
Industrial Epoxy Floor Experts Explain Benefits of This Surface


The development of new technologies has brought numerous innovations in the field of interior decoration. Epoxy resin-based 3D floors can be used in all interiors and space types, both commercial and residential. For ease of maintenance, they can also be found in production facilities.

Whether you want to refresh your old floors or are in the process of building your home from scratch, epoxy coatings are one of the more and more prevalent trends in interior design. However, it is not just the beauty and quirky appearance that sets these floors apart.

Although it may not be the cheapest solution, the epoxy surface has many advantages that make it worthwhile to install it in your house or office in the long run. You can find more on making this material on this web source. You can even use this type of coating on your walls and furniture (countertops, tables, beds).

Durable Floor Protection

Floors that have a 3D effect are not only beautiful but also very strong and sturdy. Epoxy as a material is wear-resistant, so you don’t have to worry about moving furniture or dropping things that can scratch the floor.

Epoxy resin belongs to the category of warm surfaces (like parquet) and has all the characteristics of solid floors.  It means that this material has a high degree of thermal insulation. You don’t have to put a rug or carpet on. That makes this resin-based material the right choice for rooms and facilities that require constant temperature (children’s room, bathroom, hospitals, labs, etc.).

This 3D surface has smoothness and resistance to mechanical damage. When the epoxy is installed correctly, its color and shine will not fade over time. It’s also highly resistant to harsh chemicals, acids, and cleaning agents. It also has a high limit on compressive and flexural loads. You can freely place massive furniture or any heavy load on it.

Attractive and Polished Look

These floors owe their attractiveness to the chemical composition of the basic ingredient, which is resin. Its chemical composition is such that it permits the mixing of various pigments to obtain the desired color and structure of the surface.

A floor structure can be done depending on aggregates in the mixture. Their proportion determines the final appearance, which can be a completely smooth surface with a high polish or a rough, matt covering. In most cases, industrial epoxy flooring reflects the light, so the room looks brighter.

You can customize the color of the epoxy floor by painting the underlayment. Aggregates added to every layer provide it with the subtle and glossy finish, which gives the 3D effects and makes the surface look even more attractive. This process requires some hard work and some particular materials, so it is best to hire professionals to do the job right.


Since this floor consists of several layers (from 4 to 6, although two are sufficient in residential buildings), the degree of protection of the concrete below is very high. Because concrete is abrasive, it can start to crumble over time. The epoxy surface prevents that from happening.

Also, floors with resin-made coatings are not slippery, although, at first glance, they seem too polished. In fact, they have a relatively high degree of friction with a surface that touches it. These are safe to use in children’s rooms, kindergartens, schools, etc.

Ease of Maintenance

The reason why most commercial buildings have epoxy floors is that they are easy to clean and do not absorb fluids. When a large number of people are walking around, they bring all kinds of dirt. When mixed with moisture, it hardens and creates stubborn layers of debris. But that can’t happen on the polished surface of the epoxy floor. Any dust and dirt that gets caught in there are easy to wipe away with a damp mop.

Also, epoxy surfaces do not absorb liquids. There’s not even a chance of oil or any greasy stains to stay on it. So think about installing this coating over the concrete or tiles in your garage or workshop. The liquid remains on the surface and is easily removed with a cloth.

Floors made of this type of resin have no fugues, which makes them hygienic and resistant to the appearance of mold. For this reason, you can also incorporate epoxy coating into the shower cabin. It will create the effect of deepness, and bring you the feeling like you’re in a pool. It’s easy to maintain and does not change its appearance due to moisture exposure.

Epoxy Installation Requires Flooring Experts

Almost every construction job has a DIY form. However, not each of them is feasible to do without professional tools and expertise. Epoxy is quite demanding to install, so even seasoned DIY-ers seek help from experts. The primary reason is that they use professional equipment in their work that is necessary for floor installation.

Also, knowledge of the material and experience are on the contractors’ side. Epoxy is not a finished product that can be purchased at the store and does not have its DIY option. This material takes at least one day to harden and dry. If you try to replace it with some cheaper alternative, you won’t get the same effect.

This resin-based material is made up of multi-component systems that have their mixing and application rules, which is not something you can make at home. For a non-skilled person, this procedure would require a lot of learning and training, and this would take too long.

On the page below, read why you should consider hiring contractors to install the epoxy floor in your facility:

Epoxy coatings can look amazing and bring warmth to the rooms. It’s available in a variety of styles; it all depends on your idea and requirements. Its sparkly look and sleekness can make space really stand out, especially when the resin is mixed with some attractive color. The deep shine, when the flooring is done professionally, gives a fantastic finish and a touch of luxury to space.


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