Utilities & Infrastructure : Water News
Chemical dosing upgrade for Fixby treatment works awarded

Chemical dosing upgrade for Fixby treatment works awarded

Yorkshire Water has awarded the BarhaleEnpure JV a £15m project to carry out major upgrade works at a key water treatment works on the edge of Huddersfield. The project will conduct a programme of improvements to the Fixby plant which lies adjacent to the M62 on the northern edge of

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Esh Construction introduces industry-changing National Underground Asset Register on site with Northumbrian Water

Esh Construction introduces industry-changing National Underground Asset Register on site with Northumbrian Water

The digital mapping system is being implemented on projects delivered through the Repairs and Maintenance Framework with Northumbrian Water Group. Esh Construction has showcased the latest in UK digital mapping innovations on site after helping to shape the technology’s development with Northumbrian Water Group (NWG). The National Underground Asset Register

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Barhale wins mains upgrade work at Victoria and Euston

Barhale wins mains upgrade work at Victoria and Euston

Barhale has secured two further contracts under Thames Water’s AMP7 Conditional Allowance Trunk Main Schemes both adjacent to major London railway terminuses. The awards bringing the total value of works Barhale has been awarded under the scheme to £24.8M. The Victoria Station Trunk Main Replacement and the Eversholt Street Mains

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Thames Water selects Barhale for East London sewer upgrade

A project to repair and replace two sections of parallel rising mains will rehabilitate an important section of the East London sewer network and will deploy innovative offsite manufacturing to replace an existing discharge chamber. Thames Water has appointed civil engineering and infrastructure specialist Barhale to carry out the £7.8

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Avove wins major 12-year framework award with Northumbrian Water Group

Avove wins major 12-year framework award with Northumbrian Water Group

Leading capital infrastructure and engineering services company, Avove, has been awarded a multi-million-pound design and build framework agreement with Northumbrian Water Group (NWG) as part of NWG’s Asset Management Period 8 (AMP8) £3.6 billion investment programme.  The design and build framework, which commences in January 2024 for up to 12

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Costain awarded landmark new contract with Northumbrian Water

Costain awarded landmark new contract with Northumbrian Water

Appointment adds to Costain’s wins in the new water regulatory cycle Costain, the infrastructure solutions company, has been appointed by Northumbrian Water (NWG) to help shape and deliver its strategic infrastructure upgrade programme. The framework will see contracts awarded with the potential value of up to £670m to Costain over

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Latest Issue
Issue 327 : Apr 2025

Utilities & Infrastructure : Water News

Chemical dosing upgrade for Fixby treatment works awarded

Chemical dosing upgrade for Fixby treatment works awarded

Yorkshire Water has awarded the BarhaleEnpure JV a £15m project to carry out major upgrade works at a key water treatment works on the edge of Huddersfield. The project will conduct a programme of improvements to the Fixby plant which lies adjacent to the M62 on the northern edge of the Pennine’s town. Upgrades to the raw water blending and inlet mixing arrangements will include replacement of both the inlet and mixer tanks and the replacement and refurbishment of the existing 600mm pipework. BarhaleEnpure JV will also upgrade the mixing arrangements of the raw water blend with the coagulation chemicals (ferric sulphate and lime); refurbish and improve the Dissolved Air Flotation plant (including changing DAF nozzles to Enpure’s Enflo-DAFTM system); upgrade and refurbish six Rapid Gravity Filters to improve both clarified and filtered water quality; install a new polyelectrolyte dosing system; carry out upgrade and replacement across the lime discharge and dosing system; and complete general upgrades to the built fabric of the site. BarhaleEnpure Project Delivery Leader, Chris Mathers, explained that the works are another important element in Yorkshire Water’s programme of investment to improve water quality. “The works at Fixby will deliver a step change in the treatment works’ performance and ensure it exceeds the expectations of the Drinking Water Inspectorate both now and in the future,” he said. Steve Milling, the JV Framework Manager, said “The award of this contract demonstrates the strength of the BarhaleEnpure JV, bringing together their Civil/ MEICA/Process capability and working closely with Yorkshire Water across the region. We look forward to delivering this important water treatment works upgrade successfully before the end of spring 2025.” Building, Design & Construction Magazine | The Choice of Industry Professionals

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Ayesa wins largest water project contract to date in Saudi Arabia, valued at 95 million euros

Ayesa wins largest water project contract to date in Saudi Arabia, valued at 95 million euros

Ayesa, a leading global provider of technology and engineering solutions, announces it has won its biggest contract ever in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, worth 95 million euros. The National Water Company (NWC), a key figure in the water industry, has appointed the Andulasian firm to provide consultancy services for the design of 190 cutting-edge, sustainable water projects that will enhance both the quantity and quality of the resource. This contract is a part of NWC’s commitment to provide safe drinking water and effective sanitation with a planned investment of around 200 billion euros by 2030 into comprehensive water cycle infrastructure including water treatment and sanitation processes to the delivery of potable water to its population. In respect of Ayesa’s contract, the Spanish Engineering leader will design major hydraulic infrastructure across four regions of the country—south, west, northwest, and north. This comprehensive plan includes the construction of multiple water storage tanks to enhance the reliability of the water supply, alongside the development of pumping stations, treatment plants, purification facilities, and widespread distribution networks. The projected capital expenditure for these projects stands at approximately five billion euros. Ayesa will deliver the design of these hydraulic projects as well as provide environmental services such as Environmental Impact Assessment and Ecological assessments to the NWC during the bidding stage for the construction of the infrastructures. Ayesa will leverage the most innovative technologies in water treatment, sustainable materials, and measures to optimize energy usage. José Ramón Delgado, Ayesa’s Country Manager in Saudi Arabia, highlighted the contract’s significance: “This contract marks a historic milestone for the company, representing the largest contract in hydraulic works design for Ayesa to date. This contract is an opportunity for transformative growth, positioning Ayesa as a global leader, and leveraging the strengths and experience of our engineering hubs across various locations in Saudi Arabia, Spain, Ireland, Bahrain, and India.  This major win establishes Ayesa as a leading engineering and technology services provider in the Middle East.” Ayesa is currently in the Top 20 (#17) worldwide for water supply as surveyed in the 2023 ENR Global Sourcebook. To find out more about Ayesa’s award-winning engineering work, click here Building, Design & Construction Magazine | The Choice of Industry Professionals

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Barhale recommits to Anglian Water’s @one Alliance to deliver £2.6 billion package of investment over AMP8

Barhale recommits to Anglian Water’s @one Alliance to deliver £2.6 billion package of investment over AMP8

Barhale is set to recommit to Anglian Water’s @one Alliance ahead of a new Asset Management Period (AMP8) for 2025 to 2030, in which the water company is proposing its largest ever package of investment. The existing partners – Balfour Beatty, Barhale, Mott MacDonald Bentley (MMB), MWH Treatment, SKANSKA and SWECO – have already delivered £1.3 billion in work, half of Anglian Water’s overall enhancement portfolio, so far in AMP7 (2020-2025). For AMP8, Barhale will remain a full member in the @one Alliance from 1 April 2024, offering civil, mechanical and electrical engineering, complex infrastructure and tunnelling expertise alongside the Alliance’s other seven partners. The @one Alliance is set to deliver a record £2.6 billion of the water company’s overall investment in AMP8, with much of this work specifically targeted at protecting and enhancing the East of England’s natural environment and providing resilience to climate change. This investment portfolio forms part of Anglian Water’s wider, record £9 billion proposed plans for AMP8, which will see a huge programme of much-needed investment across the East of England between 2025 and 2030. James Haddon, Barhale’s Eastern Region Director said “Anglian Water is England and Wales’s largest water company by geographical area and has committed to an impressive programme to provide resilience, enable growth, improve ecological quality and become carbon neutral across the region. These are huge challenges and it is a testament to the @one Alliance’s success that it continues to set a benchmark for collaboration and innovation both within the water industry and beyond. “We are very proud to have been a part of the @one Alliance since its launch in 2005 and to be extending that relationship through the next AMP.” Jason Tucker, Director of Strategic Delivery and Commercial Assurance for Anglian Water, said: “The opportunity our next five-year regulatory period, AMP8, affords for Anglian Water and the @one Alliance to deliver on our purpose of bringing environmental and social prosperity to the region we serve is unprecedented. “The scale of investment to enhance our environment and secure water supplies for future generations is massive and I’m delighted that our long-standing and successful @one Alliance will continue to help us deliver our capital investment programme in support of our growing region.” Anglian Water was one of the first utilities to introduce an alliancing model to deliver its capital programmes across the East of England. Since the @one Alliance’s inauguration in 2005, the company’s approach has been held up as an exemplar as part of the Government’s Construction Playbook. A key aspect of this continued success has been the embedding of performance incentives around efficiency, carbon, innovation, ED&I and culture. A key aspect of this continued success has been the embedding of incentives around efficiency, innovation, culture and high performance into the @one Alliance’s structure, in order to enable delivery of Anglian Water’s incredibly ambitious investment programme. Ian Hutchinson, Managing Director of Anglian Water’s @one Alliance, said: “Alliancing in this way allows partners to reimagine traditional ways of working by encouraging innovative thinking, advancement of new technology, and collaborative working between partners. This flexibility means that the @one Alliance plays a crucial role in enabling Anglian Water to deliver large-scale investments to build its region’s resilience against climate change. “By combining the @one Alliance’s partners’ years of investing in innovation and efficient delivery, we’ve been able to decrease the total cost of our proposed AMP8 plans from £10bn to £9bn, a 10% reduction. We’ve already seen how successful and powerful a truly integrated and collaborative alliancing approach can be. That’s why we’re delighted to welcome back our much-valued partners, along with Binnies this AMP, to support us in delivering this much-needed investment for our region.” Building, Design & Construction Magazine | The Choice of Industry Professionals

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Esh Construction introduces industry-changing National Underground Asset Register on site with Northumbrian Water

Esh Construction introduces industry-changing National Underground Asset Register on site with Northumbrian Water

The digital mapping system is being implemented on projects delivered through the Repairs and Maintenance Framework with Northumbrian Water Group. Esh Construction has showcased the latest in UK digital mapping innovations on site after helping to shape the technology’s development with Northumbrian Water Group (NWG). The National Underground Asset Register (NUAR) was created by the Geospatial Commission to digitally map data on underground power cables and utility services across the UK. Clive Surman-Wells, Innovation Partnerships Manager at Northumbrian Water Group, initiated the concept during the firm’s Innovation Festival in 2018.  Esh Construction was the initial contractor to trial the system, and has worked collaboratively with the water company to develop the technology since 2018. Norman Barnett, Framework Director at Esh Construction, said: “NUAR will be a game changer for health and safety in the construction industry, which all those that have been involved with it so far within Esh are in agreement with. Being able to access this information around the clock, and to also capture unchartered service information, is a huge step forward. We are proud to be one of the first contractors nationally to have been involved with the development of NUAR, from conception, through the trials and now at the go live stage.” With upwards of 60,000 accidents recorded owing to accidental damage to the network annually, NUAR is identified as not only reducing the number of accidents, but innovating timesaving and health and safety enhancements to working conditions. HSEQ Advisor at Esh Construction, Ash Dunn said: “As a delivery and framework partner for Northumbrian Water Group, we were at the Innovation Festival in 2018 and we’ve been involved with it since – the health and safety benefits are huge. “The team on the ground can see more than they’ve ever been able to see before regarding restrictions and hazards, and the clarity of the system beats anything that has been available before it. When you can easily understand the hazards that are there, it eliminates one element of danger, which is immensely important within a construction environment and in line with our ‘Everyone Safely Home’ campaign.” Dunn has been heavily involved in rolling out the system among the Esh Construction team and said the change from cross-referencing and plotting out multiple maps in back-end administration prior to starting on site to the new NUAR system, which provides instant access when you insert the co-ordinates, offers a monumental shift. Dunn and his colleagues showcased how Esh operates the system, where Groundworker and foreman John Ridley said it has been really beneficial. He said: “NUAR allows us to respond to emergencies and mobilise on site almost immediately without the need to wait for multiple utility drawings to be issued. Seeing as many assets visible on a single view as possible makes it easier to understand what utilities are in the area and where they are. Having 24/7 access to a live system is a major benefit as we regularly work around the clock and carry out excavations overnight.” NUAR is a system that has the capability to provide detailed underground maps from over 700 utilities providers, with asset owners like Northumbrian Water being responsible for granting access to its contractors. While the UK Government’s intended rollout across the UK by 2025 continues to be developed, Esh will gradually implement the system through the Runway 1 Repairs and Maintenance Framework with Northumbrian Water, but it is envisaged that it will go across the business’ wider divisions when it becomes available to all contractors. Clive Surman-Wells, Innovation Partnerships Manager at Northumbrian Water Group said: “We’re convinced of the many benefits of NUAR: helping keep our people safe when they are excavating and minimising our impact on services to customers being just two.  NWG have rolled-out NUAR more extensively than any other company and in the North East region there is increasing uptake across both utilities and local authorities.  Throughout the development process we have worked collaboratively with Esh, the Geospatial Commission and other asset owners to design a really usable system.” Building, Design & Construction Magazine | The Choice of Industry Professionals

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Anglian Water extends AUMA Actuators’ Service Level Agreement to 2028

Anglian Water extends AUMA Actuators’ Service Level Agreement to 2028

AUMA Actuators Limited (AUMA UK), a world leader in electric valve actuation technology, has successfully extended its Service Level Agreement (SLA) with Anglian Water until 2028. AUMA UK and Anglian Water worked in partnership to develop and deploy a new and unique process to service, maintain and replace a range of actuators throughout the Anglian Water region. This extended SLA continues to provide Anglian Water with access to AUMA’s unique ‘rapid response’ service to replace both AUMA and other manufacturers’ equipment, as well as a ‘replacement in advance’ for critical actuators. Cliff Marriner, Head of Integrated Maintenance Engineering, Anglian Water Services, says: “Speed of response is essential to our operations. Given current global supply issues, AUMA’s ability to source and supply locally is a major benefit to us. They have been proactive in their approach which has helped us deliver our service to our customers. They have also introduced a number of added value innovations that demonstrate a willingness to go the extra mile for our benefit.” Anglian Water’s key objective is to maximise availability of actuated valve operations throughout its region. The size and operating parameters of each installation varies, with a wide range of  combinations of actuator, controls and drive coupling required to be available at short notice. AUMA’s extensive range of high performance actuators is designed using a modular approach to actuator components. Actuators can be quickly combined to provide a bespoke actuator assembly constructed to the exact requirements of applications. Paul Hopkins is AUMA UK’s Managing Director. He says: “We have worked closely with Anglian Water over a number of years now to refine and shape the service we are able to offer, creating the SLA that we have been able to put in place as part of our supply contract with them. “This collaborative approach has enabled us to shape our service to closely match the needs of Anglian Water. We have also introduced a number of innovations – from reducing our environmental impact through the use of sustainable packaging, to improving health and safety by reducing time on site undertaking repairs. In addition, we have created a unique online Anglian Water Knowledge Base, which is accessible to all registered Anglian Water engineers and technicians. This provides 24/7/365 access to essential information, video tutorials and technical information.” Under Anglian Water’s SLA, AUMA undertakes to receive a faulty unit along with its drive coupling and replace it either from new or from service exchange stock, along with a newly machined drive coupling, within the agreed parameters of the SLA. AUMA offers a ‘Replacement in Advance’ service for critical installations, where AUMA provides a complete replacement unit in advance of the return of the faulty one. Paul Hopkins continues: “Reactive maintenance can lead to all sorts of issues, such as repairs that require ongoing attention. That’s why a scheduled service programme offers a range of benefits – from preventing issues before they happen to better time management.” AUMA is also providing full training to Anglian Water maintenancestaff through its AUMA Certified Engineering (ACE) training. Delivered on-site, on-line or in AUMA’s dedicated training suite at its head office in Clevedon, Somerset, ACE is a structured programme that trains Anglian Water technicians to install, operate, maintain and troubleshoot AUMA actuators, meeting asset management obligations to maintain equipment in line with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Accredited ACE Technicians are provided with ID cards to prove their level of competency. Building, Design & Construction Magazine | The Choice of Industry Professionals

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Arup Binnies JV selected for Thames Water’s Strategic Resource Options Technical Partner Framework

Arup Binnies JV selected for Thames Water’s Strategic Resource Options Technical Partner Framework

Thames Water, the UK’s largest water and wastewater services provider, has announced the establishment of the FA2050 Technical Partner Framework to support its groundbreaking Strategic Resource Options (SRO) programme. This framework, with a contract value of £300 million and a term of up to eight years, marks a significant milestone in Thames Water’s commitment to ensuring sustainable water resource management for the future. The SRO programme, essential for addressing the evolving needs of the community and the environment, is guided by a gated process prescribed by the Regulators’ Alliance for Progressing Infrastructure Development (RAPID), ensuring rigorous adherence to quality standards and regulatory requirements throughout the development cycle. The Arup Binnies joint venture (JV), along with two other suppliers, is poised to lead on three pivotal SRO programmes: These projects are characterised by a significantly greater scale and complexity than works within typical water utility capital delivery programmes. The new framework encompasses a comprehensive array of services across dozens of disciplines, including engineering, environment, planning, land, engagement, project management and consultation analysis. Binnies UK Managing Director, Scott Aitken commented “The Arup Binnies joint venture is delighted to support Thames Water’s ambitious goals through the Strategic Resource Options. Our team offers a strategic, comprehensive and adaptive approach tailored to deliver large infrastructure schemes that leave a lasting legacy for future generations to benefit from. With our consortium’s wealth of experience in engineering, environmental stewardship and strategic planning, we are uniquely positioned to realise Thames Water’s ambitions for securing and enhancing water resources in the south east and London region. We are dedicated to fostering positive change and creating a resilient future for the communities served by Thames Water.”Arup incoming Chair, UK, India, Middle East and Africa Region, Paula Walsh remarked “Arup is proud to be a global leader on water solutions, with significant experience in the UK delivering work for Thames Tideway Tunnel, the Environment Agency and Natural Resources Wales among many others. We are honoured to be invited to collaboratively support Thames Water’s ambition for more sustainable water solutions. The complexity and challenges of these projects is significant, but with our diverse experience we look forward to developing nature-led sustainable designs for these major new pieces of infrastructure. We have all seen first-hand how the climate emergency is causing water shortages in the UK. We are proud and ready to act to bring more secure, sustainable and resilient solutions that leave a legacy for future generations. Building, Design & Construction Magazine | The Choice of Industry Professionals

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Barhale wins mains upgrade work at Victoria and Euston

Barhale wins mains upgrade work at Victoria and Euston

Barhale has secured two further contracts under Thames Water’s AMP7 Conditional Allowance Trunk Main Schemes both adjacent to major London railway terminuses. The awards bringing the total value of works Barhale has been awarded under the scheme to £24.8M. The Victoria Station Trunk Main Replacement and the Eversholt Street Mains Replacement join the recently announced Fortis Green Trunk Main Replacement in the programme of AMP7 upgrades to essential water assets across London. At Victoria Station, civil engineering, infrastructure and tunnelling specialist Barhale will rehabilitate more than a kilometre of a 30” cast iron water main. Work is divided into two sections: 609 metres between Eaton Square and Victoria Street and a further 412 metres at Wilton Road to a point immediately south of its crossing with Warwick Way.  The majority of the existing main will be sliplined with 710mm SDR17 Polyethylene pipe.  Short open cut sections will be required at launch and reception pits and connection locations. At these points the original pipe will be replaced with 600mm nominal bore ductile iron pipework. At Eversholt Street near Euston Station, Barhale will rehabilitate a 660 metre length of 16” cast iron water main also using a combination of opencut and slip lining using 355mm SDR17 Polyethylene pipe. Shane Gorman, Barhale’s Water Director – Southern Region explained that the extremely busy nature of both locations had a significant influence on the engineering solution. “These are two of the most important rail gateways to the capital with thousands of passengers travelling through every hour,” he said. “Also, around each site, the roads are very busy so it has been important to develop an approach that would not only protect future water supply in each area, but one which also minimises the impact to the local communities, businesses and rail and road users. “Our engineers will use a number of launch and reception pits to slipline the existing water main. This means we will be able to avoid the large-scale disruption that can be caused by continuous trenches and deliver a faster, better result. We will also reduce environmental impact in comparison with traditional open-cut methods. “We are very pleased that Thames Water has demonstrated its confidence in Barhale with these awards for schemes at such sensitive locations and we look forward to working closely with the Thames Water team to deliver this innovative solution.” Esther Sharples, Operations Director for London said: “We’re committed to keeping the taps flowing for Londoners and this multi-million-pound investment will further future-proof our network. “By working with Barhale and investing in innovative technology to upgrade our ageing Victorian pipes, we’re also able to reduce disruption for our customers in a busy central London location.” Handover and commissioning is expected at Eversholt Street in Spring of 2024 and at Victoria Station towards the end of 2024. Building, Design & Construction Magazine | The Choice of Industry Professionals

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Thames Water selects Barhale for East London sewer upgrade

A project to repair and replace two sections of parallel rising mains will rehabilitate an important section of the East London sewer network and will deploy innovative offsite manufacturing to replace an existing discharge chamber. Thames Water has appointed civil engineering and infrastructure specialist Barhale to carry out the £7.8 million programme adjacent to Gallions Reach Shopping Centre in Barking. The existing 800mm twin Store Road Rising Main runs from the Store Road Pumping Station (just north of the Woolwich ferry terminal) to an outfall that discharges into the Northern Outfall Sewer (NOS) near the Beckton Sewage Treatment Works inlet. Two sections of the twin mains will be rehabilitated: One section will require Barhale to replace the existing sewer with two lengths of 142m, 800mm diameter HDPE pipe which will be installed through open cut excavation. At the adjacent section, Barhale will repair a 220m length of each main using Cured in Place Pipe (CIPP) relining. A temporary rider system will be deployed to isolate the works while allowing flows to be maintained. After the pipeline work is completed, a prefabricated GRP discharge chamber will be installed. Shane Gorman, Barhale’s Water Director – Southern Region, explained that the chamber design needed to take into consideration high levels of H2S and weight restrictions on the NOS structure. “We have moved away from a traditional concrete discharge chamber and instead will be demolishing the existing chamber to install a modular GRP unit,” he said. It has several benefits – it’s lighter, reduces H&S risk, decreases carbon in the manufacturing process, cuts down on installation time on site and provides increased longevity and resilience for the network. “These lengths of the mains actually date back to 1977 and they have come under increased pressure from development in the area so, alongside the rehabilitation work, we will also be conducting detailed CCTV surveying of a further 31m of the elevated bridge structure that discharges into the NOS to ensure that it is in satisfactory condition.” “We are also very mindful of the proximity of Gallions Reach Shopping Centre, so our plans set out to minimise disruption and to maintain access for businesses and shoppers.” Building, Design & Construction Magazine | The Choice of Industry Professionals

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Avove wins major 12-year framework award with Northumbrian Water Group

Avove wins major 12-year framework award with Northumbrian Water Group

Leading capital infrastructure and engineering services company, Avove, has been awarded a multi-million-pound design and build framework agreement with Northumbrian Water Group (NWG) as part of NWG’s Asset Management Period 8 (AMP8) £3.6 billion investment programme.  The design and build framework, which commences in January 2024 for up to 12 years, covers the delivery of large capital investment programmes, including renewal, refurbishment and replacement for clean and wastewater networks and assets. Avove is one of 12 partners who are part of the Living Water Enterprise, the innovative vehicle developed to deliver large-scale construction programmes on behalf of NWG for AMP8. Avove’s Executive Chair, Mark Perkins, said: “We are delighted to have secured our place on Northumbrian Water Group’s framework for AMP8, which represents a significant contract win for Avove and aligns with our ambitious development plans.  “During the tender process, it became clear that our strategic focus on being expert, agile and responsible aligned with the requirements of the Living Water Enterprise. Our delivery model is deeply rooted in our technical expertise, extensive experience, and commitment to service excellence across our entire business. We demonstrated that we are a collaborative provider of infrastructure services focusing on ESG, carbon reduction and innovative approaches to engineering, design and ways of working, whilst offering value for money.” With supply chain partners appointed, Avove will join NWG to form a highly integrated, collaborative delivery organisation which will play a key role in delivering NWG’s upcoming business plan commitments effectively and efficiently. This will consider the complete lifecycle of assets to ensure smarter spending and risk-based planning for the long term.  Mark continued: “This is an exciting partnership, creating economic growth and opportunity in the region through a committed and thoughtful deployment of our design and construction expertise. We look forward to collaborating with Northumbrian Water Group and its partners as part of the Living Water Enterprise, driving the best value and capital solutions across the programme and delivering really positive social impacts.” Monisha Gower, Assets Director at Northumbrian Water Group, said: “The market has never been so competitive, when it comes to adding the best partners and people to our team in the run-up to AMP8. We have had to be agile and move fast, employing innovation throughout our procurement practices, and it has paid off, building our new stable of partners and creating the capacity we need for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. “Already this year, we have worked with those previously-appointed partners to start the important work of creating a strong culture, centred around collaboration, innovation, safety and wellbeing, all with a clear focus on solutions that work for customers and the environment. “We have brought on board some of the most capable and innovative partners in our sector, each of whom will bring their energy and passion with them for the journey ahead. These partnerships aren’t just going to build more resilient services for our customers, they will build reputations and careers along the way. “The level of integration that we will build with all of our partners requires a lot of work, and we are excited to get started.” Building, Design & Construction Magazine | The Choice of Industry Professionals

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Costain awarded landmark new contract with Northumbrian Water

Costain awarded landmark new contract with Northumbrian Water

Appointment adds to Costain’s wins in the new water regulatory cycle Costain, the infrastructure solutions company, has been appointed by Northumbrian Water (NWG) to help shape and deliver its strategic infrastructure upgrade programme. The framework will see contracts awarded with the potential value of up to £670m to Costain over the 12-year period and builds on significant recent wins in the water sector for the company. The framework contract will see Costain work with the water company and its partners to shape, create and deliver solutions to meet the strategic needs of NWG’s business plan during Asset Management Period 8 (AMP8). The contract starts immediately and will run for a seven-year initial term with an option for a further five-year extension.  The framework is the Living Water Enterprise, the innovative vehicle developed to deliver NWG’s complex long cycle programmes in AMP8, comprising 12 partners and the water company. The work will involve: AMP8 will see the biggest investment in the water industry for decades. In 2023, Costain extended into AMP8 its Managed Service Provider contract with United Utilities and its consultancy work with Yorkshire Water. Costain has also won funding from Ofwat to support innovation projects. Alex Vaughan, CEO, Costain, said: “Costain is a leading business partner to the water industry, ensuring that water companies achieve value for money as they meet the needs of their customers and the regulator during this crucial period for water investment. We’re looking forward to supporting Northumbrian Water in this new working relationship, upgrading both its wastewater and water treatment infrastructure to improve people’s lives and safeguard the environment. At Costain, we develop solutions by building collaborative and sustainable relationships with our customers, and we’re excited to begin this vital work.  “This contract win not only reflects our continued growth in the water sector, but it also reinforces our commitment to improving critical infrastructure in the North-East of England. This includes major upgrades to the region’s highways and our carbon capture work in Teesside as part of the East Coast Cluster, generating opportunities for regional suppliers and employment for local people.” Building, Design & Construction Magazine | The Choice of Industry Professionals

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