Galliford Try teams up with Siemens on technology solutions

Galliford Try teams up with Siemens on technology solutions

Galliford Try has teamed up with Siemens to accelerate the integration of digital technologies across the lifecycle of water and wastewater projects. The new model brings together the companies’ complementary solutions and expertise in the water sector to help water companies meet the regulatory, environmental and operational pressures in modernising

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Galliford Try Wins Water Related Contracts

Two water-related contracts, which will see upgrades completed on a North Lincolnshire pumping station and West Sussex pipeline, have been won by Galliford Try. The firm will upgrade Keadby pumping station near Scunthorpe for the Environment Agency under a £20.5 million contract. This project will be carried out in a

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Contractors Announced for Severn Trent Framework

Severn Trent’s AMP7 Capital Delivery Framework has announced its first contractors. The water company is investing circa £2 billion in these projects, which will be carried out between 2020 and 2025. The framework has been structured into four defined lots, with Lot 1 representing the capital delivery design and build frameworks

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World Water Day – Using Water Sustainably

For this year’s World Water Day, customers are to be encouraged to selected water saving products where possible. In accordance with this Bristan is urging installers to, in turn, urge their own customers to make the best choices for sustainable water usage where possible. Though by no means compulsory, it

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NIC Needs To Be Strong On Energy and Water Development

Tough decisions will have to be made with purpose and clarity by the National Infrastructure Commission (NIC) to deliver major energy and water projects says the Confederation of British Industry (CBI). The newly created NIC has been given the foundations by which it can deliver relevant infrastructure improvements thanks to

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Latest Issue
Issue 325 : Feb 2025


Galliford Try teams up with Siemens on technology solutions

Galliford Try teams up with Siemens on technology solutions

Galliford Try has teamed up with Siemens to accelerate the integration of digital technologies across the lifecycle of water and wastewater projects. The new model brings together the companies’ complementary solutions and expertise in the water sector to help water companies meet the regulatory, environmental and operational pressures in modernising their infrastructure while reducing time, cost, risk and carbon. The joint digital tools and sector experience will help water companies solve a range of challenges, such as the ability to identify potential blockages in sewer networks, improve operational efficiency of treatment works and become a net zero industry by 2030. Due to the early collaboration between Siemens and Galliford Try in advance of future projects, the partnership is estimated to speed up delivery of new tech enabled infrastructure developments significantly. The partnership will focus on three use cases. Firstly, it will enable optimisation of the wastewater treatment process using mechanistic digital twin technology. The solution optimises energy by up to 20%. It operates in real-time with integration of the control system, or offline and the solution can be offered to support a specific project or offered as a service integrated with sensor and model management. The second use case reduces storm overflows and pollution incidents. The end-to-end solution, from sensor installation to an application, uses artificial intelligence (AI) to find nine in 10 blockages and automates reporting of overflows in real-time. This is coupled with the opportunity for a UK company to be the first to deploy a proven solution, already operational globally, for catchment level integrated control that reduces overflow volumes from existing infrastructure by 80% in light rain and 19% in heavy rain. The third use case focuses on reducing the risk and maintenance of sewage pumping stations. This retrofit solution for pumping stations reduces pump blockages by 80% and improves pump performance and risk. Building, Design and Construction Magazine | The Choice of Industry Professionals

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Galliford Try Wins Water Related Contracts

Two water-related contracts, which will see upgrades completed on a North Lincolnshire pumping station and West Sussex pipeline, have been won by Galliford Try. The firm will upgrade Keadby pumping station near Scunthorpe for the Environment Agency under a £20.5 million contract. This project will be carried out in a joint venture with Black & Veatch. The station is located at the end of a complex network of rivers and pumping stations within the lowlying Isle of Axholme which spans around 200 square miles across South Yorkshire, Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire. The pumps help transfer flood water from the Three Rivers into the River Trent during high tides. The station is nearly 80 years old and has reached the end of its working life. Work involves replacing the existing diesel driven pumps with six electric pumps, constructing electrical equipment buildings within the existing site and rebuilding the outfall headwall where the Three Rivers discharge to the Trent. Work starts this month and full completion is set for June 2021. The other project, worth £14.5 million, involves the laying of a 10km pipeline in Chichester, West Sussex, for Southern Water. The new waste water transfer main with three new pumping stations will run from the west of the city to the Tangmere treatment works in the east. The new infrastructure is necessary to connect three major housing developments of 3,800 homes in the catchment to the sewer network while complying with Environment Agency consents to limit storm discharges from the existing Chichester treatment works into the harbour. Both contracts will be undertaken by the Environment business unit of Galliford Try’s Infrastructure division.

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Contractors Announced for Severn Trent Framework

Severn Trent’s AMP7 Capital Delivery Framework has announced its first contractors. The water company is investing circa £2 billion in these projects, which will be carried out between 2020 and 2025. The framework has been structured into four defined lots, with Lot 1 representing the capital delivery design and build frameworks and Lots 2, 3 and 4 forming three separate capital delivery build only frameworks. Successful contractors in Lot 1 (Design and Build) include: • Amey Utility Services Limited • Costain Limited • J Murphy & Sons • Mott MacDonald Bentley • MWH Treatment • nmcn • VolkerStevin & Atkins Joint Venture. Those successful in Lot 2 (Build only – Civils) comprise: • Barhale & Doosan Enpure • Coffey Construction • CPC Civils • Forkers • GEDA Construction • JN Bentley • Kier Integrated Services • MWH Treatment • nmcn • VolkerStevin. “Getting fast-track status from Ofwat means that we’ve been able to make a really early start on our planning for AMP7. We now have 12 months where we can define the key projects we need to deliver for our customers, which we can do alongside our new construction partners. We are delighted we now have our partners in place for lots 1 and 2, and this is a really exciting time for us as we look at new, more efficient ways to invest for the future to make our services even better,” commented Helen Miles, Capital Delivery and Commercial Director at Severn Trent. Amey, which has worked for Severn Trent for over 20 years delivering clean water mains renewals, sewer maintenance and the installation and refurbishment of pumping stations, is one of the seven delivery partners for Lot 1. The company will be responsible for the design and build of water and wastewater assets above and below ground. “We’re delighted to have secured a place on the capital delivery framework and we look forward to playing an integral part in delivering Severn Trent’s vision for AMP7. Ensuring an excellent customer experience, protecting the local environment and supporting the community in which we work is at the heart of the work we do, and is an ethos we share with Severn Trent,” said Amey chief executive Andy Milner.

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World Water Day – Using Water Sustainably

For this year’s World Water Day, customers are to be encouraged to selected water saving products where possible. In accordance with this Bristan is urging installers to, in turn, urge their own customers to make the best choices for sustainable water usage where possible. Though by no means compulsory, it is hoped for installers and customers alike to get on board with the notion and focus more wholly upon the amount of water we use, and consume on a daily basis. Situated on March 22nd, World Water Day is a United Nations initiative which dates all the way back to 1993, primarily to highlight the importance of sustainable water use and focusing the attention of customers on the world water crisis; a key part of this incorporating circa 783m people still yet unable to source safe drinking water. Of course, the day will also include other initiatives as part of World Water Day, such as a focus on water safety concerns across other continents, but, effectively Bristan would like to highlight the importance of each and every person making a difference where they can – effectively, locally, at home, through sustained individual water usage. As Bristan’s Marketing Manager, Hayley Holland comments: “As perhaps one of the least-considered natural resources, it is all too easy to turn on the tap and forget about the consequences.” In accordance with this, by no means a rule of thumb, but individuals have pinpointed a lack of consideration for the amount of water we use on a daily base, almost taking the supply of the vital resource for granted. And while many of the problems to do with water shortages are seen abroad, it is also there case that certain pockets of the UK are still reeling from one of the worst droughts they have experienced in the past decades; this, then highlighting the severe importance of making a difference locally, today.

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NIC Needs To Be Strong On Energy and Water Development

Tough decisions will have to be made with purpose and clarity by the National Infrastructure Commission (NIC) to deliver major energy and water projects says the Confederation of British Industry (CBI). The newly created NIC has been given the foundations by which it can deliver relevant infrastructure improvements thanks to the CBI revealing eight areas it says should be prioritised. This includes water and flood defences, low-carbon energy, and energy generation and supply. Rhian Kelly, the CBI’s business environment director says the NIC must be an enabler, helping to deliver projects across the UK that promote industry growth, create jobs and get the economy flowing. To accomplish this, the NIC should not be hindered by politics or red tape and must be given the weight to push through infrastructure decisions that can make significant gains. Areas worth targeting, concludes the report, involves such initiatives as the extraction and storage of energy from a wider range of sources and improving the opportunities that will come from a “circular economy”. That means developing existing technologies and embracing new ones such as carbon capture and storage, tidal power and hydrogen. Supply of water needs to be flexible, making use of variable volumes thanks to climate change and weather patterns impacting differently across the UK. This must be factored into housing and infrastructure planning over the long term. In terms of promoting a low-carbon economy, the CBI suggests the commission should look at boosting energy infrastructure and generation to promote electrification within heating and transport. This level of focus must also be on flood defences with up to 2.1m people projected to be at risk within 35 years. Flood defences must be more resilience while upstream water capture should be considered. Through these initiatives the NIC can potentially prove to be a major success. Time will tell.  

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