Keeping the store lights on is the first rule of retail, but with increasing energy costs, many high-street names are seeking ways to reduce consumption without hitting the off switch. Whilst many retailers already recognise the benefit of installing LEDs, some aren’t aware of the further significant savings to be

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Phillips Lighting Unravel “Fans-First” Project

One of the major forces in the lighting industry worldwide, Phillips Lighting, have valiantly devoted their services to a project that will see Perth Stadium be the very first of its kind to include fully light-emitting diode (LED) lighting in the whole of the Oceania continent. This will undoubtedly put

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Venture Lighting Europe Announced New Collection of VLUMA

A company known as Venture Lighting Europe is pleased to announce its all new collection of VLUMA luminaires to potential customers around the country. The firm itself is very pleased to announce its commitment and passionate enthusiasm towards technology that devotes itself to using light-emitting diodes (or LEDs) and is

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LED Lighting Installed at Farmfoods’ Avonmouth Centre

As part of a project both designed and then provided by Minimise Energy, a leading provider of innovative energy-efficiency technologies, Light-Emitting Diode (LED) lights have now been fitted across Farmfoods’ new distribution centre at Avonmouth. Tailored to the needs of Farmfoods, where temperatures may drop to as low as -22°C

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Latest Issue
Issue 325 : Feb 2025



Keeping the store lights on is the first rule of retail, but with increasing energy costs, many high-street names are seeking ways to reduce consumption without hitting the off switch. Whilst many retailers already recognise the benefit of installing LEDs, some aren’t aware of the further significant savings to be made through lighting controls, as Ben Brunton, Lighting Controls Specialist at Prime Light explains.  Efficientlighting is one of the easiest ways to reduce outgoings for retailers and the savings are palpable as, unlike heating, it’s so easy to measure. Whether you are looking to capitalise on the efficiencies of installing a brand-new system or have an existing lighting infrastructure that would benefit from the easy addition of a hybrid control solution, there’s an option for everyone to secure some dramatic results. The major saving for many retailers comes out of hours. We’re currently working with a large UK retailer that is installing lighting controls into an existing LED infrastructure across their estate. By dropping the lighting output overnight, they not only create an improved working environment for employees, but they’ll also save 80% of lighting energy costs for 12 hours every day, recouping the cost of the control product within six months. However, it’s not just in the hours of darkness that savings can be made. Generally, retail units are over-lit, so in the day you can also drop the lighting output to 70% with no detrimental impact to the retail environment or risk of breaching lux output requirements. And as they are integrated into the existing in-house building management system, lighting controls work seamlessly in-store. There’s no need for any manual adjustments or risk of the lights going down in a late-night opening. The other real bonus of lighting controls is the instant impact that can be achieved. Not only can solutions be added to existing infrastructure so there’s little disruption in-store, but the systems can also be immediately commissioned by the contractor, meaning no delay in realising the benefits of a hefty commissioning bill. With an average energy saving of 40% across an estate, lighting controls are unquestionably one of the best ways for retailers to reduce energy costs beyond LEDs.  To find out more about lighting control products and what solution would work for you, please visit www.primelight.co.uk or contact Ben Brunton at bb@primelight.co.uk. 

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Many businesses remain unaware that they are wasting thousands of pounds a year on their energy bills. Cost is often a huge obstacle for upgrading lighting systems, and many warehouse managers will regularly put new lighting to the back of their minds as long as their current system is still working. This is where the Pay as You Save scheme by LED lighting experts EcolightingUK comes in. EcolightingUK specialises in helping companies to save a substantial sum on their energy bills. They help businesses who are looking for a solution that enables them to install a new LED lighting system with zero capital outlay, increased light levels, zero maintenance costs and a cash positive outcome from the first month after installation. Even with financing arrangements, projects are typically cash positive right from the start. In addition to substantial economic benefits, LED lighting also provides a sustainable contribution towards the fulfilment of long-term environmental objectives for all businesses. Significantly lower energy consumption means a reduced carbon footprint and less impact on the environment. Aside from the financial and environmental factors, the most obvious and instant benefit of LED lighting is the quality. The result of a lighter and brighter working environment improves visibility and enhances workplace safety for employees, and Ecolighting’s experience is that staff are delighted with the improvements made to their working environments. Introducing LED luminaires allows companies to save in excess of 70% in lighting energy costs, significantly reduce the cost of carbon tax as well as lowering maintenance costs. More in-depth calculations and examples of the savings a business can expect are available at https://ecolightinguk.com/finance-grants/ EcolightingUK also works with a central grant finding body which researches county council grants available across the country for assisting SMEs with carbon reduction.    Depending on the grants available, companies can expect to see massive energy savings when switching to LED lighting. By using LED lighting with the latest lighting management systems, it is now easy to achieve 50% to 80% energy savings on most projects with these energy savings paying for the systems and installation for a fast return on investment, often in just 18 months. Grants vary depending on the authority but can be as high as 60%, and whilst often capped this can be as much as £50,000. Further information on Pay as You Save energy saving LED lighting schemes is available from Ecolighting on 01455 552511, by emailing enquiries@ecolightinguk.com or by visiting the company’s website at www.ecolightinguk.com

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Phillips Lighting Unravel “Fans-First” Project

One of the major forces in the lighting industry worldwide, Phillips Lighting, have valiantly devoted their services to a project that will see Perth Stadium be the very first of its kind to include fully light-emitting diode (LED) lighting in the whole of the Oceania continent. This will undoubtedly put the stadium on the map as one of the most technologically advanced stadium sports locations in the southern hemisphere and will represent a major progressive investment for the whole of Australia. This initiative is the latest development of West Australia’s Government initiative to put a “fans-first” policy to the ways in which they conduct their developments in the region and the all-surround LED lighting system will be ideal to increasing the visibility and enjoyment prospects of punters attending the stadium. With the stadium having the ability to contain 60,000 people, the implementation of over 15,000 LED fittings that can be controlled and regulated appropriately will create an all-new visual experience and atmosphere for those coming to watch a game at the stadium. This will equally allow for the mixing of music with lighting to allow for even more spectacular pre-match shows that the stadium usually puts on, and the wonderful theatrical potential of the stadium will be used to the fullest now that the implementation of these new light fittings is going ahead. Perhaps even more impressively, it has been shown that the floodlights themselves, now that they have been implemented with LED, will be able to achieve the visual standards found on High Definition Television screens, a fantastic achievement for the stadium that all the fans in attendance, wherever they are placed, will be able to experience in their masses. Whether used as a sports venue or a rock musical concert space, the floodgates of new possibilities have been opened thanks to Phillips Lighting’s initiative to implement this quality new lighting system.

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Venture Lighting Europe Announced New Collection of VLUMA

A company known as Venture Lighting Europe is pleased to announce its all new collection of VLUMA luminaires to potential customers around the country. The firm itself is very pleased to announce its commitment and passionate enthusiasm towards technology that devotes itself to using light-emitting diodes (or LEDs) and is positive that its new range of products will be a roaring success among clients. Some of the many advantages of using these VLUMA products are that they are energy and cost efficient, much more so than other products that Venture Lighting Europe has had in the past. With a market base that caters to all forms of lighting settings, whether they be for the grand outdoors or the great indoors, VLUMA lighting products are particularly appealing in their flexibility and adaptability to the needs of different customers. For example, such products are available in a wide range of different wattages that will correspond to what they are intended to be used for. Equally, many of the different models will enable customers to choose what angle they want them at, as well as what setting they require and the energy levels that they output. Most of the products also come with a year-long warranty guarantee, whilst others will be able to last for an impressive total of 50,000 hours. Other luminary designs in the catalogue will enable customers to utilize an all-new “plug-and-play” system that allows the products to be cleaned or handled by clients and customers in whichever way they see fit. What is evident is that VLUMA luminaires are bound to be extremely popular with customers and that VLE are pleased with the investments that they have made in developing these new and more efficient LED products that have managed to remain up to date with the differing advancements in LED technological processes. VLUMA will undoubtedly be on the agenda of every serious light buyer.

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LED Lighting Installed at Farmfoods’ Avonmouth Centre

As part of a project both designed and then provided by Minimise Energy, a leading provider of innovative energy-efficiency technologies, Light-Emitting Diode (LED) lights have now been fitted across Farmfoods’ new distribution centre at Avonmouth. Tailored to the needs of Farmfoods, where temperatures may drop to as low as -22°C where frozen-food is stored, the completed project is able to effectively withstand these low temperatures as well as responded to changing levels of natural light across other areas of the centre, such as office spaces, and provide great benefits for Farmfoods as a result. As a leading partner for organisations looking to reduce their on-going energy reduction goals, as well as enhancing the bottom line also, Minimise Energy works across a wide range of energy saving, monitoring and reporting products, most notably including LED lighting. Additionally, the organisation also offers specialist lighting and optimisation for electric motors, gas and electric boilers, and also for air conditioning systems. The centre now has multiple roof lights which are able to cover approximately 15% out of the ambient area of the root, admitting forms of natural light which have also been factored into the lighting design as a whole. Additionally, sensors have been added to the ambient parts of the centre so that these lights can then respond to whether or not there are individuals actively in the building at a given time, and adjust the available lighting accordingly – a major contributor to the energy efficiency of the building. Providing some commentary on the exciting project, Farmfoods’ Property Development Manager, William Scanlon explained the importance of balancing the maintenance of its frozen-food, in the perfect conditions, alongside that of promoting energy efficiency to be of the utmost import. He also added that the designing of the perfect LEDs as well as property lighting control is one of the key ways in which Farmfoods will be aiming to achieve its efficiency goals.

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