7 Things You Need to Know Before Your First Mining Job

Mining can be a difficult yet rewarding profession. You need to consider relocation, long working hours, skill set, and understand the different types of mining

There are many job opportunities in the mining industry. Mining is digging out valuable materials from underground where it is usually located.

The common items that we get from mining are metals, coals, limestone, chalk, potash, gravel, and clay, etc. There are almost always openings for jobs as miners and the opportunities are promising too. For these lucrative opportunities, many people are now eager to get degrees in mining and take up mining as their profession.

Before you want to start your career as a miner, you need to know a few things. But first, let us look at the different types of mining and how they work.

Different Types Of Mining

There are Four Main Types of Mining and all fall under these four categories.

1. Underground Mining

As the name suggests, underground mining is to excavate expensive and valuable materials from under the surface of the earth. It is the process of digging deeper into the ground and extracting large amounts of ores and mines where they are deposited.

The valuable part of these ores is then dug up while the waste and lesser valuable rocks and materials are left below.

2. Surface Mining

This is the opposite of underground mining. Instead of digging deeper into the earth’s layer, surface mining gathers valuable materials that are present right at the surface of the earth.

To get the materials, trees and bedrocks are removed so that the valuables present in shallow depths can be found.

3. Placer Mining

Placer mining is usually done on riverbeds, sands, or areas that have high sediment. Whenever there are precious materials found in riverbeds or areas with high sediments or sands they are rinsed with water or wind and then collected, this method of extraction is known as Placer Mining.

4. In-situ Mining

This is also referred to as Solution mining. Unlike other methods, this does not work by digging or bringing up materials from the surface, riverbed or underground. Instead, in this method, chemicals are poured into the ores to make a dissolved solution of the ores.

Then the dissolved solution, known as “Pregnant Solution” is pumped up into the surface. The solution is processed, and the raw material is recovered.

Things To Know Before Starting A Mining Job

1. You Might Need To Relocate

Mining is a very location-specific job. It can only be done where mines and ores are found. So if you are living in an area that does not have any mines and ores nearby, then it will be hard to get a mining job.

If you however wish to get a job in the mining sector, then move to a place near mines and ores.

So relocation can be an issue that you need to consider.

2. Mining Has Long Working Hours

Unlike other jobs, mining does not follow the daily 6-7 hour working schedule. Sometimes you will find yourself working very late at night or start your day very early in the morning. Since the mining industries are always open, it requires miners to be active at all times and for a long period as well.  Not only working long shifts, but miners are also expected to work for long consecutive days, even 10-14 days without any off or vacation days.

3. The Skill Sets Required

Mining is a job that is only suitable for highly skilled people. So only a qualified person can get a miner job. Since mining is a complex process and technology is also advancing, miners also need to have higher levels of skills and qualifications.

So, recruiters look to hire people who have graduated from a mining school or have a degree in mining.

4. The Health Risks Are Higher Than Other Jobs

Mining requires you to work in difficult situations. Sometimes, circumstances might get risky, and you will have certain health hazards. For example, during underground mining, you might come across toxic gasses and increased heat, while the tools you work with are also dangerous.

So you need to be aware of these health hazards. But luckily, advanced technology and protective gear have reduced such risks by a great margin.

5. Salary Of The Job

You need to consider the salary of the job as a miner. We have so far seen the negative sides of mining as a profession like long work shifts and health hazards, but the salaries make up for it.

Even as a starting job, the salary of a miner can be as much as $35,000, increasing up to $85,000 after two or three years of experience.

6. A Great Workplace For Women As Well

In the past, women were considered to bring bad luck if they were seen working in mining. So the whole mining industry was dominated by men. But as things have changed, women are also getting involved in mining.

There are many great opportunities for women in this field. So, being a woman, should not hold you back from mining.

7. The Recent Setbacks In Mining

Although there is always an opportunity in mining, things have seen some setbacks in recent years. This is because most recruiters are now looking for temporary miners who work only on one project.

So long-term miners are having difficulty. But that does not mean there are fewer opportunities. The only downside is that the working contract is mostly based on individual projects and not long-term contracts.

Final Thoughts

Many people might think that mining as a profession is very difficult, and few people are suitable for it. Though some part of it is true, since miners need to have higher stamina than others, mining is still a great opportunity for job seekers. Hopefully, this article has helped if you are eager to start your first mining job.

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Issue 325 : Feb 2025