BDC Magazine


CITB ensures safer plant operations with changes to training and testing

CITB ensures safer plant operations with changes to training and testing

CITB is piloting changes across a series of plant training standards and grants, implemented from 31 July to help standardise plant training and testing requirements across the construction industry. The first set of new standards have been developed in collaboration with industry working groups, made up of employers, providers, and

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Construction skills competition finals to be hosted at Milton Keynes arena

Construction skills competition finals to be hosted at Milton Keynes arena

Colleges across the UK are preparing to host the largest and longest-running construction skills competition, as approximately 1,000 students will compete in the SkillBuild 2023 regional qualifiers this year.   SkillBuild is delivered by the Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) and showcases some of the brightest talent, as highly skilled

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Construction workers unite to improve fire safety

Construction workers unite to improve fire safety

The Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) is calling on all construction workers to help improve fire safety across the industry. Following the Grenfell Tower tragedy in 2017 and subsequent inquiry, the industry has worked hard to increase safety standards to prevent such an incident from happening again. One outcome has

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CITB joins search for UK’s best plant operator

CITB joins search for UK’s best plant operator

Are you Britain’s best bulldozer driver? A world-class wheel loader operator? The search is on for Operator of the Year, with £10,000 in prize money up for grabs in a dedicated all-day festival of construction. This is the competition’s third year, run by UK Plant Operators Magazine (UKPO) and supported

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CITB response to the Chancellor's statement

CITB response to the Chancellor’s statement

CITB ’s Chief Executive, Tim Balcon said: “Construction employers are facing rising energy bills and materials costs and they need confidence in the future pipeline of work and support to train through challenging market conditions. “We will do everything we can to support the construction industry so companies can continue to

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CITB funds mental health first aiders for construction apprentices

CITB is investing £90,000 to fund a pilot scheme which will provide mental health support for apprentices from the start of their construction industry careers.  Optima UK Ltd will train further education construction tutors to be Mental Health First Aiders so they can support construction apprentices during their learning. Apprentices

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CITB announces radical new pilot to improve access to training

CITB has announced an investment of more than £800,000 for the launch of a new employer network pilot project, which could revolutionise the way the construction sector access and receive funding for training in the future. Over 3,800 levy-registered construction businesses will be eligible to benefit from the pilot, offered

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Latest Issue

BDC 319 : Aug 2024


CITB ensures safer plant operations with changes to training and testing

CITB ensures safer plant operations with changes to training and testing

CITB is piloting changes across a series of plant training standards and grants, implemented from 31 July to help standardise plant training and testing requirements across the construction industry. The first set of new standards have been developed in collaboration with industry working groups, made up of employers, providers, and federations. These new standards represent a real change in the way that plant training and testing is delivered, streamlining the system, and making grants more accessible. With plant operators in high demand, these changes will have a wide-reaching impact. They will ensure employers see a return on their investment by producing competent, work-ready plant operators, who have received training from experts, including learning on new technologies and the eco operation of plant. The first phase of the changes will see new standards introduced for the following: Alongside the new standards, the grant rates for plant training and tests will also be changed and improved. Currently, three smaller grants are available for practical test, theory test and short course training, which employers can apply in different ways. Under the new changes a single grant will be available for all CITB registered employers. A transition period is in place for two months, allowing employers to still receive grant for either the old or new standards while the process is embedded. After September, grants will only be available against the new requirements for the training and testing of the eight categories under review. To ensure grant eligibility, they will have to: Going forward, employers will need to provide their CITB registration number to an ATO, who will apply for the grant on their behalf. Any other plant training that is separate from the new standards will remain eligible for grant and employers can apply for this in the same way they currently do. A separate, higher “novice” grant rate will be available for employers who are putting staff through plant training, who have never had experience in the type of machinery they are being trained in. This is to help respond specifically to the industry’s need for more people to become highly skilled and competent plant operators. Peter Brown, PSRO Secretariat, said: “The Plant Sector Representative Organisation (PSRO) – consisting of seven major construction plant-user federations – was set up by employers and their representative bodies to drive consistency for operational standards and certification through card schemes. Through its competency framework, the PSRO recognises the importance of the introduction of these CITB training standards and their role in ensuring high-quality and consistency of learning, coupled with robust quality assurance processes, that is required for the skills and knowledge for the safe operation of plant. “The PSRO is pleased to have been given the opportunity to provide CITB with overarching delivery advice and guidance through its Technical Review Group and supports the use of the standards within the construction sector.” Tim Brownbridge, Academy Manager at BAM Nuttall Ltd., said: “Since early in 2022 I have been involved in a voluntary industry group developing the CITB Plant Training Standards. The various plant and activity categories have been reviewed and developed by specialists with both experience and expertise relevant to the training required. The groups have been representative of all stakeholders in the use of plant from employers to trainers, owners, and operators, and I believe the end result will be of great value to industry providing a current, balanced and robust standard for training.  “I am confident our ongoing investment by industry stakeholders will be well received and the standards will define the required training and assessment requirements for many years to come.” Christopher Simpson, Head of Quality and Standards at CITB, said: “I’m delighted we have introduced these new standards, which will improve plant operations throughout England, Scotland, and Wales. These changes will help standardise and improve the quality and consistency of plant training; increase the amount of plant training that takes place before testing; and increase the number of people trained in plant operations, particularly new entrants to construction. “I’d like to thank everyone involved in the changes made, who are helping to make a real difference in this area. By responding to the changing needs of the sector, we continue to focus on our priority of supporting the construction industry to have a skilled, competent, and inclusive workforce now and in the future.”For further information, visit CITB’s Grants and Funding page. Building, Design & Construction Magazine | The Choice of Industry Professionals 

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Changes made to CITB Managers and Professionals test to reflect the needs of today’s industry

Changes made to CITB Managers and Professionals test to reflect the needs of today’s industry

Important changes are being made to the CITB Health, Safety & Environment (HS&E) test for Managers and Professionals (MAP), supported by the launch of updated revision materials for candidates. The MAP test is an important way of assessing that Managers and Professionals know how to keep themselves and those around them safe and healthy, whilst maintaining respect for the environment. MAP test certification is a key requirement for obtaining major CSCS cards, including: In November 2021, CITB surveyed 10,000 Managers and Professionals across the UK who had taken the CITB HS&E MAP test in the previous two years. They were offered the opportunity to provide feedback, with the insight used as part of a review, leading to the inclusion of six new additional subjects: Further changes to the test include updating existing questions and adding new ones, as well as updating the corresponding revision materials to ensure candidates are well prepared for taking the test. The new test is also available for candidates to take in Welsh, a significant milestone in CITB’s commitments to the Welsh Language Scheme and increasing accessibility. Industry feedback plays an important part in CITB’s product and service development and reflects the needs of the construction industry and that of the modern workforce, which evolve over time. CITB wants to ensure the test remains relevant, fit for purpose, and reflects changes made to legislation, working practices and new technology. Coming into effect from 27 June 2023, the new test will equip Managers and Professionals with the most up to date and accurate information, to ensure they can confidently lead their teams on health, safety and environmental matters. Garry Mortimer, CSCS Head of Operations, said: “CSCS is pleased to have worked with CITB over the revision of its MAP test to help ensure that it meets our minimum standard required, which it does, ensuring that those individuals who take the test have the appropriate levels of knowledge and skills to carry out their role safely and to keep others safe in the process.” Tim Balcon, CITB Chief Executive, said: “I’m delighted that we have been able to gain industry insight and carry out these important updates to the HS&E MAP test and revision materials, with consideration to new technologies and legislation. Our purpose is to support the construction industry in developing and maintaining a safe, skilled, and competent workforce, both now and in the future. To do that, we must move with the times to ensure our tests remain relevant – it’s about keeping people safe.” If candidates are taking the test on or after 27 June 2023, they will need to ensure that they are using the new revision materials. Developed to align with the changes to the test, the new revision materials are available via the CITB Shop. There is also a revision app that can be downloaded from the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store. The app can be used to take mock tests in advance of a scheduled test. Visit the CITB website to book a test or find out more on the HS&E MAP test changes. Building, Design & Construction Magazine | The Choice of Industry Professionals 

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Construction skills competition finals to be hosted at Milton Keynes arena

Construction skills competition finals to be hosted at Milton Keynes arena

Colleges across the UK are preparing to host the largest and longest-running construction skills competition, as approximately 1,000 students will compete in the SkillBuild 2023 regional qualifiers this year.   SkillBuild is delivered by the Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) and showcases some of the brightest talent, as highly skilled learners and apprentices go head-to-head to be crowned winner of their chosen trade. Competitors will be tested on their technical abilities, time management, problem solving and skills working under pressure. However, the prestigious competition comes with many benefits, being proven to improve technical and employability skills, as well as advancing career options. There are 15 regional qualifiers taking place across the UK from 27 April through to the end of June. Running alongside the competition, venues will host a Construction Showcase event, inspiring young people to consider a career in construction. With thousands of primary and secondary school children due to attend, alongside local and national employers, the events will feature hands-on interactive activities and learning opportunities and showcase the amazing opportunities available to those who choose a career in construction. Following the regional qualifiers, the top eight scoring competitors from each trade category will be invited to take part in the UK national final. For the first time, this year’s national final will take place at the Marshall Arena in Milton Keynes on 21, 22 & 23 November 2023. The arena has previously played host to the National Badminton Championships, darts tournaments and various music concerts. CITB’s recent Construction Skills Network (CSN) report states that almost 225,000 extra workers will be required to meet UK construction demand by 2027. It also highlights that construction is expected to remain a sector where there is demand for workers, despite the current economic uncertainty. Covering 10 different trades, SkillBuild is a fantastic opportunity to alter perceptions and promote the diverse range of roles available. Jade Oakes won gold in the painting and decorating category last year. Speaking about the competition, she said: “The whole experience from beginning to end was fantastic. I was able to compete against some of the best across the country, meet professionals in our trade and make so many new friends along the way. It felt like a dream come true to win gold at such a prestigious competition! “For those about to compete, I would say enjoy every second! It’s not all about competing, it’s about putting yourself into an environment to thrive and meet so many amazing individuals along the way. Good luck, have the best time and paint your very best!” Tim Balcon, CITB Chief Executive, said: “I always look forward to the SkillBuild regional heats, as it’s the first glimpse we get into the fantastic variety of young talent coming through to industry. SkillBuild is a wonderful initiative which aims to attract a diverse range of recruits, and with the current skills gap, it places even greater importance on the competition and its ability to promote construction careers to a wider audience. “SkillBuild not only helps young people to grow personally, increasing their confidence and social skills, but it’s also proven to assist them professionally by developing their technical and employability skills. While a challenging experience, if you’re serious about a career in construction, SkillBuild is an excellent opportunity. I wish all competitors the very best of luck for the heats this year!” CITB would like to thank all the fantastic sponsors of this year’s SkillBuild, which include Albion Stone, BAL Adhesives, Band of Builders, British Gypsum, Institute of Carpenters, Crown Paints, Forterra, The Keystone Group, Nicholls & Clarke, NFRC, Schluter, SPAX, Stabila, Stone Federation, TARMAC, The Tile Association, The Worshipful Company of Tylers and Bricklayers and Weber. To find out more about SkillBuild and the regional qualifiers, visit Go Construct. Building, Design & Construction Magazine | The Choice of Industry Professionals 

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Construction workers unite to improve fire safety

Construction workers unite to improve fire safety

The Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) is calling on all construction workers to help improve fire safety across the industry. Following the Grenfell Tower tragedy in 2017 and subsequent inquiry, the industry has worked hard to increase safety standards to prevent such an incident from happening again. One outcome has been the recognition of a lack of knowledge and adherence regarding fire safety across the industry. To help improve standards CITB, in consultation with the industry, has been developing two new online courses, both related to fire safety. The first course – Fire Safety Awareness in Construction and the Built Environment – has been launched across the UK for workers of all levels and occupations. Although not mandatory, workers are being urged to complete the free eCourse, which offers an overview of basic fire safety awareness in construction and the built environment. Employers are also being asked to direct all workers, staff or subcontractors, to complete the course. It covers topics such as how fires start, grow and spread, as well common sources of ignition and fuel on site, fire prevention and protection measures, safe evacuation and the impact of fire on the environment, communities and individuals. The second eCourse – Fire Safety in Buildings – will be available this summer. The course has been created in collaboration with Working Group 2 and Build UK and is pitched at a higher level than the first course, with the aim of providing industry a greater level of knowledge of fire safety in buildings, following the construction stage. It builds on the FSA course by focusing further on key topics such as how legislation and regulations have changed since the Grenfell tragedy. It also offers guidance on holistic fire safety, fire prevention (materials), protection (passive and active), compartmentation, protected escape routes, workmanship, competence, quality, reporting issues and concerns.  Building, Design & Construction Magazine | The Choice of Industry Professionals 

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CITB’s employer network pilot to offer construction sector specific support

CITB’s employer network pilot to offer construction sector specific support

Employers can now receive expert advice and support from sector specific networks, as part of the Construction Industry Training Board’s (CITB) employer network pilot. As well as the local training networks, selected sectors will also be supported making it even easier to find and fund appropriate construction training.   Hire Association Europe (HAE) is among the first of the sector specific networks to be introduced, supporting plant, tool and equipment hire employers with queries directly related to their field. Through the network’s technical expertise, and with a budget of more than £300,000, they can help ensure employers receive the right training for skills needed now or in the future. The model aims to create a more simplified process and has therefore removed the need to access the grant scheme, with HAE helping to organise and fund the training on behalf of employers. The CITB pilot launched its local training networks in August 2022 with an initial £800,000 investment. With a focus on connecting employers to established and experienced delivery partners, the aim is to help employers recognise their training priorities and the best routes to achieving them. This transformative way of working provides a huge opportunity for employers to not only voice their training requirements, but also play a fundamental role in deciding how funds are used in their local area. The 12-month local initiative is available to 3,800 levy-registered construction businesses and offered across five locations in England, Scotland, and Wales. One business already reaping the rewards is Aspect Group Services Ltd. The East Anglian business provides various services across roofing, scaffolding, property refurbishment and development, and was informed about the employer network pilot through the Norfolk Construction Training Group (NCTG). Katie Laws-Chapman, Aspect Group Services Office Manager, said: “Initially we were hesitant, as we were accustomed to claiming training back from CITB through the usual process. However, through discussions with our contacts at NCTG, we were assured the process would be simple and we would have greater benefits due to the wide scope the employer network covered. “As we are a mix of site-based operatives and office-based staff, we were able to request support for a wider variety of courses than previously possible. It was very beneficial to be able to combine both sets of training requirements for our staff through the employer network.” Stacey Felmingham, Office Coordinator for Aspect Group Services, added: “With the support from the NCTG we have been able to navigate the employer network process effectively and efficiently. The simplicity and broad scope of the initiative has allowed us to offer training to more employees than we initially budgeted for over the year, which is fantastic news as a business and for the individual!” Tim Balcon, CITB Chief Executive, said: “I’m thrilled to see the great results this pilot is already achieving in such a short space of time! We’re really excited to join forces with Hire Association Europe and believe their support will have an invaluable impact on the plant, tool and equipment hire sector. The real drive behind this project is ensuring employers get the support they need to train and develop their workforces. By expanding the networks to include niche technical expertise, this should simplify the process and make it even easier for employers to get the most out of their training budgets.” Paul Gaze, CEO, Hire Association Europe, said: “Hire Association Europe is delighted to be working with CITB on the Sector Employer Network Programme. It is vital that we invest in the plant, tool and equipment workforce to develop the required skills and competencies, as the sector underpins the wider construction industry. Nothing gets built, maintained or repaired without the professional hire and rental workforce. We commend CITB for its investment in developing the skills to drive forward construction.” There’s still time to get involved if you are based within one of the five pilot areas or work in the plant, tool and equipment hire sector. Find out more and sign up here. Your voice can help shape the future of training provision. Building, Design & Construction Magazine | The Choice of Industry Professionals 

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CITB joins search for UK’s best plant operator

CITB joins search for UK’s best plant operator

Are you Britain’s best bulldozer driver? A world-class wheel loader operator? The search is on for Operator of the Year, with £10,000 in prize money up for grabs in a dedicated all-day festival of construction. This is the competition’s third year, run by UK Plant Operators Magazine (UKPO) and supported by the Construction Industry Training Board (CITB). The event attracts substantial interest from owners, operators, hirers and contractors from across the UK. UK Plant Operators Magazine recognises that the industry faces a severe skills gap, urgent attention is required, as such this issue is at the strategic heart of the publication’s output. The nation’s leading contractors and hirers, through close relationships with the magazine, promote the operation of plant machinery as a rewarding and sustainable career path.  The pathway to becoming a plant operator has been simplified with best-in-class training available through the CITB National Construction College (NCC) in Bircham. The best plant hire companies are providing excellent terms and conditions, first class opportunities and the latest technology.  Creating a safer, smarter and cleaner environment to attract the next generation of UK Plant Operators. UK Plant Operator Magazine publisher Brian Coogan said: “We are delighted to welcome the CITB as headline sponsors of the 2023 campaign. As industry leaders the CITB supports the skills needs of the construction industry. We share the same values and face the same challenges. We look forward to working together to champion the sector, create awareness of the need for, and advantages gained, from quality training… all for the good of the UK construction industry.” In 2023 the UK Plant Operator of the Year campaign will see some exciting developments, with leading UK hirers and contractors entering teams to compete in a series of challenges across a range of Excavators, Telehandlers, Compact Loaders, Bulldozers, Backhoes, Wheel Loaders and Tilt Rotators, to name a few. The very latest models, supplied by the world’s leading manufacturers.  The event is open to all to enter once they have their equipment tickets up to date. Finalists will demonstrate their skill and knowledge, in addition to showcasing the technological and engineered solutions the machines deliver, supporting the industry to be safer and more sustainable, whilst improving performance.  The 2023 event will expand further with the introduction of a Scottish heat in July, the winners will qualify for the final on 30th September at the National Construction College. Brian Coogan added: “Working with the UK’s leading training authority, we will deliver together a message to the industry that encourages training, helping to build a safe, professional and fully qualified workforce.” Gary Cumiskey, Head of NCC Curriculum Delivery at CITB, said: “This is such a fun event and showcases all sorts of skills on various types of machines. But there’s also a serious message behind it, as we seek to attract the next generation of workers to fill skills shortages in the UK. The benefits of these careers are obvious, so I’d invite operators across the country or anyone who is curious about a construction career to join us for this exciting event and find out more.” To find out more about the campaign and register your interest visit Building, Design & Construction Magazine | The Choice of Industry Professionals

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CITB response to the Chancellor's statement

CITB response to the Chancellor’s statement

CITB ’s Chief Executive, Tim Balcon said: “Construction employers are facing rising energy bills and materials costs and they need confidence in the future pipeline of work and support to train through challenging market conditions. “We will do everything we can to support the construction industry so companies can continue to have the confidence to invest in skills. “CITB has simplified the process for SMEs and sole traders to take on an apprentice and our New Entrant Employer Support team has placed 200 apprentices in the north of England alone since September. This scheme is being rolled out nationwide from January to provide employers the training support they need in this tough environment.   “We also look forward to working with the newly appointed Adviser on Skills Reform, Sir Michael Barber in his review to improve prospects for school leavers.” Building, Design & Construction Magazine | The Choice of Industry Professionals Building Design & Construction magazine is constantly at the forefront of this fast-moving and dynamic industry. With sound journalism and up-to-date news and reaction to the stories that are affecting your industry today, BDC magazine keeps you one step ahead. For nearly 20 years, BDC has been the go-to resource for business professionals in the industry. With its contemporary design, a news section packed with current events, interviews with the trade’s top professionals, and in-depth case studies on leading businesses, the magazine puts you in touch with the developments of your industry. It’s our business to help your business.

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CITB funds mental health first aiders for construction apprentices

CITB is investing £90,000 to fund a pilot scheme which will provide mental health support for apprentices from the start of their construction industry careers.  Optima UK Ltd will train further education construction tutors to be Mental Health First Aiders so they can support construction apprentices during their learning. Apprentices will also be given mental health awareness training in bite size four hour sessions. This will mean the apprentices have the knowledge and education during learning, at the start of, and throughout, their career in construction. There will also be one-to-one support.   The team at Optima UK are all set to go and will begin training both instructors and apprentices in September.  The courses will be run by trainers accredited by Mental Health First Aid England and deliver 29 courses, all with 16 delegates, to hubs of colleges across the UK. In the space of a year, they will have trained 464 tutors and 464 apprentices, as well as offered one-to-one support to around 100 apprentices.  The CITB investment comes after a study compiled by the Lighthouse Construction Industry Charity and CITB, highlighted the toll poor mental health is taking. Research* showed 26% of construction workers had experienced suicidal thoughts and 91% felt overwhelmed. Tragically, two construction workers take their own lives each day.  CITB CEO Tim Balcon, said: “We need to make sure everyone is at ease talking about their mental health and this comes down to a culture of making it OK to speak up… giving apprentices the confidence to do that from day one, will hopefully make them feel supported in the industry. When staff are supported and happy in their work, and in my view, they will stay in the industry longer.”It has already been proven that having an open approach to mental health as a core value in your firm can save lives. At scaffolding firm CASS UK, a culture of mental health support played a major role in giving two young staff members the confidence to come to the aid of a vulnerable person they realised had climbed up on scaffolding on a site they were working on in Exeter. Karl and Kieran (pictured below) were quickly aware that something was not as it should be when they saw someone trying to climb the scaffold. They stopped what they were doing and took the time to speak to this individual who was obviously troubled. They managed to talk him down and stayed with him until help arrived.  Kieran said: “We knew that what we were seeing wasn’t normal, and there was no doubt that we wanted to help this young man. We didn’t see it as being an act of kindness or wanted any credit for what we did, we just didn’t want this person to do anything that we could stop or help with.   Karl said: “We are aware of the rise in mental health especially in the construction industry and we wouldn’t hesitate to help anyone again in this situation.”  Tim Balcon added: “CITB funding with help foster this positive attitude to mental health from day one of your construction career and we don’t expect everyone to be hero like these two young men but the knowledge it is good to talk will foster a healthy attitude and in turn save lives.” Larraine Boorman, CEO of Optima UK, said: “Optima is so proud to be involved in this ground-breaking project.  “The CITB is to be congratulated, first for its research into a major issue in the industry, and secondly for then taking action by launching this pilot project. As we can see, the statistics show there is a real problem in the sector, but with the right training, education, and support, we can make a real difference to people’s lives.” This UK-wide pilot scheme will aim to understand how mental health education and support can contribute to improved retention for individuals during their apprenticeship in construction, as well as reducing their likelihood of experiencing mental health issues.  Working with CITB, Optima UK will be rolling out an awareness campaign aimed at colleges, tutors, and apprentices, with materials based around the questions, Are We Ok? Are You OK? Look out for the campaign launching week commencing 12th September 2022. CITB has already partnered with Laing O’Rourke, the Lighthouse Club and Samaritans to train 8,000 mental health first aiders in the workplace making mental health information and support, accessible and relatable to small and medium construction employers. 

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CITB announces radical new pilot to improve access to training

CITB has announced an investment of more than £800,000 for the launch of a new employer network pilot project, which could revolutionise the way the construction sector access and receive funding for training in the future. Over 3,800 levy-registered construction businesses will be eligible to benefit from the pilot, offered across five locations in England, Scotland and Wales. While the pilot is open to businesses of all sizes, there is a primary aim to simplify the process for small and micro businesses, helping to place them at the heart of local training provision. Through the support of established and experienced delivery partners, the pilot enables employers to recognise their training priorities and receive guidance on how best to find and fund the training most appropriate to them. This transformative way of working provides a huge opportunity for employers to not only voice their training requirements, but also play a fundamental role in deciding how funds are used in their local area. As part of this new model, construction businesses will not need to access the grant scheme, as CITB is supporting the employer network to help organise and fund training directly. Many of the current requirements around training being “in scope” will also be relaxed to ensure the pilots can be as reflective of the employer’s needs as possible. Therefore, training can predominantly be in anything that helps a business work better, whether that’s a construction skill; a health and safety course; a business skill; or a future skill need, such as net zero. Tim Balcon, CITB Chief Executive, said: “I’m really excited about this pilot – this is about putting employers in the driving seat to identify and address their local skills challenges and how best CITB can align our funding and resources to support their skills needs. I would encourage employers in the pilot areas to get involved and use their voice to shape and engage with the local training provision. “The pilots are being funded by CITB and delivered by local organisations with a pedigree in finding and delivering training in their area.” The five pilot areas covered are: Inverness in Scotland, provided by Scottish Civils Training Group Norfolk in England, provided by Norfolk Construction Training Group Lincoln in England, provided by Lincoln Group Training Association South West Wales, provided by Cyfle Building Skills The final pilot is specifically for Civil Engineering firms in the Midlands, provided by CECA Midlands. Anthony Rees, Regional Manager, Cyfle Building Skills Ltd, said: “We are delighted to be part of the employer network pilot scheme for the region. This will be a great opportunity for construction employers from the south-west Wales area to develop their workforce with relevant training. The pilot scheme will help construction organisations to engage with other local employers, our three local training groups, and industry stakeholders, and give them the opportunity to have their say on how funds are spent to develop their training needs.” John Farley, Chair, Norfolk Construction Training Group, said: “As an extremely active training group, we are delighted to be a part of the new employer network pilot, aimed at encouraging the wider construction community to engage in training. “We identify that training is essential for the industry to grow and thrive – this programme is an exciting opportunity to make that happen. “We feel once implemented it will have a serious impact with employers and improve much needed skill levels within the local area.” Herman Kok, Chair, Lincoln Group Training Association, said: “As chair of Lincoln Group Training Association (LGTA) l am excited and looking forward to delivering the employer network pilot and delivering innovative training support for Lincoln-based construction companies and their supply chain. We are grateful for the support we receive from CITB for these activities.” Through a more collaborative approach, the hope is to tackle specific local skills shortages and improve ease of access to training, particularly for smaller businesses without dedicated office admin or training staff. This pilot forms a part of CITB’s continuous efforts to create a skilled, competent, and inclusive workforce, now and in the future. For further information on the pilot and its associated areas, visit the CITB website.

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ESS ambition is to shape the future of industry by becoming the training partner of choice

Building on our 10-year leadership position as one of the UK wide training providers, we go beyond just delivering basic training, we maximise clients training opportunities with ‘best-in-class’, product packages and tailor-made service models as a requirement. ESS recognises that building the leadership and expertise of tomorrows workforce, will foster a culture that develops, supports, and motivates people. Market trends require more than one training option to develop a skilled workforce.      Apprenticeship’s, NVQ’s, CITB Courses, eLearning, Classroom, and nationwide On-Site training are all part of ESS extended customer reach. We view change in the marketplace as an opportunity to grow local and regional SMEs workforce alongside, larger companies, Major plc’s, and County Councils.    Through our UK alliances, our teams continue to do an outstanding job delivering a full range of training courses throughout the year. ESS have the ability to develop and produce innovative training packages, services and solutions that satisfy emerging customer training requirements. There are millions of pounds in funding and grants available for apprenticeships, adult education, training and NVQ’s in construction sector, but employers, especially SMEs are not taking advantage of it.   We have an outstanding portfolio of training courses aligned with market trends available to you and your teams. View upcoming public courses by month and year You can book all courses online by following the links. Alternatively, contact: 0115 8970529 to talk with one of our expert trained advisors direct, they can assist you findinganalternative location or date and even arrange for bespoke packages more suited to your requirements. Our ambition is to shape the future of industry by becoming the training partner of choice nationally.  We look forward to working with you! Building Design and Construction Magazine | The Home of Construction & Property News

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