Robert Brown

COINS Special Conference 2017

Construction Industry Solutions (also known as COINS) were excited to organize a special conference dedicated to showing the different ways in which the building and construction industries in the United Kingdom can work together in order to implement the brand new innovations that expansions in technology enable them to do

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Winners of Construction Industry Solutions

COINS has recently announced the six winning contestants of its yearly competition that will help to pave the way for greater innovation and sustainable methods of production that the industry will be able to implement into its workings in the near future to ensure its progression and development into the

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Latest Issue
Issue 322 : Nov 2024

Robert Brown

COINS Special Conference 2017

Construction Industry Solutions (also known as COINS) were excited to organize a special conference dedicated to showing the different ways in which the building and construction industries in the United Kingdom can work together in order to implement the brand new innovations that expansions in technology enable them to do in this day and age. Over 240 fully qualified professionals operating in the sector were involved in the conference and it is clear from photographic evidence that the event was a success. With such a broad range of topics that included the new technological opportunities available to mankind as well as how growth can be sustained in the industrial sector today, there was something to amaze everyone at the event which also included talks from leading members and affiliates of companies such as Microsoft and Tesla. It is clear that the jewel in the crown however was COINS’ dedication to promoting growth and the endless variety of possibilities that are available to prospering businesses and enterprises within the building and construction industry. Being the first event of its kind to have been organized by COINS, there was overall relief that the event went so well as it did and it is clear that the company will be holding similar events of that kind again in the future, so that the promotion of growth and investment in industries all over the United Kingdom can continue to be showcased and celebrated before the very people that will help to instigate change in the way the industry operates. Robert Brown the CEO of COINS was there to express his delight that the event was such a successful one and it is clear that the gala dinner and awards ceremony to young entrepreneurs in the business was the key highlight of the Conference & Exhibition event. It is hoped that more enterprises in the construction industry will have been inspired from their attendance to prosper and grow for the years ahead.

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Winners of Construction Industry Solutions

COINS has recently announced the six winning contestants of its yearly competition that will help to pave the way for greater innovation and sustainable methods of production that the industry will be able to implement into its workings in the near future to ensure its progression and development into the 21st Century. With the amount of climate change and the dwindling of the world’s resources and materials, it is becoming more than ever a reality and a top priority for businesses in the building and construction industries to do what they can in order to improve themselves. The six deserving winners of the COINS competition were treated to a luxurious London gala dinner on Wednesday the 8th of this month of February and it is clear from the photographic evidence that the evening was a barnstorming success in every sense of the meaning of the word. Mister Robert Brown, the Chief Executive Officer at COINS, wishes to explain that despite the fact that there can only be six individual winners to the competition, the efforts and enthusiasm of all involved is what makes the competition what it is and wants to say well done to all who showed an interest in the contest. Finally, Mister Brown wishes good luck to all of those that proved themselves so good and worthy of the vital building blocks to ensure their success in the construction industry. With an agenda devoted to greater sustainability as well as different forms of leadership skills, the company ensures that every single year entrepreneurs and young minds with the capacity to promote change and progress in the construction industry are rewarded with the just merits that they deserve. The various forms of awards that COINS issues range from research and development programs to internships with exclusive and award-winning companies around the country, thus ensuring that future generations of innovation and progress remain possible within the building, design and construction industry.

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