Rhino Interiors Group

Top Safety Credits Awarded to Rhino Interiors Group

One of the most prolific businesses for office renovations, design and decoration, currently operating in the Midlands, has recently been handed the brilliant achievement of ‘excellence’ in terms of work area safety measures. The company, known as Rhino Interiors Group (Rhino), has been recognised by Alcumus SafeContractor for its consistent advances

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RIG Handed a Brilliant Achievement of “Excellence” in Safety Measures

One of the most prolific businesses for indoor renovations, design and decoration currently operating in the Midlands has been recently handed the brilliant achievement of “Excellence” in terms of a work area’s safety measures. This company, known as Rhino Interiors Group, has been recognized by Alcumus SafeContractor for its consistent

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Latest Issue
Issue 325 : Feb 2025

Rhino Interiors Group

Top Safety Credits Awarded to Rhino Interiors Group

One of the most prolific businesses for office renovations, design and decoration, currently operating in the Midlands, has recently been handed the brilliant achievement of ‘excellence’ in terms of work area safety measures. The company, known as Rhino Interiors Group (Rhino), has been recognised by Alcumus SafeContractor for its consistent advances in making a safer workplace for its 20-plus workforce. This is undoubtedly fantastic news for Rhino, which has had contracts with many star-studded enterprises such Aston Martin and Siemens. With such a wide and varied client base, it is clear that Rhino delivers very high standards of output and is consistently able to satisfy its clients again and again. An investigation of Rhino’s health and safety standards was essential as, being such a high-profile company, as explained by SafeContractor Director Gemma Archibald, certain standards have to be met and checked. SafeContractor was eager to ensure that Rhino passed the various tests with flying colours and was pleased that the process had gone smoothly. Mr Adrian Dearnley of Rhino wanted to emphasise that Rhino accepted and welcomed the various tests that needed to be implemented in order to assess Rhino’s methods against risk in the work place that were already in situ. He confirmed that Rhino adopts the rigorous implementation of these regulations so that contractors and employees put their safety first before anything else. Furthermore, the Director of Rhino emphasised how proud he is of the accreditation that defines the West Midlands firm as a bastion of health and safety regulations.

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RIG Handed a Brilliant Achievement of “Excellence” in Safety Measures

One of the most prolific businesses for indoor renovations, design and decoration currently operating in the Midlands has been recently handed the brilliant achievement of “Excellence” in terms of a work area’s safety measures. This company, known as Rhino Interiors Group, has been recognized by Alcumus SafeContractor for its consistent advances in making the working space for its 20-plus workforce a safer and better place. This is undoubtedly fantastic news for Rhino, who have had contracts with as many star-studded enterprises as diverse as Aston Martin and Siemens. With clients as wide and varied as that, it is clear that Rhino deliver very high standards of output and are consistently able to satisfy their famous clients again and again. Yet an investigation of Rhino’s health and safety standards was however essential as, being such a high-profile company, as explained by SafeContractor Director Gemma Archibald, certain standards had to be met and checked. It is clear that SafeContractor were also eager to ensure that Rhino Interiors Group passed the various tests with flying colors, and were pleased that the process had gone smoothly. Mister Adrian Dearnley of RIG was eager to emphasize that Rhino accepted and welcomed the various tests that needed to be implemented in order to assess the methods against risks in the work place that were already in place. Mister Dearnley seems eager for the rigorous implementation of these regulations so that the contractors and employees of RIG put their safety first before anything else. Furthermore, the Director of RIG emphasizes his pride that the award finally defines the West Midlands firm as a bastion of health and safety regulation. It is hoped that the rewards of this will result in attracting an even wider spectrum of clientele to knock at the doors of Rhino Interiors Group and to use the services of a company that they know is concerned for the wellbeing of its staff.

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