Housing crisis set to deepen even further as Scottish Government Budget passed
Housing crisis set to deepen even further as Scottish Government Budget passed

Future supply of homes coming forward across all tenures threatened as cuts to housing and planning budgets passed

Tuesday’s passing of the Scottish Budget 2024 – 2025 at Holyrood will perpetuate housing inequality across the country and limit the number of new homes coming forward across all tenures, says sector body Homes for Scotland (HFS).

With a cut of 27.7% to the Housing and Building Standards Budget and further cuts of 26% and 43% to the Affordable Housing Supply Programme and Planning Budget respectively confirmed, HFS Director of Policy Fionna Kell said:

“Whilst we welcome the Deputy First Minister’s commitment that housing will be treated with priority should further funds become available as a result of announcements by the Chancellor next week, the Budget passed today will only serve to deepen the housing inequality being felt across the country and risks losing the significant socio-economic benefits that come through increased home building across all tenures.

“The cuts come at a time when multiple Local Authorities have declared housing emergencies and recent independent research has shown that there are 693,000 Scottish households facing at least one form of housing need. “Instead of cutting housing budgets, now is the time to maximise the wide-ranging socio-economic benefits offered by ensuring Scotland has the homes it needs to meet the needs of its people.”

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Issue 325 : Feb 2025