025


£750m Professional Services framework renewal unveiled by Pagabo

£750m Professional Services framework renewal unveiled by Pagabo

THE UK’s leading national procurement organisation Pagabo has issued a prior information notice (PIN) for the renewal of one of its biggest construction frameworks, the Professional Services framework. Valued at £750m, this will be the third iteration of the Professional Services framework, which is one of Pagabo’s most popular and active offerings. The new framework will take over from the current iteration when it expires in April 2024 and, like its predecessors, will run for four years. Pagabo will be holding a webinar on 10 May, where interested bidders can find out more about the framework and Pagabo. Jason Stapley, chief procurement officer at Pagabo and its parent organisation The 55 Group, said: “The Professional Services framework is a crucial part of our ecosystem, so it’s really fitting it will come to market around the time the business celebrates its 10th anniversary. “Looking at the way this framework has grown over time really reflects the growth journey we have been on as a business. The current version of the framework is valued at £500m and has already delivered 826 procurements for clients across the UK – and we expect this to grow even further with the renewal. “We know that responding to tenders on tight timescales can be a huge stress, so with our focus on how we can improve mental health and wellbeing in the industry we’ve examined how we can adapt our processes. With the tender period for this framework expected to fall across the school holidays, we have increased the tender period to 10 weeks to make sure bidding doesn’t interfere with people’s home lives or increase stress unnecessarily.” As part an ongoing commitment to supporting SMEs and generating the maximum positive social impact from projects, a proportion of slots will be reserved for SMEs, which currently account for just over half of the suppliers on the framework. With the renewal, Pagabo aims to at least match the proportion of SMEs across all services, making sure that all clients have access to the best suppliers for each and every scheme. Jason said: “SME inclusion goes a long way to ensuring the best social value for communities possible. We know that procurement needs to be social value led, placing the positive outcomes at the heart of the whole procurement process. “That’s why client organisations and appointed suppliers are able to access Loop’s social value software for all schemes procured through our frameworks – making sure that this social value led approach is embedded every step along the way, accompanied by a tool that makes forecasting, monitoring and reporting as easy as possible.” Pagabo will continue to manage this framework on behalf of The Education Alliance Trust, which remain as the contracting authority for the new framework agreement having held the same role on the current version. To sign up for the webinar on 10 May, visit: For more information, please visit Building, Design & Construction Magazine | The Choice of Industry Professionals 

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£545m M&E framework announced by Pagabo

Pagabo launches dedicated M&E solutions framework to market

LEADING national framework provider Pagabo has issued a prior information notice (PIN) for its latest framework – the brand-new Mechanical & Electrical Solutions Framework. Valued at £545 million, the framework has been designed as a solutions-based offering to complement Pagabo’s existing suite of frameworks. A range of specialist M&E subcontractors will be appointed to the framework, which will run for four years after going live. Pagabo has already been engaging with M&E providers ahead of issuing this prior information notice. It will also hold a market engagement session on 28 February with the wider market to ensure the collaborative development of a truly fit-for-purpose framework. To allow the framework to be open to a full range of suppliers, it will be split into four value-based lots, allowing organisations to tender for different sized projects. The national framework will also be split into a number of UK regions. It will be open to all types of public sector bodies, including, but not limited to, blue light services, housing associations, healthcare, education, aviation, highways and infrastructure, rail, and nuclear. Jonathan Parker, head of construction at Pagabo, said: “We’re very pleased to be bringing a new framework into our suite of services. The drive and demand for more smart buildings has created more work for companies with mechanical and electrical capabilities, especially in support of the healthcare and higher education sectors, which we’re going to help them compete for. “Appointing the most suitable supplier for each project will help ensure clients have a collective approach to innovation. Whether it’s offsite manufacturing by the contractor, to electrical modelling to the highest energy standards by the M&E specialist, this framework is one of our offerings that will help build quality project teams. “We also build into our framework development and tender processes a dedication to SMEs within the industry, making sure they are afforded equal opportunities across our suite of frameworks – and that is no different for this latest framework.” Cumbria, Northumberland, and Tyne and Wear NHS (CNTW) will be the contracting authority for the new agreement, after holding the same role for Pagabo’s major works and developer led frameworks. Pagabo works with more than 480 public sector bodies throughout the UK and has successfully helped its clients procure more than £3.6 billion of works, goods and services projects through its suite of frameworks. This work has also generated more than £5.3 billion in social value for local communities. Suppliers are able to register their interest here: To register for the pre-market engagement, please go to Building, Design & Construction Magazine | The Choice of Industry Professionals

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Pagabo appoints G F Tomlinson for £1billion national framework

Pagabo appoints G F Tomlinson for £1billion national framework

Midlands-based contractor, G F Tomlinson, has been announced as a successful partner for the Pagabo National Framework for Medium Works, which launched this month. Running from January 2023 until January 2027, the next-generation framework is one of Pagabo’s most popular and active construction procurement routes for clients, with 148 projects having completed to date. As part of the partnership, G F Tomlinson has been appointed to deliver projects from £500,000 up to £10million, throughout Yorkshire, and the East and West Midlands. G F Tomlinson will deliver public sector projects across the education, healthcare, civic, leisure, housing, blue light, highways and infrastructure sectors. In order to be successful, G F Tomlinson’s bid demonstrated relevant experience, financial stability and a strong commitment to social value and the carbon reduction agenda. As well as providing value for money for clients, delivering quality builds on time and on budget, and managing supply chain to a high standard. “We are delighted to have been appointed to the National Framework for Medium Works, which is our fifth framework agreement with Pagabo. G F Tomlinson has delivered in excess of £500 million projects through public sector frameworks to date and with our expertise, commitment to delivering high-quality projects and our passion to enhance social value for local communities, we are best placed to serve public sector clients on all their project requirements,” said Chris Flint, Managing Director at G F Tomlinson. “We look forward to constructing and delivering significant developments through this framework, that will support the regeneration of local communities across the Midlands and North, over the next threeto four years.” Since 2020, G F Tomlinson has partnered with Pagabo on several frameworks including the Major Works Framework, the Framework for Refit and Refurbishment Solutions, and the previous Medium Works Framework, which the new iteration now supersedes. Under these frameworks, the contractor recently delivered the £3.7m extension and remodelling of Cardinal Newman Catholic School to provide an additional 200 school placements, alongside a £2.4m urgent treatment centre at Lincoln Hospital, which expanded the facility’s existing accident and emergency department. “Congratulations to G F Tomlinson on securing their place on the second iteration of our Medium Works Framework. Pagabo have formed a close working relationship with them over the years, delivering 14 projects worth a combined value of £45m across our various construction frameworks, and so we’re excited to be continuing this through the duration of the framework,” added Tom Retallick, Framework Manager at Pagabo. They are currently on site constructing the £15.4m new Air and Space Institute (ASI) at Newark for the Lincoln College Group, which will provide a unique opportunity for school leavers 16 -18 to train for pilot, engineers and ground-crew roles in airlines, the military, airports and logistics companies in a state-of-the-art college facility. The company also has other projects in the pipeline procured via Pagabo, to the value of circa £35million still to come to site. Building, Design and Construction Magazine | The Choice of Industry Professionals

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LEADING national framework provider Pagabo has today, (5 October 2022), issued a prior information notice (PIN) for its latest construction framework – the second generation of its Refit and Refurbishment framework. The new generation of the framework will run for four years from April 2023, taking place of the current iteration, which expires in February. It will provide a compliant and collaborative route to market for public sector clients to procure refurbishment works valued at £50,000 and above. With a total value of £1 billion and to meet the demand for Pagabo’s ever-growing base of national clients across all major business sectors, the framework will be split into five value-based lots as follows: Lot 1 – £50k to £500k Lot 2 – £500k to £1m Lot 3 – £1m to £5m Lot 4 – £5m to £15m Lot 5 – £15m+ Under these lots, up to nine contractors will be allocated to regional sub lots, comprising six core and three reserve suppliers. A number of these places are reserved for SMEs to ensure fair access for organisations of any size, to provide ample choice for clients, and to ensure the generation of maximum positive social impact for communities. Jason Stapley, managing director at Pagabo, said: “The performance of the original Refit and Refurbishment Framework shows that there is a definite requirement for this type of procurement solution, and after lots of work we are now pleased to be inviting suppliers to submit tenders. “As this is a second-generation framework, we have liaised with the contracting authority, existing client organisations and potential suppliers to gain feedback on the current version. This has allowed us to examine what has worked well, and where through changes more organisations can benefit from use of the framework – along with any changes to keep our processes at the forefront of the procurement golden standard and adherence to the Construction Playbook. “As always, social value remains at the centre of our actions. Both client organisations that use this – and our other frameworks – and the appointed contractors will have access to a free version of Loop’s social value software for all Pagabo procured projects. This access will allow them to report on and demonstrate the social value being generated by the project and their actions.” Client organisations will be able to both direct award and further compete their requirements. Suppliers on the core list will be eligible for direct appointments and further competitions, and those on the reserve list will only be eligible for direct appointments. However, they will be included in further competitions should not enough from the core list respond to a further competition expression of interest. Red Kite Learning Trust (RKLT) will be the contracting authority for the new agreement, continuing its role from the current iteration of the framework. A pre-market engagement webinar will be held on 10 October, with interested parties able to register using this link: For more information, please visit

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SUPPLIERS have been invited to tender for Pagabo’s latest framework – the second generation of its popular Medium Works framework – for which the tender documents have now been published.  The new generation of the framework will run for four years from January 2023, taking the place of the current iteration, which expires in December. It will provide a compliant and collaborative route to market for public sector clients to procure medium-sized construction projects valued at up to £10 million. With a total value of £1 billion, the framework will be split into four lots, with up to nine contractors allocated to each region under each lot across core and reserve supplier appointments. There are a number of these places reserved for SMEs to ensure fair access for suppliers of all sizes and to promote ample choice for clients, while generating the most positive social impact for communities. Lot 1 – £50k to £500k Lot 2 – £500k to £1m Lot 3 – £1m to £5m Lot 4 – £5m to £10m Jason Stapley, managing director at Pagabo, said: “The current Medium Works framework is one of our most active construction offerings, having seen more than 150 projects procured through it to date. It’s proved a popular option for clients, so we’re pleased to be looking at the next generation and continuing to support public sector bodies to procure the services they need to compliantly deliver their mid-sized schemes. “Over the past three and a half years, some fantastic schemes have been brought to fruition through the framework, including the expansion of Cardinal Newman Catholic School in Coventry, a £5m new teaching block for Horsforth School in Leeds, and Bassetlaw District Council’s first carbon reduction scheme, which saw a significant refurbishment project at Kilton Forest Gold Course’s clubhouse. “The new iteration of the framework is aligned with all of the gold standard principles of procurement laid out by the Construction Playbook, ensuring that all clients and suppliers will be working at the forefront of industry best practice when it comes to their built environment projects. We’re now looking forward to receiving tender submissions from suppliers and working with our wider ecosystem to make this new generation of Medium Works the best it can be, ready to go live in January next year.” The Education Alliance will be the contacting authority for the new agreement, continuing its role from the current iteration of the framework. For more information, please visit

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A BRAND-NEW cross-specialism group has been formed to bring together the brightest young minds across the construction industry. Looking to harness the power of collective innovation, the Future Innovation Group aims to tackle construction’s biggest issues and create a springboard for change, with new thinking from the leaders of tomorrow. Led by a steering group of placement students, the initiative is open to young people in any construction-related business sector – from contractors to marketeers – and is backed by industry-leading companies including Morgan Sindall and Pagabo, Pick Everard, Wates, ISG and Faithful+Gould. Statistics show that the construction industry struggles to attract and retain people at early-stage career level, so the group is aiming to identify the reasons for this and rectify these points to build a more attractive and diverse sector. It will also look to harness the power of information, working towards making the sector more data driven. To signal the group’s focus on innovation and operating in a data-first manner to attract young talent, the group’s first major event will be an industry-wide hackathon, featuring work sessions and talks from industry leaders. Rebecca Rennie, placement engineer and site manager at Morgan Sindall, is on the group’s leadership panel along with Jamie Davison and Abi Riddle, also of Morgan Sindall. She said: “Our main goal in launching the Future Innovation Group is to bring likeminded young people from any area within the construction industry together, to discuss how we can make it a more attractive place for future generations. “We hope the group will be a springboard for change, identifying why junior recruitment has become such a pervasive issue, and how we can rectify it to build a better industry for all stakeholders. We would like to express our gratitude to the industry for supporting us in our new venture and look forward to working with the construction leaders of today to inspire the leaders of tomorrow.” National framework provider Pagabo has put its weight behind the initiative, helping to bring people together from across its expansive ecosystem. Gerard Toplass, CEO of The 55 Group, which is Pagabo’s parent organisation, said: “Only 25% of the 40,000 people starting qualifications complete the process and stay in the construction industry – showing a 75% drop off rate which suggests the courses are unappealing to young people. This is an alarming statistic and a great cause for concern regarding the future of our workforce as we need to adapt in order to suit the requirements of tomorrow – and thus far have been too slow to do so. “The Future Innovation Group will bring much-needed diversity to the industry and I applaud the work of founders Rebecca, Jamie, Abi, and everyone involved in driving the change needed for a better future for those in entry-level positions.” The FIG’s first hackathon will take place across two days (28-29 July) at the Hilton Hotel in Hull, bringing together 50 attendees from across the industry. The event will feature business sponsors from senior leaders of some of construction’s biggest names, including the group’s Morgan Sindall and Pagabo backers. The group’s leadership will pass on to the next generation of young people in September as the 2022 cohort return to university this autumn. If you would like to get involved with the Group, contact: Jamie Davidson, Abigail Riddle or Rebecca Rennie.

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THE education sector is well versed in procuring built environment work. However, current market constraints, the latest statistics on the level of work needed across school estates and the lack of associated funding means that it will not be an easy road for many. Emma Hesbrook, regional manager at national framework provider Pagabo, discusses how compliant procurement through frameworks and a direct award approach can support schools with their building programmes. 61 schools have been announced this week as successful in securing funding from the government’s school rebuilding programme. Although, this number is a drop in the ocean when compared to the fact that 1,105 schools applied for support within a short four-week window earlier this year. With the Department for Education (DfE) planning to support 500 projects in the next decade, that means more than half of this batch of applicants are likely to miss out on funding altogether – and considering the DfE has previously revealed that more than £11 billion of repair work is needed across England’s schools, this is significantly short of what is needed. To qualify for this latest allocation of funding, schools had to demonstrate that they had at least 1,200 square metres of ‘severe condition need’ to apply. The government has quite rightly prioritised applications with ‘structural or safety issues that pose risk to users’, followed by those showing ‘severe deterioration’ in external walls, roofs, windows or doors, or those with mechanical and electrical systems ‘close to failure’. However, outside of these categories there are thousands of schools that require refurbishment work that are just as important. As well as maintenance, another consideration is the drive towards net zero. Almost 70 per cent of schools around the country comprise of buildings from before the 2000s – with 20 per cent dating back to the first half of the 20th century or even earlier. There are no prizes for guessing when education providers prefer – or rely on – construction work to be undertaken considering that summer offers the largest annual window in which sites are significantly quieter. Post-covid, summer has provided an ideal concentrated timespan to get building work, critical repair or maintenance work done. With such a significant number of schools needing work and likely to miss out on funding, it’s fair to assume that next summer will be busier than ever with summer works – and we may see a marked increase in works during term time as well. When it comes to carrying out education projects in recent months, we have seen an increase in contractors turning projects off and turning their backs on expensive bidding opportunities. This comes as no real surprise when considering the backdrop of rising costs, and materials and labour shortages across the construction industry – but it has given the direct award process a new lease of life in the procurement realm. We know that clients have existing supply chain relationships, which must be nurtured. While framework providers are capable of consulting and opening up a network of compliant suppliers, there is intangible value found in building on existing collaboration, which direct award can allow. The direct award approach is one that can work for both low and high-value projects, offering benefits including greater cost and programme certainty, tailored social value outcomes and no stressful or costly bidding process. It also allows for a quick turnaround for supplier appointment, without compensating on compliance checks. One such example of a recent scheme that maximised the benefits of the direct award process is Nottingham College. The team approached us in April for a low value project to be completed this summer. The expression of interest went to market via our DPS and Medium Works framework, but with suppliers oversubscribed with work to assign the necessary bidding resource to the project, a direct award was suggested. Local contractor J Tomlinson was appointed quickly via direct award, getting the project on track and on site within weeks – and is now making excellent progress against the original programme timetable. Schools craft our experts of tomorrow and without the best environments, pupils’ learning experience will be impacted. This is why it’s so important that the built environment sector looks to support schools with creating those excellent environments, and while funding continues to fall short for schools, we must champion tactics like direct award to help schools in creating the environments they need however and where we can. For more information, please visit

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LEADING national framework provider Pagabo has today, 08 June, issued a prior information notice (PIN) for the second generation of its popular Medium Works framework, which will be valued at £1 billion. The current Medium Works framework is one of Pagabo’s most popular and active construction offerings for clients, with 148 projects having been procured through it to date. The issuing of a prior information notice sets the wheels in motion to the creation and launch of its successor, with prospective suppliers able to bid following the release of tender documentation later this year. The new generation of the framework will run for four years from January 2023, taking over from the current iteration, which expires in December. It provides a compliant and collaborative framework that can deliver medium-sized construction projects with a minimum value of £250,000, giving clients access to suppliers across three value bands. Jason Stapley, managing director at Pagabo, said: “This PIN marks the first steps towards making this second generation framework a reality – and the best it can be based on market input. This approach to engagement with those who will apply to be on or will use the framework is an important part of our process, ensuring that every framework we launch is absolutely fit-for-purpose – solving procurement problems rather than creating them. “It’s really important that clients have access to the best providers on the market – not just the big businesses. That’s why we reserve a number of appointments specifically for SMEs. We know how important having that choice is to clients, as well as the increased levels of social value and positive impact benefit that comes from working with SMEs particularly on a local level. “Our Medium Works framework is a really popular one with our clients, providing them with the services they need to compliantly deliver mid-sized projects. Some incredible work has been delivered through the framework, such as £1.4m National Centre for Craft and Design for North Kesteven District Council and the £10m Swallowtail Place for Saffron Housing Trust, and we look forward to seeing standout built environment schemes come through the new generation from next year.” The framework will be split into three lots, with up to nine contractors allocated to each region under each lot across core and reserve supplier appointments. There are a number of these places reserved for SMEs to ensure fair access for suppliers of all sizes and to provide ample choice for clients. Lot 1 – £250k to £1m Lot 2 – £1m to £5m Lot 3 – £5m to £10m The contracting authority for the framework will be the Education Alliance, which will continue that role from the current, live offer. For more information, please visit Building Design and Construction Magazine | The Home of Construction & Property News

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NATIONAL framework provider Pagabo has announced the appointment of 48 suppliers to its brand-new £1.56bn civils and infrastructure framework, which goes live on 1 June 2022. The awards include Buckingham Group, John Sisk and Son and Galliford Try Construction. The new framework will run for four years until May 2026 with the option to extend for a further two years and will allow local authorities and public sector bodies to procure a range of projects such as rail, nuclear, bridges, roads, maritime, telecommunications, water, and alternative power projects. Pagabo has appointed 48 core and reserve suppliers across the four framework lots, which cover value bands of up to £30m and above. This provides ample supplier choice for clients, with the geographical breakdown also providing equal opportunities SMEs alongside large organisations. Jason Stapley, managing director at Pagabo, said: “We’re really pleased to see our new civils and infrastructure framework go live with a range of excellent suppliers, especially after such great interest and demand from the market. The framework, which is the first that Queen Elizabeth Facilities Ltd will be acting as the contracting authority for, will provide clients with that all-important confidence in the suppliers they choose for their projects. “Providing the vehicle for compliant procurement of built environment works means that we have a big responsibility when it comes to helping meet the ambitious net zero targets set out by government. We are committed to working with public sector bodies to achieve this through consideration of emerging technologies and project controls, while connecting clients with the right suppliers. “Whether it is tackling the impacts of the climate emergency through flood alleviation projects or working towards net zero targets through using alternative fuels or development greener travel infrastructure, this framework offering will make sure that the projects procured through it over the coming years are working towards tackling the climate crisis.” The civils and infrastructure framework connects clients with the right contractors for all construction projects from £500,000 upwards, providing with compliant access to suppliers with the expertise to deliver any scheme. In order to be considered for the framework, providers were required to go through a rigorous, PCR2015 compliant tender process, and prove financial suitability and related experience. As well as this, providers on Pagabo’s frameworks are required to share the company’s passion for social value and innovation. The 48 companies that have been awarded a place on the new framework (in alphabetical order) are: ACS Civils Ltd Alun Griffiths (Contractors) Ltd Amalgamated Construction Ltd (trading as AmcoGiffen) Associated Asphalt Constructing Ltd Bethell Construction Limited Britannia Construction Limited Buckingham Group Contracting Ltd Clancy Docwra Limited Colas Ltd CR Reynolds Ltd Danaher & Walsh (Civil Engineering) Ltd DAWSON-WAM Eric Wright Civil Engineering Ltd Esh Construction Limited Fox Building and Engineering Ltd FP McCann Ltd Galliford Try Construction Ltd Howard Civil Engineering Ltd J Hopkins (Contractors) Ltd Jackson Civil Engineering Group Limited JN Bentley Ltd John Graham Construction Ltd John Sisk and Son (Holdings) Limited Jones Bros Ruthin (Holdings) Ltd Keltbray Built Environment Ltd Kier Infrastructure & Overseas Ltd Lagan Aviation & Infrastructure Limited Lowry Building & Civil Engineering Ltd McLaughlin & Harvey Ltd McPhillips (Wellington) Limited Meldrum Construction Services Group Ltd Mildren Construction Limited Milestone Infrastructure Ltd Montel Civil Engineering Limited Morgan Sindall Construction and Infrastructure Ltd O’Brien Contractors Ltd Octavius Infrastructure P. P. O’Connor Group Limited PBS Construction Ltd RJ McLeod (Contractors) Ltd Sir Robert McAlpine Ltd Spencer Group The Casey Group Ltd VINCI Construction UK Limited VolkerFitzpatrick Ltd Whitehouse Construction Co. Ltd Whitemountain Quarries Limited Winvic Construction For more information, please visit

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NATIONAL framework provider Pagabo has today gone live with its latest procurement offering – its Soft Facilities Management Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) – which has an anticipated full-term value of £100m. Pagabo’s Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) provides a compliant procurement system for a wide range of facilities management works, including cleaning, catering, washroom and hygiene services, pest control, security, and waste management and recycling. The DPS is now live and will run until May 2027, with the option of a one-year extension, and will connect public sector organisations with pre-approved businesses of all sizes across the UK. At the same time, it has also issued a prior information notice (PIN) for its latest framework – its brand-new, £100m Total Facilities Management Solutions framework. Jason Stapley, managing director at Pagabo, said: “We’re really pleased to be bringing forward these new options for clients to access the facilities management services they need, no matter their project size, type or location. “Our DPS cuts timescales, streamlines the process and simplifies the tender process for clients and suppliers alike. It provides an ‘open market’ solution, being designed to give clients access to a pool of pre-qualified suppliers, which can be constantly updated with new suppliers. This differs to the more traditional framework agreements, to which suppliers are locked in for the full term. “With no limits on the amount of suppliers, the DPS provides any client with a wide range of options when it comes to suppliers, which will go through the further competition process to ensure the best supplier is appointed to the job.” The Soft Facilities Management DPS will allow the procurement of services for projects of unlimited value, covering three value bands: £0 – £250k £250k – £1m £1m and above The DPS will be able to cater for an unlimited number of national and regional suppliers, which will cover 174 geographical regions. Clients will be able to appoint suppliers for works via further competition. Meanwhile, the Total Facilities Management Solutions framework will be split into three lots, covering soft, hard, and total facilities management. The contracting authority for both procurement routes will be Red Kite Learning Trust. Jason said: “Clients will be able to benefit from super streamlined processes, which are backed up with full compliance. The pre-qualification process gives confidence that all our suppliers have the skills, governance and business viability for any project – as well as providing quality and value services. “The flexibility of a DPS being open to new suppliers throughout its term also means that clients are able to engage with potential suppliers on a more localised basis, supporting wider government aims of economic growth, levelling up and creating social value.” Suppliers interested in applying to be on the Soft Facilities Management DPS will be able to submit via MyPagabo. A pre-market engagement webinar will be held for the Total Facilities Management Solutions framework on 26 May at 1pm. Interested parties can register via For more information, please visit

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