Slaked lime is one of the common names that the chemical composition – calcium hydroxide is called. There are other names used to refer to this chemical composition especially depending on the form they take. There are some important things you should know about this compound. Well, this article is born out of the need to help you understand this essential chemical compound. This is advised considering how it is used for several applications. This knowledge will also ensure you get the right one if/when the need ever arises. To this end, you are advised to read on as we fill you in on some things to know about slaked lime. What Is Slaked Lime? It is another word used to describe the calcium hydroxide compound. This is a compound that presents itself in a white power state under standard pressure and temperature. A lime slaker manufacturer specializes in equipment for the slaking process of lime, specifically calcium hydroxide. Slaked lime finds diverse applications such as pH regulation in agriculture, water treatment, lime mortar preparation in construction, and usage in the food and chemical industries. It is an alkaline substance historically used for medicinal purposes, but caution is necessary during handling due to potential skin and eye irritation. As mentioned above, slaked lime is not the only term used for this compound. Pickling, caustic, and slack – lime; are some of the others names used as well. To understand the chemical formula explaining this compound, you can start by understanding that its type of compound is ionic. This is considering how polyatomic hydroxide ions get the two electrons lost by the calcium element. There is a long technical explanation for this but simply put, slaked lime’s chemical formula is Ca(OH)2. For more on this, you can visit: Things Involved In The Preparation Of Calcium Hydroxide This chemical composition is used in many places for various reasons. Two of the places where it is used mostly are laboratories and for commercial production of several things. In light of this, it is prepared from things such as: Calcium Chloride Especially for applications in laboratories, it is made by mixing the compounds – sodium hydroxide and CaCl2. However, the compounds would have to be in the form of aqueous solutions before the mixture. Calcium Oxide The use of the compound – CaO, for this purpose is mostly for commercial production. This involves the treatment of the CaO compound with water. Slaking of lime is the term used to explain the production processes involved in making Calcium Hydroxide from CaO. Calcium Hydroxide Properties Pointing out the properties of Calcium Hydroxide means that we have to touch on both the chemical as well as physical properties of this compound. Chemical Properties Some of the chemical properties of slaked lime include the following: Decomposition It has chemical properties that enable it to decompose at a certain temperature. Specifically, this happens when it is exposed to a temperature of 512℃. The decomposition will cause Calcium Hydroxide to break down into water and CaO which is also known as quicklime. Carbonatation Water and CaCO3 can be formed by this compound because of how its reaction with carbon dioxide unfolds. Reaction with Some Acids This compound would react to some acids. They include Dilute HCI and concentrated acid. When a reaction with the former occurs, water and calcium chloride is formed. When it is with the latter, calcium sulfate in precipitates form, and water is formed. Ammonia Formation Ammonia, water, and calcium chloride are formed when there is a reaction between slaked lime and ammonium chloride. Physical Properties Some of the physical properties of slaked lime include the following: Melting Point at 580℃ You may have come across details explaining that decomposition of slaked lime happens at 512℃. Well, its melting point is a lot higher as this happens at 580℃. Solubility Solubility is one of this compound’s physical properties but this only happens in a select few aqueous solutions. These solutions are glycerol, acids, and water. In addition to this, its physical ability to become or stay soluble is threatened when faced with increased temperature. And just so you know, its ability to be soluble does not apply when alcohol is involved. This is even though there are alcohols that fit the description of aqueous solutions. So, you should take note of this. Alkaline or Basic Natural State Slaked lime is alkaline or basic in its natural state. This is unless some activities have been carried out to make it otherwise. Molar Mass Based on Avogadro’s amount of molecules, slaked lime has a molar mass of 74.9mol/g. If you would like to know the chemical concept behind Avogadro’s amount of molecules, you can read this article. Choosing a slaked lime supplier is a crucial decision. So, it is important to request detailed product information and samples, evaluating production capacity and logistical capabilities for a consistent and timely supply. Prioritize effective communication and customer support. Compare quotes, mindful that low prices may indicate compromised quality. Obtain references and reviews to gauge supplier performance and reliability. Consider environmental practices and, finally, review and negotiate contractual agreements, ensuring clarity on pricing, delivery, and quality specifications. This comprehensive process helps choose a supplier aligned with requirements, contributing to operational success. Connect with professionals and industry associations for recommendations on reputable suppliers adhering to quality standards. Consult manufacturers of lime-related equipment and engage with environmental experts for insights into sustainability practices. Additionally, consider input from experts in procurement, logistics, and quality control. Leveraging their knowledge and experience will help them make an informed decision when choosing a slaked lime supplier. Conclusion Understanding basic things about slaked lime such as we have discussed are important. This is because of its use for so many reasons. Some of its applications have to do with sewage treatment, aiding digestion, water processing, sugar production, whitewashing, and paper production. Seeing that it is used for so many reasons, you should not make light of the need to know about this important compound. This