‘DECC may be no more but our energy commitments remain’ says EUA
Published: 19 July, 2016
The Energy & Utilities Alliance (EUA) is calling for clarity and reassurance following the closure of the Department of Energy & Climate Change (DECC).
Prime Minister Theresa May closed the department under her first cabinet reshuffle and transferred its responsibilities to the newly named Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy, under MP Greg Clark.
“The announcement is distracting but we must stay focused,” said Isaac Occhipinti, head of external affairs at the Energy & Utilities Alliance (EUA).
“We are disappointed that the DECC has been moved. At a time when industry is looking to the government for some certainty and continuity, this won’t help. However we recognise the links between energy and industrial strategy and so we are looking forward to working with Mr Clark and his new team on decarbonising UK heat and exploring how green gas can help us meet our 2050 climate targets.
“I will be calling on the new Minister to clarify, as a matter of urgency, where they stand on existing policies such as ECO. Industry wants reassurance and soon.
“Attention needs to be directed at decarbonising heat. All too often politicians use heat and power interchangeably and this needs to stop. The new department needs to embrace green gas as a means of decarbonising heat by utilising the existing grid to deliver low carbon heat to UK buildings with little disruption or expense. EUA will be closely monitoring the performance of the new department.”